<scribe> scribe: becky
Janina: stock agenda plus
discussion of FAST
... TPAC will happen, it will be virtual
Janina: COGA CfC didn't get many
comments; has been discussion about it within AGWG and asked
for changes
... will rerun the CfC once changes are complete; new version
may be next week
... RQTF continues to look at XAUR have gotten comments and
made updates. Hoping for new WD in July followed by RTC user
req. document
... this will give time to review these before TPAC;
... completed the request for meetings with other groups at
TPAC - still waiting for TPAC details
Irfan: trying to achieve update to pronunciation doc. by early June
Janina: still working out virtual
TPAC details - scheduling across time zones will be
... task forces are busy and making progress
Josh: this is a rolling item -
demoed last week and got some comments
... incorporating github pointers - thinking about format for
... adding more info to evaluation
<Joshue108> Adding a checkbox that marks a category as not-relevant: This will recursively add all checkpoints in a category as N/A.
Janina: what do we mean by
linking github issues? And, how to integrate FAST into our new
dashboard; want info to flow between groups' specs we are
... want to track interaction without duplicating info in
multiple places
... need to capture the progress and comments as move through
FAST process; does it make sense to incorporate into the
<JF> +1 - can it be as simple as adding a link to the dashboard?
Michael: are we referring into the horizontal review dashboard? right now they are completely separate - not trivial to implement
JF: can we at least refer people asking for horizontal review to FAST via a link
Janina: yes, and would be good to be automated
Michael: don't want it on every comment - would take more coding to implement only on the first request
josh: would like to see dashboard and any api info
Michael: no formal api
Janina: good to keep track of
these automation possibilities and emerging toolset
... FAST tracking over time is going to be important until we
sign off on documents; having dashboard and FAST working
together and github issues and people involved are important to
keep track
... keeping track of people working on issues and be able to
generate a mail to all involved
... would help to speed up communications
Michael: no new charters
Michael: CSS box sizing module level 4 FPWD
<MichaelC> CSS Box Sizing Module Level 4
Michael: previously reviewed
level 3 in 2016 - no a11y impact at that time
... allows box to stretch to include a containing box but
doesn't seem to stretch the contents; if content clipped it
could be a11y issue
Janina: do we want to ask CSS about these?
Michael: suggest defer review (there are comments about needed more clarity in the current document)
Janina: will defer for now
<MichaelC> ACTION: cooper to ping review of https://www.w3.org/TR/css-sizing-4/ CSS Box Sizing Module Level 4 - due 6 months
<trackbot> Created ACTION-2258 - Ping review of https://www.w3.org/tr/css-sizing-4/ css box sizing module level 4 [on Michael Cooper - due 2020-11-27].
<MichaelC> action-2258: https://www.w3.org/WAI/APA/wiki/CSS_Box_Sizing_Module_Level_4
<trackbot> Notes added to action-2258 Ping review of https://www.w3.org/tr/css-sizing-4/ css box sizing module level 4.
Michael: Janina to review image
resource - started
... media queries level 5 review by Leonie - we can close
<MichaelC> close action-2247
<trackbot> Closed action-2247.
Michael: Ian manage review of CSS
... irfan to review CSS speech
<MichaelC> close action-2237
<trackbot> Closed action-2237.
Michael: Gottfried to review CSS media queries
Janina: need to review with Gottfried and include personalization
Michael; Becky to review picture in picture - issue created in the dashboard
<MichaelC> close action-2235
<trackbot> Closed action-2235.
<MichaelC> close action-2232
<trackbot> Closed action-2232.
Michael: JF was going to review media session;
<MichaelC> close action-2230
<trackbot> Closed action-2230.
Michael: Janina to review web authentication - was a huge spec but completed review
<MichaelC> close action-2224
<trackbot> Closed action-2224.
<MichaelC> close action-2225
<trackbot> Closed action-2225.
JF: media session is a FPWD would like another reviewer -there is a security and privacy considerations; also talking about meta-data the user agent can use for playback
<JF> https://www.w3.org/TR/mediasession/
<MichaelC> ACTION: janina to work with JF on review of media session standard https://www.w3.org/tr/mediasession/
<trackbot> Created ACTION-2259 - Work with jf on review of media session standard https://www.w3.org/tr/mediasession/ [on Janina Sajka - due 2020-06-03].
<MichaelC> action-2259: https://www.w3.org/WAI/APA/wiki/Media_Session_Standard
<trackbot> Notes added to action-2259 Work with jf on review of media session standard https://www.w3.org/tr/mediasession/.
JF: may want to bring up in personalization call - due to metadata piece
<MichaelC> action-2259: see action-2234
<trackbot> Notes added to action-2259 Work with jf on review of media session standard https://www.w3.org/tr/mediasession/.
<MichaelC> action-2234: see action-2259
<trackbot> Notes added to action-2234 Review media session standard https://www.w3.org/tr/mediasession/.
Michael: close one assigned to
Gottfried on TTML profiles
... JF and Josh to review scalable video encoding extension
<JF> https://www.w3.org/WAI/APA/wiki/Scalable_Video_Coding_(SVC)_Extension_for_WebRTC
Josh: did look at it but not easily understood - seems like plumbing
JF: +1 that it looks like plumbing
<MichaelC> close action-2218
<trackbot> Closed action-2218.
<MichaelC> close action-2219
<trackbot> Closed action-2219.
Michael: no new issues raised for attention; TTML ones dealt with except for add an introduction; there is a pull request and we should get another chance to review
<JF> https://github.com/w3c/mediasession/issues/256
JF: Media session info: related
to this is the issue of not being able to add alt text for a
poster; similar issue in media session - looking at adding
addn. metadata - one of which is media images
... good idea to combine these two issues since they are
... should APA consider reconvening Media A11y TF to work these
Janina: MAUR is still relevant
but not all is implemented; immersive Web getting bigger - and
goes beyond MAUR - thus perhaps MAUR needs updating to deal
with this
... not sure is there is enough for a TF but might be able to
work through issues with media sessions and XAUR
Michael: am in favor of starting up MAUR since there are several groups working on media updates
JF: maybe a review by APA to pull together a list that we might want to revisit or assign to other groups
Michael: move video conf. a11y out of RQTF and into a media group; keep media group within APA but get input from other groups
Janina: will take the idea of restarting MAUR under advisement and revisit next week
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