ARIA Authoring Practices Task Force

30 March 2021


CurtBellew, jamesn, Jemma, jongund, MarkMcCarthy, Matt_King, sarah_higley
Matt King
jamesn, jongund

Meeting minutes

Address PR status

Matt_King: 1st 3 are lightweightfixes to examples

Updated disclosure button for FAQ and Image Description examples by jongund · Pull Request #1814 · w3c/aria-practices

Matt_King: If there are visual changes need to look at WHCM and other contrast

Matt_King: in 1814 what needs reviewing?

Matt_King: code changes - needs code review

jongund: was a separate PR which was done automatically for inline SVG

jongund: inline SVG in the CSS files was done elsewhere

Matt_King: small amount of doc changes under a11y features

<siri> https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/pull/1814

jongund: need to look at in light of chrome

jongund: proposed changes in thermostat

Matt_King: are there WHCM changes in this that model the thermostat slider one

jongund: these are old now

Matt_King: are there WHCM bugs now that there is SVG here

Matt_King: don't have to fix in this PR

<CurtBellew> For some reason I'm not able to get the Call details link in the email to work. Could someone please provide the URL?

Matt_King: didn't introduce that bug

jongund: they disappear in some high contrast modes - the twisties

<CurtBellew> Thank you, Mark

Matt_King: can someone raise the high contrast issues

<MarkMcCarthy> Of course Curt!

Matt_King: my proposal is to merge with those bugs as known bugs

Matt_King: these code fixes didn't cause those bugs

Matt_King: going to be bocoup to review

Matt_King: maybe should leave HC mode doc out for now

jongund: ok

Updated checkbox example to restore visual keyboard focus styling feature by jongund · Pull Request #1802 · w3c/aria-practices

<MarkMcCarthy> https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/pull/1802

jongund: added focus around the label as well as the checkbox

Matt_King: should this have all of the reviews?

Matt_King: should have no aria AT impact right?

jongund: only change to RT is can't send key.space - have to use the space character

Matt_King: visual design, high contrast, code and test

Matt_King: I'll add after the meeting

Matt_King: imagine will be the same for 1801

<MarkMcCarthy> I'll take Windows HCM reviews on these, will be quick

Matt_King: need volunteers

Fixes and updates to index files:

<MarkMcCarthy> https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/pull/1607

Matt_King: I think we want to merge HCM infofirst

jongund: no

jongund: intertwined... fix for `aria-label` first.... then other

need to make sure index is accurate

Matt_King: need to make sure index is accurate

Matt_King: a few ways to review... make sure it matches - then checking the result of that is the part I was finding to be very tedious

Matt_King: is something as we look at redesign that indexing is robust

jongund: code is succinct

Matt_King: sarah_higley do you have time to look at #1709

sarah_higley: sure

Matt_King: should reference the wiki page

Matt_King: roles, states and properties that are included in heading or code tag, anything in table of role, states and propreties - then the meta tags (actually data attributes)

jongund: think that is correct

Matt_King: 1709 first

sarah_higley: my comment was about adding tooltips to every link

jongund: I think we added it as the Screen reader wasn't picking up the abbreviation

Matt_King: my comment was that needed it defined somewhere

Matt_King: outside the link and next to it is fine

sarah_higley: `aria-describedby` if that is a good idea?

siri: could provide the abbreviation for HC at the top

Matt_King: if you read through the table then will hear the HCs but wouldn't hear them in the list of links

Matt_King: ok

Matt_King: taking the titles off the links

Matt_King: work on 1709 first then 1607


Jump to main content


jongund: don't think we need the show all landmarks and show all headings

<Jemma> you can see live example here https://www.disability.illinois.edu/

<Jemma> you tab into and can see landmark and page outline

jamesn: not really intended for screen. reader users

Matt_King: visually persistant

Matt_King: no logo on these pages do we

jongund: visibiltiy is important - for keyboard only

jamesn: accesskey sounds good

jongund: in this version it is a title attribute - would include a generated tooltip when it gets focus

Matt_King: how do you know what to put in

jongund: calculated base on OS and browser

Matt_King: you have to hard code it

jongund: yes i'm computing it

removing the collapsible list box

sarah_higley: burn it

Matt_King: would like a PR to deprecate it

sarah_higley: keep the page link but have it being a note about the deprecation

Matt_King: want to reference the select only combobox

sarah_higley: I'm happy to do the PR

Matt_King: lets get a proposal

revisit accordion behaviors on demo page

ARIA 1.3 First Working Draft Prep

MK: What we need for annotations, there are room for a lot of guidance

MK: It should be similar to our labeling and describing section, rather than functional example

MK: That is the first item

JN: I think prose is good, but we could link to an example document

JN: A page with static annotations

MK: Kind of like what we do for landmarks

JN: I have some ideas for this

MK: Some borrowing from what Aaron has done

MK: We might get contributions from many people, JN can you start off

JN: Do we want a super annotation issue that covers all of these things

MK: COmments and suggestions go together, aria-details is an interesting beast,

MK: Isn;t aria-details used to link... termonology

MK: ONe is the annotation and ..

JN: aria-details references the thing you are annotating and the annotation

MK: It feels like for that use case, the details should be specifically fot annotations

JN: We have other uses for aria-details, but this is the primary use case

JN: Aaron needed it

MK: What are the use cases related to suggestions...

JN: Let me look

<Jemma> here is info for aria details annotation https://github.com/w3c/aria/pull/1136

JN: The two use cases, not specially annotations, when you have some other user editing the text,

JN: There is inline stuff...

<Jemma> "aria-description="[localized string]" (similar to how aria-label can be used instead of aria-labelledby). This is a generically useful attribute that has been requested for years, and can be placed on any element.

<Jemma> Note for authors: aria-description should not be used when there is a more specific semantic to express the same information.

<Jemma> Order of precedence for description fields in accessibility APIs: 1) aria-describedby, 2) aria-description, 3) native markup such as HTML's @title"

MK: Is it the case we put aria-description in two places and they reference each other

JN: I will do 2 PRs, so they are not so big

MK: Let's address annotation first

<Jemma> Thanks so much, James!

JN: I will get something for us to comment on

MK: What is the direction aria-braille* , since there are lot of warnings in the spec

MK: It should be about when to use it or why to use it

JG: I am concerns about people using without understanding them, since they have label and descrption in the text string

JN: We need people who use Braille to give the examples, where these would be useful

<Jemma> jn: I would like to propose simply putting braille name and description with intended purpose with caution

JN: I think we could add a caution in the naming and description section about the using them without expert knowledge

JG: Have these attributes been socialized with Braille users

revisit accordion behaviors on demo page

MK: We need to vet them through the spec process

JN: The practices should reenforce the need for caution

MK: We need to reach out to Sina and Peter

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 127 (Wed Dec 30 17:39:58 2020 UTC).


Succeeded: s/lightweigfht /lightweight

Succeeded: s/merge this /merge HCM info

Maybe present: JG, JN, MK, siri