wilco: comment from trevor in Q4
... link to HTML ARIA spec, yes that's fine. minor change
... no further comments. survey closes tonight at midnight
maryjo: the first comment from Salesh about applying to SC 1.1.1. Issue opened and looks like AGWG was going to change to make it clearer
... if button was an image button, then 1.1.1. but not a text button
... should table track WCAG issues?
wilco: yes, not a bad idea
maryjo: if any result in an issue, track it there. Charu opened one, any others?
wilco: one on frame titles should be tracked
maryjo: I will update
<Wilco> https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/task-forces/conformance-testing/wiki/Rule_Publication_Tracking
wilco: no further comments on this survey. 3 is not enough to proceed with this rule, right?
maryjo: not yet
kasper: I have issue related Pass Ex 5
<kasper> https://w3c.github.io/html-aam/#el-summary
kasper: HTML ARIA is not authority on mapping; summary element has no corresponding role
wilco: that needs to be fixed
... this cannot be published now
wilco: comment from me has pull request
... partially consistent comment means not every failure is a fail.
... partial implementations - do we care? I would think so. If a rule can't be fully implemented, it doesn't meet requirements
... for this one, there are other implementation so it doesn't matter. But it should be a qualifier for us.
... no further comments
maryjo: this one should be able to be published
wilco: how many responses to go to a pull request? 3 is light
maryjo: will get mine done
wilco: is it same for quorum? 5 people?
shadi: I think 5 is often minimum
wilco: document this in process?
shadi: we can put a number as a minimum but chairs have a better feel of active participants. Has it been thoroughly reviewed
wilco: it's in the second round of review
shadi: understand the reason why there aren't more responses
... did some abstain due to no further comments in re-reviews, was the time too short, was it missed
kathy: I missed it
kasper: I missed it also
wilco: how to alert?
charu: maybe notify those who have issue with the rule? I missed it too
wilco: I think everybody had feedback the first time around
wilco: 1 response
maryjo: this one is still open until 2/17
wilco: created a ticket for bug in change log
... PR open
maryjo: that PR will get pulled in before we publish
wilco: closes tomorrow 2/14 so will be merged soon
... further comments?
wilco: comment from just me
... only 1 implementer which we said is sufficient
... issue #1163 already closed.
wilco: this looked good to me. please review
... this has been reviewed in the past.
... want to get more rules before CSUN
maryjo: once we have quorum on surveys and assuming these go through ok, do we need to have a cfc to go to AG or go directly to AG?
wilco: will put them in pull request to put them in a staging branch, then a new PR from staging to master branch and that should have a cfc before it goes to AG
... hope to put cfc out on Thurs.
... we can let the chairs no cfc is happening
... AG will get it by 2/26
maryjo: that would be 5 rules?
wilco: 6 total
wilco: great job kasper
... survey open til Monday
<Wilco> https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/task-forces/conformance-testing/wiki/Rule_Publication_Tracking
wilco: image button has already been approved
... several awaiting survey results
maryjo: link for issues in table
... the button rule will need a survey opened
wilco: kasper will open an issue
kathy: I opened an issue for disabled form fields
<Wilco> https://github.com/act-rules/act-rules.github.io/issues/1164
wilco: it's on agenda for CG
... I think most most think it should be tested