DCAT subgroup call

15 July 2020


alejandra, AndreaPerego, PWinstanley, riccardoAlbertoni, SimonCox

Meeting minutes

<riccardoAlbertoni> PROPOSED: approve last meeting minutes https://‌www.w3.org/‌2020/‌07/‌01-dxwgdcat-minutes

accept last meeting minutes

<alejandra> 0 (was absent)

<riccardoAlbertoni> +1


<SimonCox__> +1

Resolution: approve last meeting minutes https://‌www.w3.org/‌2020/‌07/‌01-dxwgdcat-minutes

<riccardoAlbertoni> https://‌www.w3.org/‌2017/‌dxwg/‌wiki/‌Meetings:Telecon2020.07.15

accept agenda

riccardoAlbertoni: Any changes?

<SimonCox__> +1


<riccardoAlbertoni> +1

<alejandra> +1

where we are so far

riccardoAlbertoni: We focussed first on versioning, making some draft proposals, and taking some working decisions on GH issues.
… The idea is to organise a dedicated meeting in an agreed date to decide what we want to achieve.
… There are some solutions from specific vocabularies, and we have to decide whether to incorporate their data model, or stay at a more general level.
… The second aspect we have been covering is about data services, following feedback from outside the group.
… So we are going through these issues at the moment.

AndreaPerego: Some of the issues about data service are about how to query it to get the relevant data and if a database is a data service.

planning for next month

riccardoAlbertoni: For many European members, August is holidays. So we should decide whether to stop or not.

<SimonCox__> No holidays here!

riccardoAlbertoni: Maybe there are also plan for the broader group.

<alejandra> I'm not sure yet about availability in August

AndreaPerego: I may be able to attend anyway.

riccardoAlbertoni: What about restarting the last week of August?

<SimonCox__> Instead of discussing meetings, I'd like to discuss priorities?

riccardoAlbertoni: I actually don't see problems to have meetings in August if we want do that.

riccardoAlbertoni: About priorities, what we have is versioning and data services. But we can also include other items.
… SimonCox, do you have any suggestion?

SimonCox__: About data service, I am reluctant to go further than giving some directions. I think I can help more on versioning.

riccardoAlbertoni: I would like to make some decision on versioning first. So I suggest we try to have this sprint (either in August or in September).

<SimonCox__> +1 to Versioning sprint at the beginning of September

<SimonCox__> ... but would be good to have a strawman/draft first?

riccardoAlbertoni: The other possibility is implement some minor revisions on this topic, and then discuss later other issues.
… I have also sent a mail around with a summary of the issues. Don't know if this is useful - hope so.

alejandra: About what we mean with sprint. Is it a normal or an extended meeting?

riccardoAlbertoni: I'm open to both options - either 1 or 2 hours. The important thing is to have all editors present.

<SimonCox__> Do we also need Makx? He has some concrete/strong ideas

riccardoAlbertoni: Makx would be very welcome.

riccardoAlbertoni: So, to summarise: we are not going to plan meetings in August, unless something urgent happens. And we have the sprint in September.

Action: riccardoAlbertoni to change the doodle poll to include dates for September

<trackbot> Created ACTION-428 - Change the doodle poll to include dates for september [on Riccardo Albertoni - due 2020-07-22].

<riccardoAlbertoni> Opportunities to disseminate DCAT 2, for example, providing feedback and suggestion via the RDA survey (https://‌bit.ly/‌3emXK0s)

DCAT dissemination

riccardoAlbertoni: There's some RDA work that could be relevant, and the question is how to make them aware of DCAT.
… The RDA Metadata IG is trying to identify key metadata elements, and DCAT may have something to say on some of them.

<SimonCox__> Ranking 15 (?) elements before you can go further is not a great experience!

riccardoAlbertoni: So if we want to contribute, explaining the solutions we have adopted, we can add content to the documents they prepared.
… But I have not been following closely the work of this group, so I don't know if it is appropriate being proactive.

SimonCox__: I have some concerns of the approach they are taking.
… It is true however that DCAT is part of the game in RDA, but many people are also looking at schema.org.
… So, we may contribute, but I am not sure about the impact.

alejandra: I am not too familiar with RDA Metadata IG. I am also not sure how prioritising/ordering the elements helps
… Also, I have not seen any reference to DCAT in their documents.
… So it may be good having DCAT mentioned there.

riccardoAlbertoni: I tend to agree. I have not understood why they are doing this.

<riccardoAlbertoni> ack

AndreaPerego: I share the same concerns. But we can try.

riccardoAlbertoni: So, how we can proceed?

alejandra: I think it is important to understand what we want to achieve.

<riccardoAlbertoni> uality {http://‌bit.ly/‌2svs0Cc }

AndreaPerego: Yes, good question. Not sure how much impact it may have adding DCAT mappings.

riccardoAlbertoni: An example is my contribution about quality. I think it is important for them to know that for some elements DCAT implements them in a given way.

<riccardoAlbertoni> +1 to andrea

AndreaPerego: The issue is that it is unclear if DCAT is considered relevant for their work, so before devoting time and effort it may be good to know that.

<riccardoAlbertoni> [http://‌rd-alliance.github.io/‌metadata-directory/‌standards/‌dcat-data-catalog-vocabulary.html

alejandra: Yes, this would require time, and I would prefer focussing on DCAT issues.

<SimonCox__> I have to go now

PWinstanley: Just to remind about Makx's email, about a DCAT webinar for DCMI.
… I am happy to do it, but if anyone else is interested... They are thinking of a 40-min talk.
… I think that the picture we can give would be very much fit for the primer we are thinking of.

<riccardoAlbertoni> +1 alejandra

alejandra: I think it would be indeed be useful for the group to have a standard set of slides for DCAT.
… We can also make them available publicly.

<riccardoAlbertoni> Happy to collaborate too

<riccardoAlbertoni> thanks ..

<riccardoAlbertoni> bye

[meeting adjourned]

<riccardoAlbertoni> simonCox+

Summary of action items

  1. riccardoAlbertoni to change the doodle poll to include dates for September

Summary of resolutions

  1. approve last meeting minutes https://‌www.w3.org/‌2020/‌07/‌01-dxwgdcat-minutes
Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 121 (Mon Jun 8 14:50:45 2020 UTC).


Succeeded: s/PWinstanley: I'm going to have a break.//

Succeeded: s/I also do not see how to prioritise the elements has any value./I am also not sure how prioritising/ordering the elements helps

Maybe present: SimonCox__