IXML Community Group Teleconference

11 May 2021


Aleksei, John, Michael, Steven, Tomos

Meeting minutes

Previous Actions

Action: Steven to research where to put S for attributes.

Action: Michael to comment on conformance section of new draft

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<trackbot> Sorry, but no Tracker is associated with this channel.

Steven: My action continues

Steven: Michael's is done
… on the agenda

New draft




Steven: Do want to discuss?
… or should I just add to spec




MIchael: As questions arise please ask.

Action: Steven to apply Michael's text to spec

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Michael: Are people happy with the suggestion of giving a choice about which tree gets returned for ambiguity.
… I want to do that.
… I would rather it be conformant

Steven: Processors may on user option return more than one

[General agreement]

John: How about distinguishing when there are several?

Steven: Already there.
… attribute

Tomos: Can we make that optional?

Michael: it is only an attribute

Steven: In the ixml namespace

Tomos: Can we make it optionally switchable?

Michael: I am uneasy, but if it is a user option...

Tomos: It isn't required, but implementers can decide to make it option

Michael: I think I can live with that.

Action: Steven to find wording to make ambiguous attribute optional

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Tomos: I want to support namespaces
… take the roundtripping.
… to take XML and turn it into another form.

Michael: mathml to latex and back?

Tomos: If you can express it with a grammar then the two abstractions are equivalent.

Steven: It sounds like we are redesigning ixml
… adding new requirements

Tomos: No, I want to plug some gaps.

Steven: So you would be happy if we could insert strings into the serialisation

Tomos: Just namespaces would be enoughj

John: a different example. Can you parse XML?

Steven: Yes.

John: Then you can handle namespaces.

Michael: Let me try and understand the question.


Tomos: I would like to accept prefixed names

Steven: They already are aren't they?

Tomos: Even if the prefix is available, we can't specify the namespace
… that's all we need
… I don't think it's a big change

Michael: This is going to be a judgement call of cost:benefit, and if it complicates things. ixml has relative simplicity. If it is low-cost, there are advantages for xml. We need to have proposals on how to do it.

Michael: I would rather make a decision once we had a proposal or two

Tomos: Can we post on the github the grammar

Steven: Isn't it there already?

Tomos: I mean a canonical file.

Action: Steven post grammar on github

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Michael: I propose that people take actions to sketch out a proposal

Action: All to propose draft changes for namespace support

<trackbot> Sorry, but no Tracker is associated with this channel.



Steven: "Should we explicitely state the requirements for ixml?"

Tomos: Yes.

John: Roundtripping requires you keep all the information in the result.

Steven: Grammar author's responsibility.

<cmsmcq> Is round-tripping a requirement? Is round-trippability a requirement? John - but when the grammar is used as a kind of query to extract important bits, we often throw information away.

John: A double round trip would be idempotent

MIchael: I'm unsure about formalising the requirements. The discussions are not always useful.

Steven: Requirements help guide discussions.

Action: Steven draft a list of the requirements as they were

<trackbot> Sorry, but no Tracker is associated with this channel.

Tomos: I'm in favour of controlling how the XML is produced.

Michael: Is the requirement "Control over what XML is produced" or "Moderate control"?


Tomos: I will be happy to take the minutes next time.

Steven: I will be backup

Steven: Next meeting Tues 8 June, 14Z

rssagent, make minutes

Summary of action items

  1. Steven to research where to put S for attributes.
  2. Michael to comment on conformance section of new draft
  3. Steven to apply Michael's text to spec
  4. Steven to find wording to make ambiguous attribute optional
  5. Steven post grammar on github
  6. All to propose draft changes for namespace support
  7. Steven draft a list of the requirements as they were
Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 131 (Sat Apr 24 15:23:43 2021 UTC).


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No scribenick or scribe found. Guessed: Steven