Accessibility Conformance Testing Teleconference

14 May 2020


Wilco, MaryJo, Kathy, Shadi, Daniel, Trevor

MaryJo, Wilco


Issue 448: Add working example of each test case in Rules https://github.com/w3c/wcag-act/issues/448;

wilco: think what kathy is asking for is resolved, but more to discuss

<Wilco> https://act-rules.github.io/rules/97a4e1#test-cases

as of a week ago, there is a way to open a test case in a new tab

wilco stated previous

wilco: that is on community page, do we want such a thing? it's good but complicated

maryjo: it would be nice. it should go in published rule not community page

wilco: it is difficult. Build scripts needed

<Wilco> https://act-rules.github.io/rules/59796f

wilco: pages with images/assets are absolute URLs or relative that won't copy easily

maryjo: can published rules have a directory that W3C site can point to?

shadi: if test assets are changed by CG, it impacts rule published by W3C
... can github repository for published rules be used?
... could approved items be changed?

wilco: not worried about approved images being swapped out

shadi: rules repository for playground, approved test cases would go in another location

<shadi> https://github.com/w3c/wcag-act-rules

<shadi> https://www.w3.org/WAI/standards-guidelines/act/rules/html-page-has-title-2779a5/

shadi: published rule is second URL
... first URL is where test assets can be accessed

wilco: would still need to move all test cases

shadi: I think we need to replicate them
... include test cases in PR for rule

wilco: it's a lot of work
... don't know if HTML can be dropped in

shadi: test case is encoded in rule, additional link to open in a new tab

wilco: would it be acceptable to point to test cases in CG?
... filename of test cases is a hash, so content of file cannot change. a change creates a new file.
... move old test cases to a new branch

shadi: content of iframe can change?

wilco: create rule that is not allowed

shadi: use hash for iframe source

wilco: not worried about iframe content changing

shadi: test case is already documented in a rule, and link is just another way to access it

wilco: ask CG: test assets and test cases never deleted
... gives us a starting point for implementation as well.
... will leave issue open until solution defined

Pull Request #450: Definition of "accessibility requirement" https://github.com/w3c/wcag-act/pull/450;

wilco: updated proposal for accessibility requirement definition

<Wilco> An accessibility requirement is a requirement aimed at improving access for people with disabilities to an ICT product. In the context of ACT rules mapping, a requirement can be compulsory or advisory. When compulsory, it has to be satisfied in order to conform to a standard, or to comply with a contract, policy or regulation. When advisory, it is recommended, but not satisfying it does not lead to non-conformance or non-compliance

trevor: I like it

daniel: I like it

<maryjom> +1

<shadi> +1


maryjo: CFC then to AGWG

wilco: I will email chairs, Maryjo put together CFC

<Wilco> https://pr-preview.s3.amazonaws.com/w3c/wcag-act/pull/450.html

Review of Button has and accessible name: https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/93339/ButtonName3/results;

wilco: 3 responses, not enough

daniel and kathy will complete survey

maryjo: incomplete implementation data
... need 1 full implementation documented to send to AGWG

wilco: leave it open for now

Understanding documents for ACT rules: https://w3c.github.io/wcag-act/understanding-act-rules.html

<Wilco> https://w3c.github.io/wcag-act/understanding-act-rules.html

<shadi> https://www.w3.org/WAI/WCAG21/Understanding/understanding-techniques

shadi: I put common questions up front, and a summary outline of ACT Rules format to describe what's in a rule
... other things to highlight: rules are informative, rules are partial checks, ACT Rules only check for failures, rule implementations mapping

wilco: also how rules relate to Techniques

<shadi> [[Relationship to Techniques]]

daniel: how rules can be used in manual testing

wilco: "that means they are not required". Failing ACT Rule means not satisifying SC.

shadi: not required to use Rules to determine conformance

wilco: if testing doesn't match with the rules, something is not right

shadi: add not required "for determining conformance". Wanted to reuse WG wording.

wilco: agree
... ACT Rules are technology specific.

shadi: mapping issue - run a tool, get pass/fail, result is different from ACT rule. Tool may cover more than one rule.
... important concept from seeing people confused trying to figure out how to use ACT in testing.
... a test case in a rule that should fail, any tool must generate fail?

<Wilco> https://act-rules.github.io/rules/59796f#implementation-metrics

wilco: no, there isn't a yes/no implementation
... consistency can be partially, inconsistent. complete can be yes, no.

<shadi> https://act-rules.github.io/pages/implementations/mapping/

wilco: partial means at least one has fail to fail, but also has pass to fail. fail that should pass or inapplicable is not allowed.
... that mapping is from the CG.

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.154 (CVS log)
$Date: 2020/05/14 17:17:45 $