Web Fonts Working Group Teleconference

16 March 2021


Chris, Garret, Mark Ayasse, sergeym, Vlad
Jason Pamental

Meeting minutes


<chris> oh come on

garret explaining the two changes to sparse bit sets to reduce size.

<Vlad> Discussion of the experimental results documented at https://github.com/w3c/PFE-analysis/blob/main/results/set_encoding_branch_factor.md

Vlad: if you had to pick one branch factor (so no variable) which one?

Garret: 4 is probably the best, set sizes are usually going to be the smallest

Garret: if we use variable the encoder could use a heuristic or test the different factors

Vlad: picking between the two will take some time, probably not justified by the savings.

Garret: ok, so sounds like we will stick with just 4

Garret: likewise for the intervals lets stick with the current method and not introduce a second mechanism for encoding intervals.

codepoint injection

<Vlad> See https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/6063#issuecomment-797426308

Next topic, should developers be able to manually request extra codepoints?

Main use case I see is when developer may know what content is coming in the future.

Vlad: my concern is you start by sending a request for a specific set of codepoints. The process stays the same regardless of where they came from. For the incremental loading we don't care.

Vlad: so seems like an orthogonal issue.

Garret: my feelings is this doesn't need to be part of the spec, but could be added later to either the font loading api and/or css specs.

Chris: will we be leaving it up to the browser to decide what to request.

Garret: current plan is to continue working on spec, who wants to review.

Vlad: I can.

Vlad: call next week?

Garret: probably not.

Garret: will send email.

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 127 (Wed Dec 30 17:39:58 2020 UTC).


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