Silver Community Group Teleconference

06 Dec 2019


jeanne, janina, Lauriat, MichaelC, Chuck, KimD, PeterKorn, Kim_D
jeanne, Shawn


<scribe> scribe: janina

People Skills and Resources

<jeanne> https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/task-forces/silver/wiki/People_Skills_and_Resources

js: Have had several people sign up, including some new people
... AG Facilitators asked for recruiting email
... Do we want to be adding more people? Are we getting ahead of ourselves?
... We don't have a good way to bring people up to speed.
... There's not a quick start we can point people at.

sl: Suggest specific recruiting around tests, also user needs
... Should reach out to aCT for tests. They've expressed interest.
... Suggests just adding aCT and we'll sort out individuals when we get there

mary_jo: Can bring it up--people have not been participating recently

sl: Whatever is smoothest. We should just not leave it all to Jeanne

Mary_Jo: Agrees

sl: Anyone to do user needs?

Mary_JO: Asks for what needs?

sl: Moving from 2.x to Silver
... We believe some could be combined, e.g. captions for media, but also for live stream which are essentially the same
... So we'd prefer ux background
... Asks for recommendations

js: Also been recruiting, and think we have more but just not signed up.

sl: Wanting 2 points of contact for each skill set -- should get us going

Creating an on-ramp for new participants?

js: Notes the above is our "Welcome to Silver" doc

<jeanne> https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/task-forces/silver/wiki/Welcome_to_Silver

janina: Notes that there are so, so many documents in the archive, it's hard to figure out what should be read to get up to speed

js: Agrees there's a lot of documentary history, and not all of it is helpful anylonger

Mary_Jo: Have been mostly looking at more recent emails
... My question is what is the most current stuff? What are the burning tasks that need doing?

sl: Jeanne tends to have wiki front page most relevant on that
... As for skills needed, we're just getting to formulating that
... Still to do is better project management -- this stage done, this one in process, this one not started or assigned, etc., etc

js: I've put in some high levels Conformance; Content -- but even that's not that helpful, sl: Notes janina offered to help with github

Mary_Jo: Not sure how organized; or even where it is

sl: We're open to starting from scratch because our use has been so minimal

js: Well, there's some!

<Lauriat> http://github.com/w3c/silver/

js: github is an a11y challenge particularly for coga people
... So concerned about exclusively moving to github

sl: So thinking of github for project management so far
... We'll respond if someone sends email and do the github update for them

Mary_Jo: Notes there are silver subgroups?

sl: Two main groups: Confrmance; and Content Creation
... == two Tuesday calls
... We decided on parallel tracks because progress in one helps move the other forward -- from both perspectives

Mary_Jo: Asks about ttelecons

sl: Tuesday Content telecon AM Boston; Conformance PM Boston
... Friday is omnibus Silver call
... Some people participate in both tracks

js: Suggestions or edits welcome! It's a wiki!

CSUN F2F meeting

js: Wanted to note responses so far

<Chuck> Looks like I CAN JOIN! Just learned a few minutes ago.

<Chuck> Jeanne: My takeaway is we have more than 10 that want to attend. majority of responses were for mon and tue.

<Lauriat> Hurray, Chuck!

js: More than 10 to attend so far; Majority prefer Monday and Tuesday

mc: Need a sponsor

sl: Working that out

pk: Notes Amazon is booking suites and exspects we'll have a room, but don't want to finalize that until it's actually booked
... It is my expectation

js: Looks like 10-12 people

pk: That's fine.
... Is it 8 hours for two days?

js: yes
... Request for joint from coga late Tuesday

pk: We usually make CART provisions. Do we need that for these sessions?

sl: Sure would help with scribing.

janina: Suggests deaf and hard of hearing participation would be a win

js: Asks whether Sean has contacts in that community?

pk: Would be concerned to open for just one meeting if we didn't have a continuation plan

js: Excellent point
... Also a chicken & egg problem. If we can demonstrate the need we can work with W3C to get the support

pk: If we're not tied to Webex, there are computer driven captions builtin on Go to Meeting and Skype

janina: Notes Zoom is th big buz for a11y

js: Zoom supports auto caption; not sure Skype does
... Also notes language barrier

sl: We have i18n participation; rapid English is a problem

js: Thanks Peter and thanks for the question as well

Challenges document update

<Lauriat> Issues Status re Conformance Challenges document: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-silver/2019Dec/0014.html

janina: Will send out chaser email asking people to identify any open issues that should be more content for FPWD

updates from sub-groups?

js: Clear words met Thursday and did some testing refinements--we'd like your thoughts
... Please look at the rubric and provide feedback

<jeanne> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1TOFmSmTuPz6LbNV4nFf-0g_Wwx1k8TwfxzcKzNL8i_Y/edit

js: Remaining content is confusing and not ready yet
... Just rubric for now
... Part 2: Made list of 17 items to check
... Discussed how to structure; came up with three approaches
... Professional testers; internal style guide; ...
... Some orgs will have different clear words needs
... And a rubric for clear words
... This is our second pass at a rubric

<jeanne> Substantially: A significant effort has been made and most exceptions improve clarity.

<jeanne> Partially: An effort has been made, but there is room for substantial improvement.

<jeanne> LImited: Inconsistent effort or no effort

js: Should substantially meet; partly

<Kim_D> 3rd is "limited"

js: also noted which conditions don't meet
... Using active voice -- how does one count 80% active voice sentences
... Avoid metaphor or sarcasm

<PeterKorn> Regrets for the remainder of the meeting - I need to leave a few minutes early.

<Lauriat> Thanks for joining, Peter!

kim: Asks whether the dictionary contains medical terms

js: No, the W3C disctionary is web elated technical terms

kim: Wonders what "partially" means? Can we quantify that better?

js: That's what we're working on.
... It's also a question of how one counts

chuck: Update on contrast ...
... Determined some of Andy's analysis won't be ready for any current draft
... So we backed off a bit to use what's already been reviewed

js: Does Andy believe he'll be able to come up with a formula

chuck: Yes, well vetted he says, and an actual formula

js: Good news that it's progressing

sl: Last minute updates, anyone?
... Thanks all!

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.154 (CVS log)
$Date: 2019/12/06 20:00:18 $

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Default Present: jeanne, janina, Lauriat, MichaelC, Chuck, KimD, PeterKorn, Kim_D
Present: jeanne janina Lauriat MichaelC Chuck KimD PeterKorn Kim_D
Regrets: Joe_Cronin
Found Scribe: janina
Inferring ScribeNick: janina
Found Date: 06 Dec 2019
People with action items: 

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