ARIA Authoring Practices Task Force

29 June 2021


Jemma, jongund, Matt_King, Rich_Noah, sarah_higley

Meeting minutes

<jesdaigle> +present

<Jemma> https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/wiki/June-28,-2021-Agenda


Setup and Review Agenda

Jemma: next meeting July 15th

HTML Range Slider Example

<Jemma> HTML Temperature Slider PR #1757

Jemma: need review by Matt and Jes

Matt_King: was question of events being monitored answered?

Matt_King: we are going to use 2 events instead of one

Jemma: did you have a chance to read the comment on Narrator?

<Jemma> this example uses the change and pointermove events and it is working on iOS and Android. Thanks for looking into this.

jongund: we are not using Narrator.

Matt_King: I agree, this is a non issue.

Jemma: are we still waiting on review?

Matt_King: i don't see any comments. We are waiting on Jes and myself.

Rating Radios

<Jemma> https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/pull/1870

Jemma: Jon commented IOS radio group is not read.

Jemma: can we ask James to review?

jongund: he could possibly review

Matt_King: not sure if James is the proper one to review

Matt_King: we have functional and visual design review

Matt_King: I see Siri has signed up.

Jemma: does anyone want to review the example?

Jemma: Siri sent zoom chat to assign to her.

Matt_King: design is different but implemented not to look like radios. We want something that is expected on a modern website in this widget.

Jemma: it was interesting the zero star for visual design

Matt_King: the radio doesn't have a zero

Jemma: the example shows

Matt_King: is there a reason for having two examples?

jongund: one shows 1 star minimum the other shows zero stars

Matt_King: I want to keep the example as simple as possible. I vote for one radio group

jamesn: if someone shows a website that shows the 1 star but I have never seen one.

Matt_King: I do not know if the second group enhances our example

Jemma: if removal of the second then visual design is approved.

Matt_King: Jemma if you approve then that concludes review

Matt_King: thank you for volunteering for functional review Siri

Tree Example - Set aria-selected to active tree view item

<Jemma> sarah's comment

<Jemma> https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/pull/1869#discussion_r660853842

sarah_higley: the person that created the PR didn't set it properly. We should focus on visual focus selected style.

Matt_King: so you are saying in examples are not used properly?

sarah_higley: yes, that is correct. You have to select it.

Matt_King: is everything in the tree selectable?

<Jemma> https://www.w3.org/TR/wai-aria-practices/examples/treeview/treeview-1/treeview-1a.html

sarah_higley: do we want aria selectable??

Matt_King: my thinking is they should all be selectable

sarah_higley: they are all selectable

Matt_King: in that case selection does not follow focus

Jemma: waiting on new PR

Matt_King: we had a question on what is required by the spec.

Matt_King: we do need the PR for the tree item

jongund: we can create a new one

Matt_King: let us see if the author modifies their PR

Tooltip Design Draft

<Jemma> https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/issues/128

<Jemma> https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/issues/128#issuecomment-862808159

<Jemma> by Bryan

Matt_King: ultimate goal is to put useful guidance in the tool tip design pattern

Matt_King: it is currently a token section

Matt_King: a link to an issue has generated a lot of discussion. Bryan to summarize the discussion.

Matt_King: hope here is to come to conclusion on some of the types of guidance to add/remove from the tool tip design pattern.

bryan: content of tool tip depends on what you are trying to accomplish.

Matt_King: if it were to focusable would it be a dialog?

bryan: yes, can cause poor layouts.

Matt_King: hesitant to add new vocabulary to the APG

Matt_King: unless it is terminology we need to concisely write guidance then the creation of new terms might not help.

Matt_King: how important is distinguishing one type of tool tip.

<jamesn> +1 to introduce the term toggletip

sarah_higley: I suggest having a separate name for on hover than on click. The two get conflated. People do not separate them.

bryan: that would help define for developers.

Jemma: james +1 one the comment

Matt_King: normally don't hear designers refer to it as tooltip

bryan: normally help icon

Matt_King: can we call it a toogle tip?

jamesn: I don't hear our designers talking about hover. I hear the term pop-overs.

<sarah_higley> here's the Open UI research for tooltip, with the various names: https://open-ui.org/components/tooltip.research

Jemma: as a former U

Jemma: as a former UX designer there is usually a design library componenet

jongund: we used to talk about input assistance

jongund: what is the difference between a tooltip and error feedback?

Matt_King: error feedback is not normally caused by hover or focus

<Jemma> https://www.nngroup.com/articles/tooltip-guidelines/

sarah_higley: we should not include error feedback as an example

<Jemma> "Definition: A tooltip is a brief, informative message that appears when a user interacts with an element in a graphical user interface (GUI). Tooltips are usually initiated in one of two ways: through a mouse-hover gesture or through a keyboard-hover gesture."

sarah_higley: showing an error icon to click/hover is a bad pattern

<jamesn> +1 error information should be persistent

Matt_King: so none of the error information should be in a pattern?

sarah_higley: yes, not showing a model for anyone

siri: tooltips should never include essential information

Matt_King: bryan what is your position on this?

bryan: it is hard to define what essential information is. it means different things to different people. you can allow the announcement of a tooltip to be the sole source of the element. you would need to be able to navigate into it.

Jemma: tooltip is contextual, it can be critical information and not critical information. They are there to add supplemental information to understand the context better.

<Jemma> "They provide descriptions or explanations for their paired element. Thus, tooltips are highly contextual and specific and don’t explain the bigger picture or entire task flow."

Matt_King: if we were to write "tooltips should never include critical information" is excessively restrictive.

sarah_higley: even aside from mechanical access tool tips are not accessible to all. It is a lazy method done when the design has not been figured out yet.

sarah_higley: I think we should give guidance on how tool tips are to be used because they are used poorly throughout the web.

sarah_higley: limit characters, what elements should applied to..

Matt_King: help me understand the tool tips, difference between persistent txt and when it receives focus.

sarah_higley: in a past study the participants did not prefer the hover tip

jongund: I propose a sub group

Matt_King: agreed, need consensus to boil down what this should look like.

jamesn: need to be careful to not convey this way is the best way for every interface.

<sarah_higley> It Depends™ :D

Matt_King: would be awesome to get some people together that commented on the thread.

jongund: we have alot of people here that can comment and come to consensus.

Matt_King: if we could have the behaviors for the tool tip role

Jemma: since bryan did the first draft why don't we have sarah to take over.

Matt_King: if we can other people from the community involved it would be great

<Jemma> https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/issues/128

sarah_higley: yes, let me read through it and then trying to reach out to the community.

Jemma: yes that was effective.


sarah_higley: i will read the comments and respond back at next meeting.

Jemma: we did not get to the topic of expedited PR review.

Matt_King: we can talk about this on July 13th meeting.

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 136 (Thu May 27 13:50:24 2021 UTC).


Maybe present: bryan, jamesn, siri