WoT Marketing

09 February 2021


Daniel_Peintner, Ege_Korkan, Kaz_Ashimura, Kunihiko_Toumura, Michael_McCool, Sebastian_Kaebisch, Tomoaki_Mizushima
Ege, kaz

Meeting minutes

Minutes Review

<kaz> Feb-2

Any objections?

(no objections)

Animation Video

Sebastian: Last thing will be the caption file

Sebastian: We can add other languages step by step


<kaz> https://w3c.github.io/wot-marketing/

Daniel: We have some small PRs to add content and video

Daniel: coralie has the ball now. We gave the information on what we need

Kaz: Let's talk about the general strategy first
… let's clarify the current info and the upcoming one
… we should decide when to publish the page
… also how to manage the old and new information

McCool: 3 weeks sounds like a good target

<kaz> kaz: we need to clarify the logistics and plan at some page clearly

Sebastian: (writes issue for kicking off the publication of the new website)

<kaz> new issue to manage the kick-off plan

Ege: maybe use a blog post and the publication of the webpage to promote it twice

McCool: but the links could be broken
… that way everything is assured

McCool: also noticed that the word tutorial does not show up

<dape> see mccool, https://www.w3.org/2020/10/TPAC/group-updates.html#wot

Sebastian: we have a lot of content on youtube as well
… also one from Cristiano

McCool: there is also one from NHK

Sebastian: So I have done an introduction text that also has links to standards

<sebastian> https://github.com/w3c/wot-marketing/pull/116

Daniel: we can merge it now

McCool: we should watch out for the TODO-like text

Sebastian: images are self-made

Kaz: we should be clear which group (WG, IG, CG) manages which page on the website

McCool: should we talk with the all companies' marketing departments before publishing?

Daniel: before when Dave Raggett did the website and Matthias wrote the blog posts, there was no such management of groups

Daniel: we should not try to do something more complicated

McCool: it would be nice to have a Table of Contents so that I can go to the standards quickly

<kaz> PR 111 - add video thumbnail

Sebastian: like the last proposal

<kaz> last proposal

<kaz> PR 113 - Add Use Case TF description

Daniel: some typos there

McCool: I will check them and fix the typos

McCool: you can merge already

<kaz> (merged)

<kaz> PR 114 - Fix typos in Discovery TF description

Sebastian: (shows PR 114)

<kaz> PR 108 - Improve PF and F2F descriptions

Kaz: we should borrow the text from the Charter

<kaz> [[

<kaz> Teleconferences: Weekly with additional topic specific calls as appropriate.

<kaz> Face-to-face: We will meet during the W3C's annual Technical Plenary week; additional face-to-face meetings may be scheduled by consent of the participants, with no more than four (4) face-to-face meetings in total per year.

<kaz> ]]

<kaz> WoT WG Charter

McCool: I will go through the text and propose changes in a new PR

Kaz: thought I had talked with Wendy, etc., about this and got back to the group at some point. in short, the wot-marketing content is not a normative spec but a web page, so RF patent commitment is not required though we should be careful about the copyright. we can put some text to the CONTRIBUTING.md file on the repository about that point.

<kaz> PR 117 - add blog proposal for video

Ege: should we mention the Member companies?

Sebastian: should we mention the animator?

McCool: I am ok with mentioning them

McCool: we should check Webcastor's previous videos to see if they are mentioned

McCool: it would be better to do it in the video description

<kaz> (Kaz whispers the UC call has started...)

Sebastian: let's continue the discussion next week


Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 127 (Wed Dec 30 17:39:58 2020 UTC).