<scribe> scribe: jamesn
mk: the warning text is "Users of touch-based assistive technologies may not be able to fully operate widgets that implement this pattern because APIs for capturing the necessary gestures and commands from assistive technologies are not yet available. Authors should fully test widgets using this pattern with assistive technologies before considering incorporation into production systems."
for patterns that it is impossible to make accessible in "mobile" browsers
jn: touch-based not mobile
mk: iOS increment is sent
jn: not talking about iOS
... think we should frame it correctly
mk: cannot make them accessible -
put this warning on these patterns
... we know this is the case for slider
... are there any others
... are there any other patterns where tab or double tap are
insufficient to make them work
... some others might be in that category according to 1186
jn: think we should see if can
find menubar before adding a comment
... ios just doesn't have a tree
... would be a different issue. Not well supported but there is
nothing inherently missing from making it supportable
mk: there are 2 spinbutton
structures supported by aria
... 1 has them as child of composite element, one of them has
them as siblings
... the spinbutton role is on the edit field
... can increment and decement by tapping the buttons
... the one in the toolbar may not work
jn: depends on what your def of work is
<Jemma> jn: none of spin buttons, increase/decrease would not work with iOS and macOS
<Jemma> jn:unless use system instruction how to operate those
<Jemma> jn: control+option+function may work but it is not standard way of operating it.
cm: we need someone who really knows iOS to test submenu and tree
mk: need to look at what our
event handlers are doing
... I think your rationale for spinbutton is sound
... 2nd part reminds you to test
jn: 2 patterns I don't use are
spinbutton and slider
... think they need new issues
mk: discussion of multi-select trees
action to put warning on spinbutton
<trackbot> Error finding 'to'. You can review and register nicknames at <https://www.w3.org/WAI/ARIA/track/users>.
<Jemma> https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/issues/1228#issuecomment-578671169
<Jemma> Complete proposal
<Jemma> Note: This is an illustrative example of one way of using certain ARIA attributes that conforms with the ARIA specification. There may be support gaps in some browser and assistive technology combinations, especially for mobile/touch devices. So, testing any code that is based on this example with assistive technologies is essential before considering use in production systems. The ARIA-AT project plans to enhance this example with measurements of
<Jemma> assistive technology support for it by the end of 2020. Robust accessibility can be further optimized by choosing implementation patterns that maximize use of semantic HTML and heed the warning that No ARIA is better than Bad ARIA.
"Note: This is an illustrative example of one way of using certain ARIA attributes that conforms with the ARIA specification. There may be support gaps in some browser and assistive technology combinations, especially for mobile/touch devices. So, testing any code that is based on this example with assistive technologies is essential before considering use in production systems. The ARIA-AT project plans to enhance this example with measurements
of assistive technology support for it by the end of 2020. Robust accessibility can be further optimized by choosing implementation patterns that maximize use of semantic HTML and heed the warning that No ARIA is better than Bad ARIA."
mk: proposed as summary detalils... heading in warning type style - critical note about use of this example
<Jemma> title can be "Critical Note about Use of This Example".
cm: would take out certain and attributes
<Jemma> +1
cm: would be nice to hear from Adrian
mk: can do it exactly how we want
in a commnt
... have to manually add to any new examples
... if we were to add right before the H2 for example
<h2 id="ex_label">Example</h2>
mk: in some examples there is a view before - be better if it were before
jn: right before the first section?
<carmacleod> or right before the first h2?
jemma: come up with a mock
... I can do that
(discussing location)
<Jemma> brevity is the sister of talent ;-)
- This is an illustrative example of one way of using ARIA that conforms with the ARIA specification.
- There may be support gaps in some browser and assistive technology combinations, especially for mobile/touch devices.
- Testing any code that is based on this example with assistive technologies is essential before considering use in production systems.
- The ARIA-AT project plans to enhance this example with measurements of assistive technology support for it by the end of 2020.
- Robust accessibility can be further optimized by choosing implementation patterns that maximize use of semantic HTML and heed the warning that No ARIA is better than Bad ARIA.
mk: have a list of issues and want to know if they still exist in Jon's new version of the example
#1261: Focus problem when clicking on combobox dropdown button with mouse
#988: Combobox Example 3: List with Inline Autocomplete doesn't work with mouse
#983: ARIA 1.1 Combobox with Listbox Popup Examples - Mouse Hover style vs key board selection style
#982: ARIA 1.1 Combobox with Listbox Popup Examples - issue with onBlur
#785: Bug in examples: textbox "id" test for combobox/aria1.1pattern/listbox-combo.html
mk: all the bugs it fixes - want
to make sure they are listed in the PR
... pulled from the list of bugs in the combobox project
785 & 982 & 983 came from the 1.1 combo but this was derived from that
mk: can have spectranaut look at one of them
one is a visual thing - maybe Zoƫ?
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