ARIA and Assistive Technologies Community Group

04 February 2021


jongund, jscholes, juliette_mcshane, Matt_King, michael_fairchild, Sina
James Scholes

Meeting minutes

hope I am using right url

Next tests to write

issue 385: https://github.com/w3c/aria-at/issues/385

js: Last year planned 13 patterns

work on those is coming to close.

Put off date picker combobox,but the other 12 are essentially done.

Main point is to discuss which patterns to tackle next.

May want to focus on roles we have not yet touched at all.

mk: Have we done with grid to cover relevant props

js: may need support for command sequences to test grid

js: suggested sliders

sina: +1

mf: also possibly trees

js: also spin button

js: table

mk: execute more on grid before table

mf: +1

js: toolbar

sina: when we can have discussion of aria-haspopup = dialog

mk: Not part of current scope because not in APG yet

js: Have to work out how and where we put those examples, the ones that are not in APG

all: discussion of what it would take to have tests for both apg and attributes

all: discussion of how we are not ready to take on aria-live

js: we have slider, tree, spinbutton, toolbar

Sina: are those specialized or do they have crossover

js: some corssover between slider and pinner because both based on range

sina: Asking about specialization in a different way, remember the multi-thumb slider

js: For each pattern, we will have to decide which specific examples we do

jf: can we add feed to list

js: could potentially add it

mk: feed could be opportunity to test the process of developing consensus among screen reader developers

Issue 386 agenda meeting labels


mk: I read this and think that it is a good idea to have distinct labels for different meetings

js: You can't determine which workstream an an agenda issue is for

mk: How many do we need, and what would they be?

js: 4, i think

js: maybe the round up meeting at end of month does not need a label if agenda is fixed

mk: discuss format and approach

mk: 4 labels of format agenda+community group, agenda+automation, etc\

Issue 375 - working mode updates


js: No new comments on issue, looking for way forward.

mk: I proposed some language we discussed last week

i don't know if we have consensus on it, but we didn't have objections

mk: James, can you put updated version of wiki in comment in issue using the language I proposed?

js: yes

NVDA browse mode detection (issue 382)


js: Testers are instructed to ensure nvda is in browse mode by pressing escape

instructions say it will not have any effect if already in browse mode

this is not correct because if focus is in a dialog or menu, it will close the dialog or men.

Maybe a solution is to have user press nvda+space until user hears browse mode sound

mf: might be the only way, don't see a problem with it

js: next step would be to come up with the language

mk: where are those instructions stored?

js: I believe there is a template in the aria-at repo

not sure which file

we would need to regenerate all tests

js: should we have an issue asking if we should have to regenerate all?

mk: I don't see a problem with regenerating all, irt will not delete date

Impact of hint text on tests (issue 365)


js: related to screen readers that provide hint text, which would presumably be on by default

VoiceOver has very specific ones.

Editable combobox test provides good example.

VoiceOver doesn't tell you it is uneditable unless you hear the hint.

Should we make assertions about hint text?

mk: Does the combobox role on Mac serve as sufficient idicator that the widget is editable

This almost feels like a discussion to have with Apple

js: to move forward with select only combobox, we jsut used role of combobox in assertions.

for Apple

mk: james, can you raise issue against core-aam to ask if MacOS mapping should specify what Chrome does for select only combobox as correct.

js: yes

js: will add more examples to issue 365

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 127 (Wed Dec 30 17:39:58 2020 UTC).


No scribenick or scribe found. Guessed: Matt_King

Maybe present: all, jf, js, mf, mk