15:58:08 RRSAgent has joined #webfonts 15:58:08 logging to https://www.w3.org/2021/03/16-webfonts-irc 15:58:10 RRSAgent, make logs public 15:58:10 Zakim has joined #webfonts 15:58:12 Meeting: Web Fonts Working Group Teleconference 15:58:12 Date: 16 March 2021 15:59:33 sergeym has joined #webfonts 15:59:54 present+ 16:00:13 Regrets: Jason Pamental 16:00:24 present+ 16:00:43 Garret has joined #webfonts 16:01:03 present+ 16:05:56 chris has joined #webfonts 16:07:12 https://github.com/w3c/PFE-analysis/blob/main/design/patch_subset_protocol_v3.md#codepoint-reordering 16:08:17 zakim, pick a victim 16:08:17 Not knowing who is chairing or who scribed recently, I propose Garret 16:08:20 zakim, pick a victim 16:08:20 Not knowing who is chairing or who scribed recently, I propose Garret 16:08:23 zakim, pick a victim 16:08:24 Not knowing who is chairing or who scribed recently, I propose Garret 16:08:29 oh come on 16:08:47 zakim, pick a victim 16:08:47 Not knowing who is chairing or who scribed recently, I propose Garret 16:09:05 zakim, seed() :) 16:09:05 I'm glad that smiley is there, chris 16:13:59 garret explaining the two changes to sparse bit sets to reduce size. 16:15:43 present+ Mark Ayasse 16:21:18 Discussion of the experimental results documented at https://github.com/w3c/PFE-analysis/blob/main/results/set_encoding_branch_factor.md 16:30:23 Vlad: if you had to pick one branch factor (so no variable) which one? 16:30:38 Garret: 4 is probably the best, set sizes are usually going to be the smallest 16:30:58 Garret: if we use variable the encoder could use a heuristic or test the different factors 16:31:24 Vlad: picking between the two will take some time, probably not justified by the savings. 16:31:54 Garret: ok, so sounds like we will stick with just 4 16:32:33 Garret: likewise for the intervals lets stick with the current method and not introduce a second mechanism for encoding intervals. 16:33:25 mayasse has joined #webfonts 16:33:45 Topic: codepoint injection 16:33:49 See https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/6063#issuecomment-797426308 16:34:39 Next topic, should developers be able to manually request extra codepoints? 16:35:57 Main use case I see is when developer may know what content is coming in the future. 16:36:58 Vlad: my concern is you start by sending a request for a specific set of codepoints. The process stays the same regardless of where they came from. For the incremental loading we don't care. 16:37:24 Vlad: so seems like an orthogonal issue. 16:39:36 Garret: my feelings is this doesn't need to be part of the spec, but could be added later to either the font loading api and/or css specs. 16:39:59 Chris: will we be leaving it up to the browser to decide what to request. 16:44:09 Garret: current plan is to continue working on spec, who wants to review. 16:44:16 Vlad: I can. 16:44:27 Vlad: call next week? 16:44:31 Garret: probably not. 16:45:01 rrsagent, make minutes 16:45:01 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/03/16-webfonts-minutes.html Vlad 16:45:02 Garret: will send email. 16:45:33 16:45:51 mayasse has left #webfonts 16:48:33 present+ Chris 16:48:36 rrsagent, make minutes 16:48:36 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/03/16-webfonts-minutes.html Vlad