Cognitive Accessibility Task Force Teleconference

14 Nov 2019


Rachael, LisaSeemanKest, Fazio, JohnRochford, Jennie, Justine


<LisaSeemanKest> close item 3

<LisaSeemanKest> scribe: Justine

<scribe> Scribe: Justine

user stories https://docs.google.com/document/d/1xmmQkuZLEG014zDRVkgr3QLyINb7BNvWxqL7POn6Ei8/edit#


<LisaSeemanKest> https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/task-forces/coga/wiki/PlanningPage#Actions

User needs needs some editorial work. Did we miss anything?

Abi: didn't get to objective 5, will follow up

<Fazio> do we have accessible authentication

<Fazio> ?

Lisa: first focus on what's missing

Fazio: objectives apply to current SC's that we're working on
... half of my objective seems to fit with accessible authentication
... seems that we should add objective that fits with accessible authentication

Lisa: I don't see a problem with that but let's discuss. Did you see anything missing with your objective?

Fazio: did quite a bit

Jenni: I don't have anything to add to my objective

Lisa: did anyone take on objective 8?

John R: I'm call in user 3

Lisa: need volunteer for objective 8
... if no one else can take it, I will
... next on the list is personas. Next step will be to add missing personas but this has not yet been assigned. Also need to add challenges but that's pending.
... work on personas will begin upon completion of user needs
... also add pictures, focus on unified look

Abi: aphasia, language impairments, ADHD to be addressed

Lisa: any updates on WCAG?

John R: AG reviewed accessible authentication on Tuesday. Made changes as discussed during meeting and submitted for review. Received message from Alastair that he's done minor formatting changes.

Jennie: I'm working through feedback and will have something to share next week

Fazio: David M. reviewed SCs that we split up. One thing that changes is that Alastair recommended splitting into two SC's but need to discuss.
... I could go either way

Lisa: any other updates?

<LisaSeemanKest> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1xmmQkuZLEG014zDRVkgr3QLyINb7BNvWxqL7POn6Ei8/edit#

Lisa: in user needs, we're up to objective 4 which is Rachael's
... I don't see any comments so let's leave it for now. Anyone want to read through it?
... two things from Abi's review. One is users that need support to initiate a task. Other is users that need support organizing a task.

Abi: this is an ADHD focus for example, I'm doing something and I get stuck. Putting under help may not be appropriate.
... objective 2 helping user find what they need might be appropriate
... task type could go under "efficiency"

Lisa: We need to add the point. Let's look at objective 2.
... can write the user need and see where it goes

Abi: haven't had a chance to look at objective 5 yet

Lisa: in directing attention, is there anything else beyond removing distractions and letting people know purpose that we need to address?
... next objective is "processes do not rely on memory". David, you've added information.

Fazio: Took information from Understanding Doc from draft SC to add to user stories

Lisa: [summarized existing user needs]

Fazio: Need to be able to access information plugged into a form or from a previous step

Lisa: your text around post-traumatic stress is interesting

Fazio: paper that EA sent out talks about Down Syndrome and mentions that participants would get frustrated and effected
... did 15 different studies of different activities including memory, comprehension, etc.

Lisa: were there other needs missing?

Fazio: each objective seems to relate to an SC that is in process. If that's not the case recategorizing doesn't matter.

Lisa: maybe we could rename/recategorize. Does anyone feel that this needs to be addressed?

Fazio: with accessible authentication, we're discussing biometrics and third party authentication

Lisa: does anyone feel the need to rename objectives?
... if not a strong need, let's not do it now

Fazio: seems fine so far

Lisa: objective "provide help and support". Jennie, you commented on this.

Jennie: did light editing. One comment "As a user who often cannot..." thinking about simplifying language. Other comment "I want to be able to provide feedback...in any form" I suggest replacing "form" with "format" or other term

Abi: what do we mean by "feedback"?

Lisa: [entered clarifying text]

Jennie: are we referring to method of providing feedback?
... consider changing "form" to "external option". This might refer to the ability to use assistive tech to complete feedback.
... suggest removing "phone" because it provides an opportunity to not make feedback mechanism accessible

Abi: should we say "I want to be able to use all feedback mechanisms..."
... Is it acceptable to provide an alternative that is on the website?

Lisa: no

Abi: an alternative to the chat feature, for example

Lisa: an email can have a 3-day feedback, and then response can be irrelevant, so it can take 9 days to get feedback that would have been more immediate in chat pane

Abi: text "I want to use my preferred communications channel..."
... can include time element in accessible feedback form and also choose preferred form of communication would cover both issues

Lisa: [edited text] we have to give them choices such as email, chat, etc.

Abi: suggested text "...I want it to be accessible to me."

Lisa: text is much better

Jennie: next comment, including vocabulary "symbols" may help web developers who don't have familiarity with the topic

<Jennie> As a user who struggles with text and words, help and support should include symbols or enable me to personalize using my own

Lisa: next comment, may want to provide examples (e.g., pictures, graphs) to help understanding

sorry, last was Jennie not Lisa

Jennie: consider users who don't understand that information/topics go together
... can you clarify different meaning of "help and support"

Lisa: things that help with the in-page support

Jennie: are you talking about a table with a graph option?

Lisa: yes
... symbols will help understanding as users move through a page

Jennie: that's very helpful
... two other comments. "Speech support and highlighting..." and "I need more space between letters, words, sentences..." Seems like this would be needed throughout an entire website. Should we put in general section or is there a reason specific to help area?

Lisa: let's consider if its in the right place as we move content around

Jennie: "I need rapid feedback" needs a little more definition. Does it mean context-sensitive help, tool tips, etc.?

Lisa: want to be sure that users are doing actions correctly

Jennie: "I need reminders" does this ask for reminders in another interface beyond website being used?

Lisa: yes

<Jennie> a. Sometimes the help and support I need is for following up on interactions made using the website. This could include reminders to revisit the site to complete the next task, or appointments arranged through the interface.

Lisa: sounds good
... any needs that needed to be added in your comments?

Jennie: comments are more additions to existing needs

Lisa: EA, can you clarify your comment in objective 8?

EA: minor changes disappeared, I've re-incorporated
... "familiar" term in symbols phrasing is important
... or "symbols that I recognize." We need to be careful about future translations.
... Editorial meeting is at a very difficult time
... should content be repeated, selection of symbols could be generated "automatically" (discussion around use of the word automatic)
... not sure about wording of user need about widgets. Scanning can be problematic.
... question whether content needs to be enabled vs. user can enable content

Lisa: EA, I'll reach out with questions about your comments
... also think about needs that might be missing, welcome your help with taking a stab at rewriting/editorial work

trackbot, end meeting

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.154 (CVS log)
$Date: 2019/11/14 16:07:02 $

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Default Present: Rachael, LisaSeemanKest, Fazio, JohnRochford, Jennie, Justine
Present: Rachael LisaSeemanKest Fazio JohnRochford Jennie Justine
Regrets: rachael
Found Scribe: Justine
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Found Scribe: Justine
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Found Date: 14 Nov 2019
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