trackbot, prepare teleconference
<agendabot> clear agenda
<scribe> Scribenick: addison
<scribe> Agenda:
<agendabot> clear agenda
<trackbot> action-864 -- Richard Ishida to Review prs on string-meta -- due 2020-03-12 -- OPEN
close action-864
<trackbot> Closed action-864.
<trackbot> action-897 -- Fuqiao Xue to Review open css-text issues -- due 2020-05-07 -- OPEN
close action-897
<trackbot> Closed action-897.
fuqiao: plh developed this tool
for an overview of horizontal review comments
... it has server-side caching
... the performance is better than our review comment
<atsushi_> +1
richard: what would we do if we
don't have a face-to-face TPAC
... replace with virtual communication
... trying to figure out how to do it
... there is our meeting and we could do it remotely
... but then the thing is that we use it to sit in other's
... hallway convos, etc.
... how do we replicate. Don't know yet.
... .
jck: what ietf did; maybe don't
try that?
... cut number of meetings way down
... created a jabber room called "hallway"
... opinions differ on how well that worked
richard: was the hallway
basically just chat
... how did they manage arranging to sit in other's
jck: just had fixed times
... anyone can wander in
... hallway might have been useful for "hey george, you should
sit in on X"
richard: organize groups and then
on plenary day have video
... other end is closer to what we want; we have vague agenda
and that grows into 4 day meeting in various rooms
... figure out how to generate meetings to join
... one of the things is that everyone will be chasing
... short bursts like CSS did
... time zones remain an issue
jck: ietf's solution was to cut
way way down to fix times and only a few hours a day
... followed by a large variety of interim meetings
... those are still continuing, more than ever before
addison: set up "office hours" for us?
addison: 2 PRs open
fuqiao: richard suggested using
uax14 for line breaking behavior
... text richard quoted is still there
... but in line breaking section uax14 is referenced
normatively in many places
... not github issue
richard: the uax14 may have
produced a change; maybe original place needs wording
... if not raised in github in css repo, they may have
<scribe> ACTION: richard: raise issue 91 against css-text if that's appropriate
<trackbot> Created ACTION-901 - Raise issue 91 against css-text if that's appropriate [on Richard Ishida - due 2020-05-14].
<xfq_> Current spec text
fuqiao: it's a tracker
... question to klreq rather than css-text issue
... although could ipact css text
... not github issue
... we do have a response
<scribe> ACTION: richard: read the issue 95 email thread and decide if there's an issue in there
<trackbot> Created ACTION-902 - Read the issue 95 email thread and decide if there's an issue in there [on Richard Ishida - due 2020-05-14].
<scribe> ACTION: richard: read issue 165 and decide if it is tracker or needs-resolution and whether it is satisfied
<trackbot> Created ACTION-903 - Read issue 165 and decide if it is tracker or needs-resolution and whether it is satisfied [on Richard Ishida - due 2020-05-14].
<xfq_> Prohibition Rules for Line Start and Line End
<scribe> ACTION: fuqiao: add a summary to issue 221
<trackbot> Created ACTION-904 - Add a summary to issue 221 [on Fuqiao Xue - due 2020-05-14].
fuqiao: should be
... not to case transform symbols like enclosed
addison: what does unicode do?
richard: jonathan kew stated that text transform is quite different from unicode titlecase
addison: is that a good thing?
<scribe> ACTION: addison: research issue 222
<trackbot> Created ACTION-905 - Research issue 222 [on Addison Phillips - due 2020-05-14].
<scribe> ACTION: richard: review edits in css issue 4765 (our 845) and see if we're satisfied
<trackbot> Created ACTION-906 - Review edits in css issue 4765 (our 845) and see if we're satisfied [on Richard Ishida - due 2020-05-14].
<scribe> ACTION: addison: remind WG to review CSS-Text close? and open issues
<trackbot> Created ACTION-907 - Remind wg to review css-text close? and open issues [on Addison Phillips - due 2020-05-14].
This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.154 of Date: 2018/09/25 16:35:56 Check for newer version at Guessing input format: Irssi_ISO8601_Log_Text_Format (score 1.00) Succeeded: s/it is likely/it is possible/ Succeeded: s/probably told sometime soon. not completely decided yet// Succeeded: s/basically it is possible we won't have a face-to-face/what would we do if we don't have a face-to-face/ Present: Addison David Fuqiao Atsushi Richard Bert JcK Regrets: Felix Found ScribeNick: addison Inferring Scribes: addison Agenda: Found Date: 07 May 2020 People with action items: addison fuqiao remind richard wg WARNING: IRC log location not specified! (You can ignore this warning if you do not want the generated minutes to contain a link to the original IRC log.)[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]