Spoken Pronunciation Task Force Teleconference

13 January 2021


Dee, IrfanA, janina, JF, paul_grenier, Roy
Irfan Ali & Paul Grenier
Paul Grenier, paul_grenier

Meeting minutes

<IrfanA> zaki, who is here?

Agenda Review & Announcements

Editor's Draft Updates https://w3c.github.io/pronunciation/technical-approach/#attribute-ssml

irfan: we need to remove inline SSML approach and add the two alternatives for attribute model with their examples.

irfan: we're dropping the inline SSML but addressing issues with JSON-based example with a multi-attribute example. Eventually, only one approach will survive.

janina: the first public working draft will have both attribute approaches and seek feedback

irfan: we need one more implementation, in addition to texthelp

JF: nvda also supports a plugin architecture, could we pursue a plugin?

mhakkinen: nvda and orca are python plugins

mhakkinen: Joanie has been influential with VoiceOver

JF: how do we get this to be a priority for Joanie?

janina: we could bring this up for some funding

mhakkinen: we can also bring up the epub implementation which is all JavaScript based

janina: irfan and paul need to invite potential funding

Action: Irfan to invite Shadi to our next meeting

<trackbot> Created ACTION-21 - Invite shadi to our next meeting [on Irfan Ali - due 2021-01-20].

Review Timeline https://github.com/w3c/pronunciation/wiki/Timeline

irfan: dec 2022 for CR is the current goal

janina: we are somewhat dependent on WHATWG to give us a reserved prefix to use instead of data-*

janina: we may need to pad the timeline to account for coordinating that

JF: do we add 6 months?

janina: other TF has gone with 12 months

mhakkinen: the implementations can proceed without that approval

janina: we can't move from CR to PR until we have a reserved word

janina: a second CR phase will be needed with the reserved word

<Roy> https://raw.githack.com/w3c/apa/charter-2021/charter.html

janina: if we have implementations, we may not need to go to a second CR

irfan: timeline is updated to 2023

Github Issues

Action Updates

irfan: Mark and I will merge our changes based on the new demo in github

JF: CSUN 2021, it's too late. It seems what we'll want is the implementations so we can do show & tell.

JF: a python conference would be good if we're looking for implementors but if we're looking for content authors, we probably want to focus on places like Educause.

<JF> +1 to Janina - implementations is king

janina: we need to focus on socializing implementations right now

JF: (agree) I will draft an document about taking it out after we have those implementations

mhakkinen: Debbie Dahl would be interested (Conversational Technologies)

JF: maybe in our wiki we can capture all these socialization ideas

Action: JF to create a wiki page for social ideas

<trackbot> Created ACTION-22 - Create a wiki page for social ideas [on John Foliot - due 2021-01-20].

janina: there's a wishlist coming out of RQTF that we can add to

<Roy> https://www.w3.org/WAI/APA/task-forces/pronunciation/track/actions/open

<JF> https://github.com/w3c/pronunciation/wiki/Socialization

<IrfanA> trackbot, close action-22

<trackbot> Closed action-22.

Other Business

<IrfanA> trackbot, close action-19

<trackbot> Closed action-19.

Summary of action items

  1. Irfan to invite Shadi to our next meeting
  2. JF to create a wiki page for social ideas
Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 127 (Wed Dec 30 17:39:58 2020 UTC).


Maybe present: irfan, mhakkinen