Cognitive Accessibility Task Force Teleconference

10 Oct 2019


MichaelC, Rachael, janina, stevelee, Fazio, Jennie, JustineP, JohnRochford, LisaSeemanKest, johnkirkwood
Steve, stevelee


<Rachael> agneda?

<Rachael> Discuss User Stories (Lisa) https://docs.google.com/document/d/1xmmQkuZLEG014zDRVkgr3QLyINb7BNvWxqL7POn6Ei8/edit#heading=h.eqt2ockmus87

<Rachael> scribe: Steve

<Rachael> scribe: stevelee

Action Review https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/task-forces/coga/wiki/PlanningPage

<EA> https://moocap.gpii.eu/?page_id=33

<Rachael> Abi: Status on personas. Images are available as share alike as part of creative commons.

<Rachael> Steve: My action is to add images as part of persona notes

<Rachael> abi: I think we have identified personas that are missing. We need to clean up existing ones and then clean up what we have.

<EA> I am getting a forbidden on the Action review page

lisa: plan was we look over the patterns and check if there are missing personas
... so making a list of requirements

<JustineP> EA, have you deleted the quotation mark from the end of the action page hyperlink?

lisa: making it clear where usability is actually an accessibility issue - eg authentication
... avoid bringing in other groups

<Fazio> https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/task-forces/coga/wiki/PlanningPagechange to visual perception?

<Fazio> That's part of my brain injury

<Fazio> Visual recognition is another one, instead of low vision

lisa: lets find out what missing so user need / pattern / persona all match
... thus reviewing ETSI is a good step step

abi: did some work on this a few monts back and identified 3 gaps (?)
... action is to look at these and haver some progress on personas

<abij> User stories comparison - work in progress comparing to ETSI Human Factors cognitive needs and COGA user stories https://docs.google.com/document/d/1cGFA4RiQ78wHbc9JGWIwGnbgzAQ0j7jItM_BayV13_k/edit?usp=sharing

<EA> http://www.aegis-project.eu/index.php?Itemid=53&id=63&option=com_content&view=article has Aphasia

<EA> Also has language

lisa: Steve: did we get any Funka and EasyReading personas?

steve: will chase

Silver request for COGA feedback (Jeanne)

WCAG 2.2 scheduling and updates https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1U9dm8rFsyPLu_LeSmdJRKdNdXmQ2nlUFcC7clUFglzw/edit#gid=0

<Jennie> +1 all on track for findable help

rachale - this is the scedule

steve: can you make sure everyone on TF hears about the survey for comments

<JohnRochford> Steve, losing you will be bad. You are a great contributer to our work. John

<Jennie> +1 to John R's comment!

David: can I have sample understanding doc please.

<Rachael> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1U9dm8rFsyPLu_LeSmdJRKdNdXmQ2nlUFcC7clUFglzw/edit#gid=0

rachael: lots of push back on essential controls so suggestion
... 1 approach tie to 1.3.1 an personalisation - doesn;t cover visulisation

<johnkirkwood> I just caught the end of Steve announcement... nooo! ;) you will be sorely missed!!

<Rachael> Controls that provide main navigation adn progress a process must be persistent.

rachael: ie do not scroll of vieewport

<Fazio> I would take issue with not requiring or addressing it to be visible

rachael: plese email me any issues

<Fazio> How are we defining "control"

rachael: option 3 is let it go to silver
... will mail it out and new survey a please all respond

lisa: we understood wanted programmatically determinable which requires it in personalisation
... so please keep p13n TF up to date
... also let us know which module so P13n TF can adjust priorities for the modules
... if anyone has ideas for a programmatic way that will be good so void defining look and feel
... should we put this in the SC text?

<LisaSeemanKest> a mechanisim exissts such that Controls that progress a process and critical content for the main pourse of the page can be emphasised and made persitant

lisa: requires defining critical content / controls based on page title

abij: my concern is personalisation may not be available on the device

<Fazio> +1

lisa: for example on a mobile the submit button should be visually persistant
... while is best done by design but can't get into WCAG, so personalisation could support it
... by allowing it via personalisation is an allowed option to get through WCAG

<Fazio> searching for tools is a cognitive problem and shouldn't have to beg relied on

<Rachael> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1WhZAbswvPHs7A3stfqM_ATsaBHPeGbHtARcmaKMck1U/edit#

lisa: it still seems to me that we are saying personalisation will be required

<Fazio> be not beg

<Rachael> steve: We need to be careful that we are encouraging inclusive design where assistive tech will solve the problem when not everyone will have it.

Fazio: do we have a defn for control

take objection to controls as can cause cognitive load having to look for personalisation tool

<Jennie> * love David's point!

scribe: looking for a non standard personalisation option with variable icon is a cognitive load

rachael: will provide way for all these great points ot be fed back

<Rachael> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1xmmQkuZLEG014zDRVkgr3QLyINb7BNvWxqL7POn6Ei8/edit#

User Stories

<LisaSeemanKest> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1xmmQkuZLEG014zDRVkgr3QLyINb7BNvWxqL7POn6Ei8/edit#

<Fazio> Rachael: did Jeanne explain to you what she wanted to talk about? If not, I was on the Silver call, and can fill in

lisa we should agree on the template form "As a user with"....

scribe: more important to look for gaps than perge

<abij> ETSI humana factors comparison https://docs.google.com/document/d/1cGFA4RiQ78wHbc9JGWIwGnbgzAQ0j7jItM_BayV13_k/edit?usp=sharing

abi: I shared this google doc with the ETSI requirments
... these are devleoped for mobile and voice

lisa: adds link ETSI to the document

<Rachael> ACTION: all read through the coga list and identify if any use cases are missing.

<trackbot> Error finding 'all'. You can review and register nicknames at <https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/task-forces/coga/track/users>.

steve: do in phases and are you suggesting functional not medical

<Fazio> visual perception might be a good term to cover dyslexia, and a few cognitive conditions

abi: thing we should number user stories for cross reference

<Fazio> we should define executive function

<Fazio> I don't think the general public would understand

zakim takup item 1

Silver request for COGA feedback (Jeanne)

silver keen to esnure do not miss anyhting important out n editors draft

Rachael draft will come out in Nov and have example clear words

scribe: is there a list of what Silver is working on

will ask

janain: much talk in conformance meeting is minimum and what cog requirements might fit - check the list minutes

<Rachael> trackbot end meeting

Summary of Action Items

[NEW] ACTION: all read through the coga list and identify if any use cases are missing.

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.154 (CVS log)
$Date: 2019/10/10 15:03:17 $

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Guessing input format: Irssi_ISO8601_Log_Text_Format (score 1.00)

Succeeded: s/gift/share alike/
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Default Present: MichaelC, Rachael, janina, stevelee, Fazio, Jennie, JustineP, JohnRochford, LisaSeemanKest, johnkirkwood
Present: MichaelC Rachael janina stevelee Fazio Jennie JustineP JohnRochford LisaSeemanKest johnkirkwood
Found Scribe: Steve
Found Scribe: stevelee
Inferring ScribeNick: stevelee
Scribes: Steve, stevelee

WARNING: No meeting chair found!
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<dbooth> Chair: dbooth

Found Date: 10 Oct 2019
People with action items: all

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