ARIA Authoring Practices Task Force

22 June 2021


CurtBellew, isaacdurazo, Jemma, MarkMcCarthy, Matt_King, Rich_Noah
isaacdurazo, matt_king

Meeting minutes

shair: Jemma

<Jemma> s/fix/fixed

<Jemma> s/fix/fixed/

setup and review agenda

<Jemma> no meeting on the first two weeks of July?

No meeting july 6

Discussion of July 13

Jon: probably should not take 2 weeks off in a row; last work in backlog.

Update on redesign project.

Isaac: still welcoming feedback on wireframes.

this week started how to use template provided by E&O WG.

Working on how to fit current content into that template.

The current wireframe proposal is early rough draft.

Remember that this is going to be iterative.

mk: where publish content in e&o template?


Jes: we could leverage existing netlify

html range slider example

<Jemma> https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/pull/1757

Matt_King: not sure if these are resolved issues

<Jemma> https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/pull/1757#issuecomment-866205957

jon: just did an update

jon: think we are good

<Jemma> "I changed the example to use the change and pointermove events and it is working on iOS and Android."

Matt_King: ok good. so we are using two events

Matt_King: so browser does support touch? dragging with touch?

jongund: it triggers event if you move pointer move event

Matt_King: ok so it means pointer is moved by VO. Correct?

jongund: seems to be working, yes

Matt_King: ok cool. sounds like pretty solid

Matt_King: whos signed up for reviews?

Matt_King: gonna do functional review

with screen readers

Jemma: you are done?

siri: think i done but will do it again

Jemma: ok please check off list

Jemma: Jes is possible to do code review?

jump-to short key

<Jemma> https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/pull/1923#issuecomment-861760938

Matt_King: jon made comment on some keyboards.

<Jemma> "

<Jemma> Scripting the option+0 key for macOS may cause internationalization issues, since the the keypress for option+0 generates some character other than zero. I account for this special character in the current script, but if someone is not using English keyboard it could generate another character may not not work for them." by Jon

jongund: it works now in nelgish keyboards but will be fragile. if someone has a different keyboard.

jongund: something to be aware of. Maybe not a big deal?

Matt_King: are there any ways to make this more robust? Rich, Jes?

Rich_Noah: nothing really pops up

jongund: with key you will get a character.... idk

Matt_King: james, do you know any people that might have potential input on this topic?

jamesn: not off hand

Matt_King: everybody, is this a concern?

Matt_King: think we should merge... not sure if we should have an issue?

Jemma: thinking possible to add a note

Matt_King: this is part of the design

jongund: just merge it and see if people notices

Matt_King: we might run into this again

Matt_King: isaac and jess this is something to keep in mind

review of accordion widget

Matt_King: ok just wanted to double check on thah concerns and make sure there are no red flags

Jemma: skipping next meeting agenda

Matt_King: yah lets skip it and get time to talk about bryans work on tooltip

review of accordion widget

rating radios

<Jemma> https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/pull/1870

Matt_King: question about multiple radio groups examples

Matt_King: my concern is we have a radio group example (pizza example)

<Jemma> rating radio example is https://raw.githack.com/w3c/aria-practices/radio-rating/examples/radio/radio-rating.html

Matt_King: then we'll also have this other radio group example (rating one)

Matt_King: this example allows to write about ratings vs ratings sliding and both perform similar but differences and pros and cons

Matt_King: my question is: idk we need to have a. unch of rating group examples

Matt_King: question of maybe too many examples

Matt_King: we should probably cconsider removing the pizza radio group and replacing with ratings rating group

Matt_King: jon, maybe you have some input on that

jongund: think original rating group example contrasting aria example and look like radio groups

<Jemma> https://w3c.github.io/aria-practices/examples/radio/radio.html

<Jemma> Radio Group Example Using Roving tabindex

jongund: visually look different

jongund: useful to have contrast

<Jemma> https://raw.githack.com/w3c/aria-practices/radio-rating/examples/radio/radio-rating.html

jongund: i think the two pizzas one look the same but one uses active decendent and the other one...

<Jemma> we are talking these two examples

jongund: rating too different

jongund: people might struggle connecting between pizza example and rating example

jongund: underneath they are different

jongund: dont think we hurt anybody if we keep them on

jongund: simpler pizza example might be easier to look at the code

Jemma: jon and matt i think i missed third example

Jemma: so we decide to keep these?

<siri> +1 Jon

Matt_King: we'll three radio group examples

Jemma: ok

<Jemma> Radio Group Example Using Roving tabindex

<Jemma> Radio Group Example Using aria-activedescendant

Jemma: everyone agrees?

<Jemma> agena?

Matt_King: lets make sure we have enough people looking at this

<Jemma> https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/pull/1870

jongund: I'll test on android and ios

siri: I'll do windows

jongund: can do mac os too

Matt_King: we should also have other people look at it

siri: oi can do windows and other kind of phone

Matt_King: I'm really curious about visual design review

Jemma: we might need to recruit people for visual design review

Jemma: please if anyone can recommend reviewers it would be appreciated

review of accordion widget

tree example: aria-selected

<Jemma> https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/issues/1680

<Jemma> https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/pull/1869

<Jemma> The ARIA 1.1 spec for treeitem requires aria-selected https://www.w3.org/TR/wai-aria-1.1/#treeitem.

Matt_King: question about the issue more than PR. It says ARIA selected is required... wondering if people agree with the ARIA spec is requiring

Matt_King: tree example work without ARIA selecting but not performing an action

dont think we want to use selected

because we use current

Matt_King: if spec says we need to use selected... maybe we have a spec issue?

Jemma: James any comments about this?

jamesn: gonna have to research the issue and take a look

Jemma: would you leave a comment on the issue?

jamesn: how do you find that info?

jamesn: just lookng at the spec

jamesn: so also looking at latest editor draft?

jamesn: yes

jamesn: this is the whole aria selected stuff we went through.

Matt_King: this is a new language

jongund: aria 1.2 says is required

jamesn: yah it could be a bug

Matt_King: this is tricky for me. this will be apg 1.2 to support aria 1.2 spec

jamesn: in futurte we'll move to non version of apg

Matt_King: right

Matt_King: maybe we should add a note to the documentation

jamesn: what others things take aria seleected?

Matt_King: we put same language in option as well

Matt_King: dont remember anywhere else

jongund: tree item also has

Matt_King: gonna make a comment to this issue about the change comming to ARIA

Matt_King: the other tree example, the file tree one. Wondering if that one should be using selected

Matt_King: we could say is up to the browser to weather or not selected it

Matt_King: not really sure

Bryan: i think for a single select dont why would be necesary

only thing is that as behavioral thing when you have aria selected...

only then an element becomes exposed

Matt_King: oh on reading mode?

bryan: yes

Matt_King: ok true... maybe in file tree view

<Jemma> https://w3c.github.io/aria/#treeitem

Matt_King: would you advocate for aria asertion? and required they should do?

Matt_King: doesnt have to be in the spec. strictly AT behaviour

Matt_King: this probably should be in the scope for this issue

Jemma: action item is for you matt to add a comment


ok I'll still be adding the same question

Matt_King: want to make sure question is clear

Matt_King: thanks Bryan for your work on tooltip. Are you able to join the call next week?

Bryan: yes I will

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 136 (Thu May 27 13:50:24 2021 UTC).


Succeeded: s/short key/shortcut key

Failed: s/fix/fixed

Failed: s/fix/fixed/

Succeeded: s/pups/pops/

Succeeded: s/MarkMcCarthy: if spec says we need to use selected... maybe we have a spec issue?/Matt_King: if spec says we need to use selected... maybe we have a spec issue?

Succeeded: s/suer/sure

Maybe present: Bryan, Isaac, jamesn, Jes, Jon, jongund, mk, shair, siri