<Chuck> I see Janina's test.
<Chuck> The meeting has not started
<Lauriat> FYI to all, I just updated the schedule for today to reflect what we got through and didn't yesterday: https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/task-forces/silver/wiki/2019_September_16-20_in_Fukuoka,_Japan#Agenda
<Chuck> scribe: Chuck
Shawn: Waiting a few
... Quick update for today, intro to Tuesday
... Agenda has changed a bit based on how things went yesterday
and what we want to complete today.
... We'll start with how to assess conformance model
prototypes. One more thing to get through.
... There was a lack of consensus on how to assess the
motivation one, but we want to talk through scope.
... Jeanne has some things drafted.
... Second part of the morning, we'll talk through conformance
issues and exceptions.
... Afternoon we'll switch to project plans needs. We'll be
charged up and fresh to talk through project plan.
... Then talk about migration of WCAG to Silver.
Shawn: how to assess conformance model prototypes.
<Lauriat> 3.8 Scope: https://docs.google.com/document/d/13A8mGMnQujfEVqcw_LmAUYT8DDq_qW0TNcHxmCHd0io/edit#heading=h.pxm73yeoktv9
Shawn: <pasting in text>
<Lauriat> The guidelines provide guidance for people and organizations that produce digital assets and technology of varying size and complexity. Our intent is to provide guidance for a diverse group of stakeholders including content creators, browsers, authoring tools, assistive technologies, and more.
Shawn: Then will turn over to Jeanne
Jeanne: We were working on this
in the task force the same day that AGWG was discussing
... Discussion got sideways into discussing the charter.
... Several weeks old, may have changed.
<Lauriat> Develop a mix of SIlver guidelines and Methods that would include at least 2 methods each for: content creators, browsers, authoring tools, and assistive technologies. Show the methods to AGWG members (content creator experts), accessibility experts from 2-3 major browsers, 2-3 assistive technology vendors (including at least 1 non-English language assistive technology), and 2-3 accessibility experts from authoring tool vendors.
Shawn: <pasting in>
Jeanne: We can show methods to
AGWG members who hopefully have expertise, show it to
accessibility experts in 2 browser, 2 vendors including one non
english language AT.
... 2-3 accessibility experts from authoring tool vendors. They
can see methods we are planning to create and we can get
feedback from them.
Charles: Are we going to queue up response to that or jump in?
Shawn: You are first in queue.
Charles: the quantifiability of 2
methods each puts a large number and pressure before we can
evaluate the conformance model.
... That's a great deal of effort before we can do the
Shawn: True, we talked through a few. We would have to have a not tiny amount of content already created to test that.
Jeanne: I need to be more specific about each, I meant each group. 2 specific to browser venders, 2 for AT.
Charles: That's 8 that need to be created before we can measure.
Shawn: Would have to be from guidance that's relevant for each of those.
Charles: Doesn't need to be the same for each.
<jeanne> We have almost that many already done
<Makoto> I can invite "PC-Talker" as one of the non-English screen reader for sure. (In Japanese: http://www.pctalker.net/")
Shawn: No, probably wouldn't
... Any comments, q? Any ideas on how to test?
Makoto: Japanese leader to the
issue... if it is needed ask them.
... Pc-talker.
<jeanne> Thanks, Makoto
Makoto: We have JAWS and NVDA.
Shawn: Added comment that Makoto can get us in touch.
AWK: What do we anticipate are
methods for browsers that require them to do anything, a
technique for someone, you have to put alt text on image to be
correctly read.
... What's the method for the browser?
Katie: Browser needs to read the alt text.
AWK: I can write that such that
every browser already conforms.
... I don't know what are the scenarios where the browser
vendor declines becaue they don't want to do that?
Shawn: The one that will come up
more readily is emerging technologies, where the browser
doesn't do the thing. For the alt text example, we have an
... In chrome it will render the alt text for you. We do have
more examples of "you can fill this gap browser vendor".
... Yesterday's example for virtual reality platform maybe it
doesn't allow for specifying the language. It would be
applicable for virtual reality but no way to declare it
... Or maybe it can be declared but AT doesn't check it.
Katie: Or default focus ring. If we have a suggestion about the visible indicators being a certain depth or lightness of color, they would be doing that.
AWK: Browser could do it or authors would take it up.
<Zakim> jeanne, you wanted to give context to AWK
Jeanne: One of the things we
learned with user agent accessibility guidelines 2.0, it's not
a good idea to force companies to do things.
... If we give the guidance and ideas they are much more likely
to implement them.
... A browser which will go nameless did implement most
suggestions from a list, they were happy to improve
... We want to give guidance and not force them to do things.
That doesn't apply to content. But for browser manufactures,
there is no benefit to trying and force them to do
... ...here's a filtered list of things you could do to improve
things for low vision, personalization. A convenient list and
how it should support the content, which would be
... We aren't looking at forcing browers into doing anything.
That's not our intention.
<Zakim> janina, you wanted to ask whether we've considered any value in splitting content authoring from content hosting?
Janina: New kid on the block, has
it been considered to add a category for content hosting
providors? Facebook, Amazon, Ebay.
... Wouldn't that simplify our ask? You are making it difficult
for what a host should provide vs what is directly responsible
... I'm wondering how it plays out and how we handle that.
Shawn: Language of environment
example, for it when we worked through the tests for different
platforms, different methods...
... Rather than split up by type or thing... we list the ways
to declare the language. One of those ways is... an authoring
tool to specifify the language.
... That's along the line of what we were thinking. Not along
the different types of sites, too deep too quick.
... Amazon crosses may borders, content creation, authoring,
categorizing it as one site is an exercise in futility, like
many other sites.
... We listed technical and mechanical things that can be
Janina: OK.
<Zakim> MichaelC, you wanted to say we should leavve door open to different ua implementation expecations
Michael: Jeanne was saying that
we want to avoid normative user agent requirements. I would
like us to structure things such that the guidance is agnostic
to the normativity.
... We are limited to what methods we can list based on what
user agents support. If we can get user agents on board even if
we don't make a way for them to claim conformance..
... we work with them.
<jeanne> +1 Michael
Shawn: We don't want to claim what accessibility is for user agents.
<Zakim> alastairc, you wanted to ask if our scope is authoring oriented
Alastair: Going back to AWK's
example, would we be writing user methods for user agents to
handle alt text, we wouldn't do that.
... We would take approach of content authoring.... automatic
creation of alt text would be a low scoring method.
Shawn: If we identify major gaps in a browser's implementation, we look at the possible ways to bridge that gap for the users. For people writing html and javascript...
<jeanne> I don't think we should have to write something for every WCAG SC
Shawn: Pretty fragile, we can write something that suggests how you work around it, but we suggest to user agents that they can bridge the gap for everyone.
Alastair: No point in documenting something that already works.
<jeanne> We should only write methods where it is appropriate
Shawn: Any other q around this? If not we can move on.
<jeanne> Low vision is a low hanging fruit for browser guidance
RESOLUTION: The thing that Jeanne drafted is accepted.
Charles: Quick note. It's not
worded the same as an evaluation method.
... It's not written as validate this.
Shawn: I'll work on that before Thursday.
Shawn: Since Jeanne has done most of work, can you introduce?
<Lauriat> Conformance Issues and Exceptions: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1II0MP6l_Xn8GaRhxGSJPIbCto7xTLww3zpSjr6k57g4/edit
Jeanne: First thing I'll start
with is to give people an opportunity, a link to read for those
who haven't read this in a while.
... This is the conformance plan as of last May.
<jeanne> Conformance Plan as of last May: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1wklZRJAIPzdp2RmRKZcVsyRdXpgFbqFF6i7gzCRqldc/edit#heading=h.sevi88jq0fiq
Jeanne: Lot's of background and
goals we've been working towards. As we started evaluating some
new conformance proposals we brought up in July...
... We realized a number of issues identified that needed to be
brought out and discussed before we can address ...
... We pulled in separate document and started working through
... Again, our goal is how do we make conformance better
... We made list of issues, we recently got more additions to
... First one is very important but we can't address, does the
model of the architecture address the needs identified.
... We are working on #3, what measurements we should explore
and what should get points.
... We can go into this if desired, it would be better use of
this group to work on some of the others, because the
measurements one has lots of details and moving parts that
require solving the others.
... We keep spiraling around on it, but we are really making
... The other part of this document is the exceptions needing
solutions. We recently did a lot of work on. Better to start
here rather than the issues, but here are the issues...
... <lists issues>
<Lauriat> 4. "Conformance in WCAG 2.x is defined at the page & collection of pages level, and is difficult to apply to large, complex, and/or dynamic websites. Such sites update so rapidly they are impossible to guarantee they are 100% conformant - e.g. Facebook that updates tens of thousands of times a second, and so is impossible to test "
Jeanne: example from silver design sprint is that facebook updates multiple times per second. Impossible to conform to WCAG because they can't test collection of pages because of strict conformance requirements.
<Lauriat> 5. How do we set up a point scoring system that will be transparent, fair, and motivate or reward organizations to do more? There is an experiment with a point scoring spreadsheet. That is not intended to be used by regular users, only accessibility policy experts, regulators, and lawyers. (Bruce recommends a proof of concept that is more exaggerated (order of magnitude) to develop the concept, then refine it later. )
Jeanne: That's an area where we had a lot of discussion in July.
<Lauriat> 6. How do we maintain a point system so it stays current, but is protected from "gaming"?
Jeanne: How do we maintain a point system that stays current but is protected from gaming?
<Lauriat> 7. How do we set up methodologies for task-based assessment that can be used across a breadth of websites and products? The nuance of defining a task (granularity, paths, whether different multiple paths are more accessible to certain disabilities)
Shawn: <pastes in issues>
<Lauriat> 8. How do we migrate people from WCAG 2.x to Silver from a compliance viewpoint? (for example, should Bronze level equal WCAG 2.0 or WCAG 2.1?
<Lauriat> 9. How do we decide what are minimums that organizations must meet? Should that just be the non-interference success criteria of WCAG 2.x or are there more?
Jeanne: Alastair made a very attractive suggestion... there's a minimum score you need to get in each category of user need, so that all of effort doesn't go into a single category.
<Lauriat> 10. Should we require points be spread over categories of user needs? What list of user needs should we use?
<Lauriat> 11. How do we draw a line between "equivalent experience" and not identical experience? The example is a Map application where the complexity of the visual experience is too overwhelming to express in text equivalent.
Jeanne: Another really difficult one, where example is map application that's too much to express in text. How do we want to handle that?
<Lauriat> "Substantially conforms" came out of the Silver research where companies had a generally accessible site, but it was so large or updated so quickly that it wasn't possible to guarantee that it was 100% conformant. Facebook was an example of a site that was literally impossible to test because it was updated tens of thousands of times per second.
Jeanne: Exceptions needing
solutions may be a better place to start.
... Facebook was saying that their site... you have a website
that is generally accessible, you can't prove it's 100%
conformant, can a company show that they are substantially
conformant and wouldn't have to prove 100%
<Lauriat> "Tolerance" is a different concept of a less-than-ideal implementation but no serious barriers. I think we could collect those "less than ideal" examples when we write the tests for the user need. How we would we flag them as "less than ideal" and refer people to better methods seems like a solvable problem.
Jeanne: Another is tolerance.
Less than ideal implementation but has no serious barriers.
This is one the example Shawn gives of a google product where
they have an iframe a user would never access, but didn't have
a title.
... we want to identify these things that may not conform but
don't introduce a barrier.
<Lauriat> User Generated content: For sites like social media sites where users generate the content. The site can provide the tools to make it accessible, but should not be held responsible for the content generated by users.
Jeanne: A big one amazon brough
up is user generated content. Social media sites, the host can
provide tools to help, but how much should the host be
... Third party content, with a contractual relationship on one
end. The other extreme is the user content where there's very
little control over what is posted.
... These should be handled separately. Shouldn't come up with
a static way to handle 3rd party content. These cases may need
to be handled differently.
Shawn: Do you want to start
talking through one of these?
... I'm forgetting preceding list items.
Katie: User generated content,
contracts, that is getting into contract law. That's the thing
you do, our govt in the US that whoever hosts is responsible.
There are interagency agreements.
... I'm not sure that this is in the purview of our
... I think it gets a lot more complicated when you get into
user generated content where there is no contract.
... Unless they sign their life away. I'd like to hear other
peoples opinions, maybe later.
Katie: Orgs end up doing this. This is less about compliance with a standard and more about behavior of orgs.
<Zakim> AWK, you wanted to say that this area seems like a good candidate for higher level conformance (social content submissions)
AWK: I agree with Katie, we
wouldn't... it would be difficult to actively differentiate
with our advice on 3rd party content and legal relationships or
... Maybe we can address it simply... content not controlled by
site owner. If i'm running facebook and I set up something that
does additional things so that...
... videos are captioned and content will have structure and
headings if I do more, that promotes my site.
Charles: Trying to avoid a can of
worms and derailing.. I want to point out that user generated
content can have a very big impact on other users. For
... Codepen, user generated content... I as a user an create
something malicious that strobes. Codepen can't be held
responsible unless they had a mechanism to prevent.
... Does codepen have a policy to moderate?
Shawn: Someone twittered flashing content to an individual with epilepsy.
Charles: The content providor has a policy to remove such content, but it takes time.
AWK: There's policies to prevent
things such as inappropriate images of children, but there's an
alert process that identifies the violations.
... There's some moderation of sorts. But those things have to
be... many thousands of transactions a day. If codepen can do
something more...
... "We've set up moderation to help prevent flashing content".
"We are doing more than the mininum", and the minimum is
warning users to not do those bad things.
Shawn: That's backing up the
things that are in ATAG. Two sides of allowing and promoting
users to create accessible content, to identify the gaps in
that content.
... There are some bits around remediation, but not quite the
thing we are talking about, where users publish an awful thing,
and it's being addressed AFTER the fact.
... Context there is more in the authoring action.
AWK: As Charles says there is all sorts of stuff. Facebook can prompt for alternative text for example, but a blackboard with 19 documents and presentations may have accessibility issues.
Katie: There's also the
difference between the prompts are great. Aligning with the
kinds of things we think will go into legislation such as what
did happen.
... Makes sense. Prompts and so on and so forth. But if you are
going to allow authors to create content on your site, provide
an accessible editing tool.
... We can do things like that. We have to do things that
address the technical specification and has a technical thing
to be able to say we did that.
... Not just remind what's helpful for users. If you add a
widget a user can use, you get one that meets the requirements
for the users.
... What an individual provides, I don't know how far that can
go. Start out prompting the user.
Shawn: In the doc Alistair
commented, the site should provide the tools but can't be held
... <pasting>
<Lauriat> From Alastair: Probably not a decision for standards, but legislators. Also, a platform can 'tilt' users in a way that is more or less accessible. E.g. the character limit in Twitter encouraged people to post images of text. Twitter could auto-generate alt text for those, or provide an extended-tweet feature.
Alastair: General thought, we are helping people measure accessibility, but we don't get way to complicated.
Shawn: If we stay on Katie's point on the technical side, point out the issues.
Katie: A couple of techniques (a
method) make sure that we provide a place to author content
that is accessible, and possibly allow a user to skip the
... A site gives the user the opportunity to interact with the
content or not.
Janina: That's important, you are
giving tools to provide indicators, such that someone CHOSE to
ignore it.
... As opposed to "my hands were tied and nobody helped".
<Zakim> alastairc, you wanted to ask whether there could be a platform-oreinted conformance
Alastair: Platform accessibility,
I'm use to a sampling approach. In facebook example, you take a
sample and look at a user's version.
... Codepen is one extreme where anything goes, twitter is on
the other end, restrictive. Instead of a sampling approach,
maybe there's a method of allowing things that can be done on
... Twitter plain text maybe.
... There will be a surface of accessibility issues where the
users is limited to what they are allowed to do, that can only
be accessible and what guidelines would be triggered.
Shawn: That allows somebody to
say "this is what is possible to post and create" and how
accessible it would be by default, but not necessarly how
accessible it is.
... You can't prevent someone from creating inaccessible
Alastair: But you can tilt it
towards accessibility.
... ...if they were better at encouraging alt text. You could
work out that surface area and score on how well you are
enforcing accessibility.
Janina: Looking for patterns of where things fail. Who is failing more often.
Katie: The AIPs will be there with privacy.. it's their...
janina: If privacy, why not
... I like Alastair's suggestion. It's a good approach to
develope further, better than sampling.
Shawn: Is there another aspect Jeanne? I think we are coming to a solid resolution.
Jeanne: Chuck is great at scribing!
Shawn: Did we cover the user
generated content well enough?
... Is there another one you want to go to Jeanne?
Jeanne: Let's go tackle "substantially conforms". That's huge. People in AGWG have a lot of experience.
<Lauriat> Review: "Substantially conforms" came out of the Silver research where companies had a generally accessible site, but it was so large or updated so quickly that it wasn't possible to guarantee that it was 100% conformant. Facebook was an example of a site that was literally impossible to test because it was updated tens of thousands of times per second.
<alastairc> scribe:alastairc
SL: <reads pasted text>
<CharlesHall> relates to: https://docs.google.com/document/d/17ByXEqqXuqWtDzxq2J6Vch27n4RWMZig7P426aPiIto/edit?usp=sharing
SL: Some overlaps with what we talked about, but put user-generated to one side. There are other very large sites out there.
<janina> q_ to say that some sie functions cannot be exceptions, eg. login
Katie: The only way I see, without gaming it, is to either: have a section of the site to test, or ... [missed second way]. Everyone's site may be rapidly changing in future, can't just let that go.
<Zakim> AWK, you wanted to say that the threshold for full conformance claims is substantially lower than facebook-size sites
AWK: Don't know if you can entirely prevent gaming, that depends on what companies are included to do. Main point: The size of site, where making a 'full' conformance claim gets difficult, is well below the size of Amazon.com. In small sites we ID key workflows, may represent <25%, but still very big expense.
SL: I've been thinking about it
as getting a perspective on everything, and looking for other
ways of slicing it. E.g. NY times. Large site, perhaps not as
varied as others, but still have news, comics, crossword
puzzle, probably done with different teams, management
structures, cost centres etc.
... could they declare their own scope of conformance? E.g. our
classified section meets silver...
Charles: Different ways to slice,
we've previously discussed task based. Mostly happy with
throwing away 'page based', but substantially conforms could be
task associated. E.g. site has authentication requirements, so
auth is a task. Then 'get a document', 'make a thing', whatever
the task is becomes the task.
... task-based assessment idea, should lead to task based
<Zakim> janina, you wanted to suggest some functions are too critical to be exceptions e.g. authentication
Janina: Would want a stricter conformance for login, payment tasks. Other aspects may not be as critical.
Charles: I'm suggesting that if you have a list of tasks, e.g. top 100. If they all pass conformance, the rest of the site might not.
AWK: Our guidance around
conformance claim could specify that certain tasks
(legal/financial) those must be part of conformance claim. But
could exclude other areas (esp legacy content)
... like the idea of the site defining it's own scope. Doesn't
change what happens when end-user makes a complaint, that can
still happen, but at least the conformance claim says what was
<Zakim> MichaelC, you wanted to say partial conformance, minimal requirements, procedural conformance and to separate hosting from posting and to mention critical functions
MichaelC: For task-based, was
thinking about critical functions, and minimal requirements.
e.g. any site that has the least bit of content shouldn't have
flashing content, even from user-posting. Could have a
below-bronze level of 'don't kill people'? In WCAG 2.0 the
answer was 'partial conformance', want to avoid straying into
that approach.
... one reason we had that was due to content we don't control,
but talking ATAG-iness, e.g. wordpress have both content and
hosting functions. Some they can make conform, other areas they
have to provide the tools for users to conform.
<Fazio_> Making the tools discoverable is important
MichaelC: a user (including commercial entities), could conform for their facebook presence, and facebook would have to provide the tools for them.
<Fazio_> Often times a11y tools are hidden
<Zakim> jeanne, you wanted to talk about Large Websites paper
<jeanne> Challenges with COnformance for Large Dynamic https://docs.google.com/document/d/17ByXEqqXuqWtDzxq2J6Vch27n4RWMZig7P426aPiIto/
Jeanne: I should have said - Peter et al wrote up a paper on challenges of conformance for large / complex dynamic web sites.
<Lauriat> +1 to Fazio_, and ATAG talks about prominence of these things that we should definitely look at.
<jeanne> (1) numerous WCAG Guidelines and Success Criteria expect human involvement to verify conformance, which is challenging to scale to large sites and to dynamic sites; (2) large and dynamic sites have portions that are always under construction, which is challenging to address with the WCAG 2.x conformance model which makes no allowance for that; and (3) third parties frequently add and change content on large and dynamic sites, and related non-conformities in[CUT]
Jeanne: <pastes text and talks
... e.g. this part is being worked on and may not be
conformant. Also, the 3rd party issues.
<AWK> Thinking: "Conformance = a level determined by an evaluation for a set of tasks on a page or collection of pages that is defined by the provider, and does not necessarily include 3rd party content. Conformance is based on the tasks and may not include all aspects of every page that is part of the tasks"
Jeanne: I assume there are more details, but people can read the doc.
Janina: Good summary, and Peter
and I have been back and forth on this draft. Would like others
to contribute thinking. Only other thing - in a complex &
dynamic site, different depts might have things under
construction, but will be responsible for different things.
Some developer somewhere else might have changed things.
... there's a large urban env analogy, things happen that you
find out through some mechanism, then people show up in a truck
to fix things.
<Zakim> alastairc, you wanted to say defining task will be tricky
<AWK> AC: Defining tasks will be tricky, although if the org defines it then they own it
<AWK> ... as a 3rd party to define them is harder
Charles: Just to add, there's another type of dynamic condition, e.g. AB testing, with 12 variations of a page, and conformance may have tested one of them.
SL: Comes back to non-page based conformance, and you'd need to define that as part of your claim. You'd probably wait until after it's done.
<Zakim> Makoto, you wanted to share my document "Conformance model of JIS X 8341-3:2016"
<Makoto> Conformance model of JIS X 8341-3:2016 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1SVDWemejSSBPPqJl4t_KBGeXWsFNWjHv0JW1y6RWgdg/edit#heading=h.ltnf1nkl7yg0
Makoto: In Japan we have national
standard, adpoted WCAG 2.0, published 2010. At that time the
working group, we found issues for larger websites, so this
... for large websites, we took random sampling, for dynamic
websites we took screenshots to snapshot the claim.
<Lauriat> ack 3d
Kim: Sometimes, e.g. NY times, you may have content that is copyrighted, and may not be able to change it. Or if a comment comes in as an image, could put in alt text, but what about cartoon part? Sometimes you can't change it as it is, and with large volume you couldn't feasibly tackle that.
SL: For things like comics, e.g. someone used non-contrasting colors, not sure we have solid solutions.
AWK: For 3rd party stuff, if they hire people, I'd hope that's in scope.
Charles: Wouldn't we need to make exceptions in the guidelines itself?
SL: Noting 3rd party stuff as
... E.g. you want to claim conformance, here is how to express
some of the things you might hit.
Kim: We have a series of books we publish & host, we can't change those. It belongs to someone else.
Katie: Remind us that the task based things may include permissions as another path.
<Zakim> alastairc, you wanted to say that users will encounter these things
<AWK> AC: exp around dynamic content, users will be encountering things but we want to measure accessibility and let the legislators make some scoping decisions
Chuck: Could throw in simple statement around not requiring things that would require people to break laws...
<Cyborg> re: what Chuck wrote -- except what if law works the other way, and ends up enforcing Silver?
SL: 15 min break, back at 10:45 (Japanese time)
<Cyborg> could be circular argument
<mbgower> rrsagent make minutes
<scribe> scribe:Jake
Jake: Were we still talking about conformance challenges, and the 1-3 from amazon?
<scribe> scribe:alastairc
SL: Covered quite a lot, but there is a lot of complexity. If there's something you'd like to pick up from?
Jake: My thoughts, are we
agreeing? Those 3 points, I just thought they were
disappointing, and not what we are looking for when looking for
challenges with conformance. Reasons: The 3 issues are in
general for all companies, tend to be the excuses we all hear,
e.g. too much human involvement needed.
... 'there are too many user needs', but that's why we are
there in the first place. If we want to fill gaps in
user-needs, and create guidelines, it seems like a weak excuse.
What's the result, do we skip some user needs? That's not why
we're here.
... those are the facts to deal with, and then ask what the
challenges within the company as to why you can't comply.
... E.g. if you don't fulfill the criteria, don't go live.
SL: In a team I was in, we were
launching 12 times a week. We aren't ignoring it, it is about
how to not make it more difficult.
... there are many ways to do it, and many ways to alleviate
it, e.g. with a focus on scalable testing. Even if there is
still a human to review the results, we could alleviate the
need to do lots of human testing.
Jake: Seems like there is a need to find solutions.
<mbgower> +1 to SL's comments on scalable testing
Jake: the large dynamic sites
& under construction, that's a fact, the challenge is how
can we still make sure... like with AB testing... I just hope
that there's a lot, and do AB testing, and simple example: We
didn't use heading element because it's under construction, the
core basics can still be there when under construction.
... that's what we have to deal with, not the challenge.
SL: On a given page, there could
be many tests going on, so page level conformance doesn't work.
Other approaches could, e.g. task-based.
... agree with things like AB test, should be tested before
going live. But, the declaration of conformance is a concern
Jake: Same with 3rd parties,
could have procurement that includes WCAG.
... the challenges tend to be that the teams going live with a
feature don't have the knowledge, not about 50 criteria.
<Zakim> jeanne, you wanted to say that we want people to be able to conform
Jeanne: Some context - when we
look at basic principle, improving accessibility for
disabilities, some of the biggest sites are the most important
for those people.
... if the big sites improve, makes a big difference. The
companies are making improvements, even though they want to
... want to provide a path to improve that is recognized.
... this discussion is more about adjusting the things that are
structural so big orgs can claim conformance.
Katie: Are we still talking about substantially conforms?
SL: Bit of tangent, but mostly.
Katie: Understand that point, but
those are not most websites. If we go in direction of
path-based, still need a concept of rendered /screen-based for
many other websites.
... have to be careful about trying to give big orgs a
SL: +1 to not ignoring other sites. E.g. for local people shop, the tasks may be view contact info and view menu.
<Zakim> AWK, you wanted to talk about hurricane ties
<Rachael_> +1 to covering the smaller sites as well
<jeanne> Katie, this is not about giving the big orgs a break. We have a lot to support medium-size sites, but the large sites have needs that it will benefit people with disabilities if we can address them.
<mbgower> +1 to SL. Identifying functional processes and measuring those is an effective way of assessing a site.
AWK: Agree we don't want to
ignore the other sites. Comes down to what you can practically
look at. E.g. a housing project, you have something built.
There are building codes, e.g. for hurricane ties. They don't
check every tie. But they do check the Ground fault circuit
interrupter, as it is critical. They don't look at the morter
between each brick.
... on websites, you might not check every heading, but you
can't practically watch every time they do that. So IDing
tasks/flows, or page by page. E.g. 3 page site you test every
page. For larger sites you ID tasks and use that to dig in
<mbgower> AWK, is it also possible to allow the person doing the 'hurricane ties' to report an accomplishment and roll that up into a site report/measurement?
AWK: Many sites are too large to evaluate in that way.
Chuck: I don't look at it as
giving big orgs a break, but at the moment they can't conform
due to scale.
... we should be taking away an excuse.
Katie: Does that take away the responsibility for individual cost-centres to be responsible. Want to cover all types of websites, inc XR stuff. Need a name for 'current screen', not viewport.
SL: Couple of aspects, 1. Clarity for those making things accessible. 2. Transparency about whether something was done incorrectly, and they know reason for guidance, they can make better judgement calls.
<Zakim> alastairc, you wanted to say about ISO 27001 approach.
<Chuck> alastairc: This reminded me of previous thought around the approach ISO # takes. Not in detail, someone else took us through this. You start with a benchmark of where you are now (not passing everything)
<Chuck> alastairc: And you put together a plan on how you improve the deficiencies. Its not a back and white approach. "we don't have badges now, we will have badges next year".
<Chuck> Katie: That's the remediation plan.
<Chuck> alastairc: Org wise it's nice to not get a big fat fail.
<Zakim> mbgower, you wanted to say there may be ways we can construct measures which would allow us encourage conformance at a more granular and earlier stage in addition to a 'final
MichaelG: Wonder if there's a way
to roll up, to apply towards conformance. Still have to go
through list, but moving to an agile process. No longer
waterfall with big test at end. As you go along. As a webdev,
do these things.
... e.g. on the component you're working on now. Proof of
actions take, rather than final proof.
SL: That kind of dev practice, doesn't negate an end result at the end.
MichaelG: It's hard to have that stuff rolled up into an SC. A lot would have to be a different way of working.
Jake: Thinking of more holistic approach, what are you specifically looking for in new conformance model? If it's holistic, we devine that 'this' should be done, and you have done it or not.
<Ryladog> <scribe> Ryladog
<scribe> scribe: Ryladog
Jake: This isnot a lot of grey
area? Is between 80% and 100% is OK?
... Part of the Dev Cycle, is there challenge. That is not
these are the user needs and these are the methods?
Shawn: No, a CM that goes beyond flat websites
SL: a CM that more accurate reflects the experience for user with disabilities
<alastairc> Katie: Michael said we could include things from current model that are blockers, those could be part of it, ensure not destroying the user-experience.
AWK: That is what we have in the current NM
SL: Yes
I thinkwe can ensure that we have non-interference SCs in the new CM
Jake: Orgs have depenndencies
SL: That is the companies proble,
<alastairc> Katie: User-experience is what the user gets, regardless of the where things come from
Jake: The end user is only interacting with one thing at a time if 500 things are going on in the background
Alastair: If can components at the top, scrollable areas
SL: Yes
<AWK> FYI - the example about a page with an iframe that is used for some control function and not meant for user consumption and it fails because that iframe lacks a title - "web page" is defined as "a non-embedded resource obtained from a single URI". The iframe is embedded so "page titled" doesn't apply.
SL: (team looking at a google ui)
taking the users that is right in front of me
... Docs is good but Calendar is not -
Jake: but the CR allow that today, you can scope out an area
SL: My point in not that you can
excuse this because this is not at the page level
... In docs there are tons of UIs that are in the Docs
Jake: that is my experience for maybe proper reason, this is not a webpage. If you ask 100 people and they will give you a 100 names
SL: My point is application are
going to create there own concept of a webpage
... Come of with a concept of scrope
... Give examples
... w3cwould not definethe scope, the organization would
Chuck: The way that I have been thinking about this Schrödinger's page
SL: We are moving on
we need a NAME of currently rendered view
JS: Jake raised, shoud
ld we have minimum reqs?
scribe: we have been talking
about a point system
... people would nt have to do every singleGL, but they would
have to have a certain number of points they would have an
overall score
... one thing we kee coming back to, like the non-interference
... if you make a more basic than that
<Zakim> mbgower, you wanted to say there are conformance claims and conformance claims
MG: we express conformance
through some kind of VPAT, my expereince is that lots of sites
dont comply with various levels of accuracy
... I am worried about people doing less
... captioing hasnt really been that strong
... it is rare to see videos properly captioned and described
for both deaf and blind users
... it would be good for sites to be accurate with what they
achieve, and for those who go beyond the basics to be able to
claim it
SL: they have a way express this is a VPAT, It can be a report of hw they dont comply
AWK: I think there will always be a e=need for that. The complaints wehear are that ACR/VPATs are very lengthy
,,,,,in order to reach bronze, you should e
be able to say we have reach 80 of 90 things
<Zakim> alastairc, you wanted to say that without page model, still need non-interferance (and more) for tasks
scribe: you wind up with site that dont claim anything
<mbgower> Right, we want sites to be able to report on what they've done, even if it doesn't fully comply or meet a target
Alastair: if we are not using a webpage model, and a page includes a calendar, I would want the entire rendered view - we would want conformance to cover that
SL: Non-interference has to remain at the top, beyond that if the browser just plashes at a crazy rate - there are all kinds of lelves of Non-interference
Jake: Beyond non-interference, what do you do?
DF: I am sceptical that people
will want to talk about what they are NOT conform
... maybe adding a Readily Achievable
... you are mapping out a lawsuit
SL: I didnt see it as that, For these cases, what we have done
CharlesHall: If the CC partial without identifying the gap?
DF: Whether or not you say what you have met is not
SL: We should have a mechanism to do what they have done
<Zakim> AWK, you wanted to talk about non-interference challenges
AWK: I have seen many sites where they do say that we are working towards this X - that is the companiesdecision
<alastairc> Having a graduated approach which does identify areas of non-compliance would fit nicely with the EU public sector bodies approach.
AWK: Part of what we talked about
before, if a company is defining a task and a flow - it is
going to be hard to get into a page without a title
... if you open a page
... if you have a page with 4 buttons, my task is to run
<alastairc> Katie: If we still require some things may force AT to continue to support. E.g. in VR, a battlefield, the title of the page should be battlefield, however it is done.
<Chuck> katie: If we still require them may force technologies to implement things, say XR experience (the battlefield). The title of the page should be "battlefield" however it's done in that tech.
<Chuck> Katie: We want to keep doing the things that have been done. What is the tech capable of, and how do we push the technology further?
<Chuck> Katie: They are providing the same functionality in a way we know that AT can pick up relative to AT. Not specific to AT, but like that.
<Zakim> bruce_bailey, you wanted to say that advertising partial conformance is probably not inviting lawsuit
<Fazio> My Fortune 200 clients have
BB: I want to reply to that having statementishaving a lawsuit, I think that is legitimateto fear. I think you are more likely to havefear ifyou dont do anything at all
<Fazio> Which is why all our testers were required to NDA
BB: I have heard her speak, if the university has a plan and they go after
<AWK> (her=Eve Hill)
SL: This is also overlapping with the clear and transparent
<JakeAbma> scribe: JakeAbma
Chuck: MC mentioned a less than bronze possibility
MC: we might want to say, not complying with bronze is not killing, but at least you can do "this...""
SL: would like to see as an example that we can say "docs" is conformant, but the calendar is excluded / has it's own conformance model
<alastairc> AC: What if the tasks don't cover the site/application very well?
<Zakim> AWK, you wanted to ask about ACT tie-in
AWK: I'm a little wary if we
introduce a "level" lower than bronze
... like you see with the fast pass of MS Insights
SL: automation doesn't tell you what's right, but at least what's not wrong
AWK: ACT gives you possibilities
on what may be checked automatically
... in 2, 5, 10 years automation will improve
<mbgower> agree that a clean automated tool should be a baseline on which other scoring takes place. Say you get 40/100 for a clean baseline? And as ACT grows, the baseline amount increases.
<Zakim> MichaelC, you wanted to ask about web page unit of conformance, coformance scope, task based scope, function scoope and to say scope / tasks correspond to users and to say the
MC: in WCAG 2 in conformance we
talk about web based, where some pages are more important, not
... essential functions might be achievable for conformance,
not all 10.000+ pages, to make it more feasable
... we should ask people to not make websites which kill
<AWK> (we are willing to ask nicely for that)
<Cyborg> just mentioning that killing can happen fast or slowly
MC: we should have statements added to not do that
<Zakim> mbgower, you wanted to say has silver TF come up with a list of common functions?
MG: did the TF come up with a
list of functions or tasks?
... we might come up with common functions
SL: a organisation could say, the top x functions are conformant
<Zakim> alastairc, you wanted to discuss sampling tasks?
CH: it's up to the organisation to define their tasks, we need to provide them guidance
<mbgower> In my experience, most testers create a sampling.
<mbgower> At IBM, I tend to recommend that testers identify the critical end-to-end tests to run to confirm the entire process is accessible.
<Zakim> AWK, you wanted to speak to the onus of responsibility to define tasks accurately
AWK: companies may choose
specific teams / persons work to make a conformance claim,
because they know they did a proper job
... there are part of sites we companies know are not
... it doesn't take away the responsibility
<Zakim> MichaelC, you wanted to say task based conf claim nearly as easy a page based
MC: agree with AWK
... task base conformance claim can be as easy as page based
... in favour of task based
<Lauriat> RSSAgent, make minutes
<Lauriat> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1zFgVcDUMSOrZ5nnGRocs2pZYkqOhwdyMU_Z62_CedbQ/edit
<scribe> scribe: JakeAbma
SL: we will talk about Silver
... drafted some categories: Process, Structure, Content,
... nothing to do around conformance model / testing
... it's about how we work , the needs of the people involved
creating Silver
<Lauriat> Reposting link to the Silver Project Plan Needs: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1zFgVcDUMSOrZ5nnGRocs2pZYkqOhwdyMU_Z62_CedbQ/edit
SL: like involved groups,
community groups, testers etc. on how we want to do it
... also the WCAG WG itself
MC: seems 2 questions: are these
the ones to address?
... next is how to execute the plan... ?!
SL: my goal and expectation is go
over the outline and high level thing on "this might be our
... how do we handle some new shining technology /
... we cannot provide guidance for all new emerging
technologies, but we need a structure
... and how do we maintain these
MC: we need to plan this AFTER the 1.0 release
SL: can be moved lower, but maintenance is one of the hot topics for SIlver
MC: want to split Communication paths to internal and external
SL: how do we manage
... want to avoid, "if my thing doesn't make it, it will be
postpones for the next 10 years..."
... need to establish a clear path for this
MC: want a clear separation for different parts of iterating
AWK: WG indicated 18/24 months
for updating ( 2.x) and now we might have capability to
continuous updates
... governments are not able to update dot releases / versions
as much as we publish releases
MG: discussions are going on for
providing "living standards"
... process features might be provided
... no clear ideas yet, but talk are there
CH: will there be a deviation between normative and informative?
MG: yeh, there will be a determination of some sort, probably
<Fazio> Governments won't like standards that are continuously updated
SL: we haven't decided what will be normative and what not, take the methods as an example
<Fazio> It was 20 years between ADA technical guidelines update
<Fazio> even that was contentious
SL: was there a process change for 2.2?
AWK: not really, only the
acceptance requirements, and also have talked about and
promoted some changes on how work is done
... specs / editors draft will be published in Github, but work
can be developed in environments of choice
<alastairc> Working process for WCAG 2.2 SC creation: https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/wiki/WCAG_2.2_working_process
SL: content migration is pretty
straight forward, other parts not yet established, like
conformance model
... how does the WG see this working best (in larger
... 1 person maintaining all, or phone calls not always work
fine, like people in other countries and all work done in phone
calls they can't attend
AWK: critical parts do require
maintenance, high level of organisation is critical
... it's very hard if information is scattered around the place
and hard to find
SL: tools are hard because they're not perfect at all, never came across a proper tool
MC: we need to explore options for good tools
<AWK> Scribe: AWK
SL: The PM tasks would be pretty deep
MC: Maybe 2 days a week
AWK: That's 4x the advertised chair committment
MC: May need to borrow from the
2.x acceptance criteria process for SIlver
... May be outcome goals - "does SIlver include X number of 2.x
SC" etc
... expectation is that for SIlver 1.0 we will have ported
everything that we want to and added some things
SL: Version 1 of Silver - (see
page 4)
... option 1: silver=wcag 2.x
... option 2: silver=Wcag 2.x + something
(general agreement that silver uses option 2)
SL: What does "some new stuff"
... JSp and SL thinking that is a modest amount
MC: effective requirements include some emerging technologies
SL: if Silver has no more than WCAG 2.x, why would people take on Silver?
JA: perhaps for the new conformance model?
CA: idea of adding some stuff is of interest to valid the extensibility bit
<alastairc> AWK: Part of the challenge is that until the conformance model is established, hard to scope what is scoped in/out.
<alastairc> ... if that's missing requirements, don't know yet.
<alastairc> SL: To validate we're using prototypes, but agree that we don't know where that gets to yet.
DF: don't want to dilute the
... can't make a new version just because - it needs to do
something extra
SL: Management of iterations?
AC: Should the deliverables include the list of things that are needed to get new requirements into Silver?
SL: Added to list
KHS: JSa suggested about an "explainer"
JSa: We can't expect the AGWG to fully understand all of the documentation in the wiki - something simple to help new people and visitors understand
MC: Having an explainer may become a requirement for specs in the future
SL: Lots of items around the info
... we are going to need a lot to accept new content
... e.g. tagging means need a tagging database system
AWK: We have done something like that with text files and exported content
MC: Not sure that there is a relational DB that is needed
SL: support for delivery of Silver in an API is in the plans that have been conceived of
MC: technical requests go through michael
AWK: For 2.0 it was Ben Caldwell that provided that technical support services
CH: would an API be used for translations also?
MC: maybe?
AWK: Would probably help?
SL: Question about how and when
we rollover silver work to AGWG work.
... we've had some more people come over to help with Silver
but haven't wanted to have 50+ people working on everything
MC: hearing two questions
... 1) when does the WG want to start on 2.x and switch. Right
now thinking is 2.2, then Silver
... 2) question about when is an appropriate time to accept new
SL: important to get timings worked out
<Zakim> bruce_bailey, you wanted to say i am one of the people hoping for a 2.5 or 2.9
BB: Want to agree with SL that
Silver would need to have more req to be appealing
... also that the USAB is looking for a stable version before
incorporating into regs
KHS: other things in project plan
are implementation plan and more - once that stuff is in place
the WG will be able to work with it
... New thing needs to be good, not half-@55ed
<Lauriat> +1
KHS: expect Silver will have holes that weren't anticipated
<Zakim> AWK, you wanted to say ha ha katie and to say WG needs to start working before 2.2
<Chuck> awk: One thing that I feel strongly about is that I don't think there is a grand switch-over. Not 2.2 milestone then immediate move to Silver.
<Chuck> awk: We need to do it partially, get less done in 2.2, and that's ok.
SL: yes, this is what we talked
about when we needed more help around conformance models.
... getting more people involved
... with the project plan defining work that is needed and
finding people to help
<Zakim> alastairc, you wanted to talk about trigger point for when silver is ready for all-in
KHS: Conformance model discussions in 2.0 were hard, long, and everyone was part of it
AC: avoid having everyone all in
on conformance model discussion
... somewhat before writing requirements
<Zakim> AWK, you wanted to talk about conformance revieew
<Chuck> awk: even within 2.0 there are some people doing more of that work in the writing. 2.0 the conformance model was the main thing and everyone was contributing.
<Chuck> awk: It's ... there are people doing the heavy lifting. We have to make sure that people in the wg are aware, and that if they want to be a heavy lifter then need to pick up some weight.
<Chuck> awk: The wg is going to expect that they have an opportunity to provide comment and thoughts on what is in it. And I expect that we expect that to be the case.
<Chuck> awk: It's best to come up with a conformance model note so that the main wg engagement is around "are we behind this note"? Then that piece is locked into place.
KHS: so not a couple of options?
<Chuck> awk: I think that providing updates (monthly)... here's what's going on in the conformance model, giving a status, and convey our next steps.
<Chuck> awk: If you see something before then... march forward. At some point it's "here's the pros and cons", and then the wg has the big debate.
<Chuck> awk: There's going to be something good and not as good in the conformance models, the wg will want to be involved.
<Chuck> awk: ...in helping assess where the weight is placed based on pros and cons.
SL: yes, even as we get to the prototypes there may be ways to combine aspects of different prototypes
KHS: Concerned about a
conformance model not being able to handle some aspect
... e.g.. media
SL: That's why we are defining
how to test conformance models
... if there are known gaps we can address now
AC: We do have the existing WCAG SC and things that haven't gotten into WCAG and some ideas around emerging tech to help test the conformance models
<KimD_> https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/task-forces/silver/wiki/Welcome_to_Silver
Example explainer doc: https://www.w3.org/TR/personalization-semantics-1.0/
<Zakim> bruce_bailey, you wanted to say i am hearing MC say no 2.3, so that means USAB will be waiting for Silver 1.1 at the earliest
<Zakim> AWK, you wanted to ask about FPWD
For reference, the WCAG 2.0 FPWD: https://www.w3.org/TR/2001/WD-WCAG20-20010125/
<Fazio> scribe: Fazio
<MichaelC> mc: our charter under review indicates FPWD soon, think we need to honor that commitment. It can be minimal, an intro and a few ported SC and description of the structure
MC: SL: concerned about structure
of guidelines
... need 1st working draft in November
... early 2020 for focus to shift to silver
<Lauriat> SL: Mostly concerned about the assumptions of usage of structure, rather than the structure itself.
AK: AGWG should shift to silver focus when silver structure and model is ready
<Zakim> bruce_bailey, you wanted to ask if 2.3 might be a small tf
Focus on silver more important than developing WCAG 2.3
MS: Focus on silver more important than developing WCAG 2.3
MC: Focus on silver more important than developing WCAG 2.3
SL: need different name for silver for 1st public working draft
<Lauriat> SC 1.3.4 Orientation, SC 1.4.10 Reflow: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1aCRXrtmnSSTso-6S_IO9GQ3AKTB4FYt9k92eT_1PWX4/edit#heading=h.hirzywsbl4d
<Lauriat> 1. Users who cannot change device orientation.
<Lauriat> 2. Users who need the ability to view content in the orientation that works best for them.
<Lauriat> 3. One column view in responsive design: A site uses responsive design. When a person zooms in to over 300%, the layout is reflowed to one column. The user can read the content easily and does not have to scroll sideways to read. PDF offering reflow: In a PDF created to conform to PDF/Universal Accessibility (ISO 14289), the content can be reflowed and zoomed in to make reading possible for someone with low-vision.
<Zakim> MichaelC, you wanted to say user needs should describe functional need not user characteristic
MC: user needs look like
... user needs need to be reframed
AK: you can combine reflow with
resizing text
... reflow building on text sizing that was insufficient in
WCAG 2.0
Jake: reflow part is what is
happening in viewport
... wants to split up parts of reflow
Charles: Usage with or without orientation - suggested rewrite
SL: can be brief with user needs
for now
... trying not to list characteristics
Charles: better to say single axis instead of column
<Lauriat> Understanding documentation for Reflow, for context and reference: https://www.w3.org/WAI/WCAG21/Understanding/reflow.html
Charles: cognition needs missing
AK: valuable to list types of users that benefit from each SC not sure if that's the right level of where we need to go
<CharlesHall> the proposed format: People may have [with/without/who can/cannot] [action or function] due to: human factors (like [example of disability]); technical factors (like [example]); or contextual factors (like [example]).
Jake: situational needs are most powerful for listing user needs
SL: should we be framing in usage of mobile device?
MC: Would like to be device agnostic
Charles: examples cases fill in gaps
<KimD_> Do we need something about scrolling and limited mobility?
I wonder if the cognition is different for Japanese Chinese etc characters
Charles: user need is ability to use without losing place
Jake: sticky headers/footers with text are an issue
<janina> .
Kim: limited manipulation to only scroll in one direction
<CharlesHall> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1W5CSvU4XxWXNneu4ibokjcYUCsG386xL1rGOiTrDvt8/edit?usp=sharing
<Lauriat> Direct link to the tab in question: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1W5CSvU4XxWXNneu4ibokjcYUCsG386xL1rGOiTrDvt8/edit#gid=1834752082
<Lauriat> trackbot, end meeting
This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.154 of Date: 2018/09/25 16:35:56 Check for newer version at http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/~checkout~/2002/scribe/ Guessing input format: Irssi_ISO8601_Log_Text_Format (score 1.00) Succeeded: s/accessibvility/accessibility/ Succeeded: s/sschrodingerd/Schrödinger's/ Succeeded: s/it is rare to see videos not working for both deaf and blind/it is rare to see videos properly captioned and described for both deaf and blind users/ Succeeded: s/variously levels/various levels/ Succeeded: s/it is good to allow those who go beyond/it would be good for sites to be accurate with what they achieve, and for those who go beyond the basics to be able to claim it/ Default Present: AWK, Chuck, Lauriat, jeanne, janina, JakeAbma, Makoto, Rachael, CharlesHall, KimD, alastairc, Katie_Haritos-Shea, KimD_, MichaelC, Cyborg, mbgower, Jemma_, kirkwood, bruce_bailey, Fazio WARNING: Replacing previous Present list. (Old list: (no, one), Chuck, Lauriat, jeanne, janina, JakeAbma, Makoto, Rachael, CharlesHall) Use 'Present+ ... ' if you meant to add people without replacing the list, such as: <dbooth> Present+ AWK, Chuck, Lauriat, jeanne, janina, JakeAbma, Makoto, Rachael, CharlesHall Present: AWK Chuck Lauriat jeanne janina JakeAbma Makoto Rachael CharlesHall KimD alastairc Katie_Haritos-Shea KimD_ MichaelC Cyborg mbgower Jemma_ kirkwood bruce_bailey Fazio Found Scribe: Chuck Inferring ScribeNick: Chuck Found Scribe: alastairc Inferring ScribeNick: alastairc Found Scribe: Jake Found Scribe: alastairc Inferring ScribeNick: alastairc Found Scribe: Ryladog Inferring ScribeNick: Ryladog Found Scribe: JakeAbma Inferring ScribeNick: JakeAbma Found Scribe: JakeAbma Inferring ScribeNick: JakeAbma Found Scribe: AWK Inferring ScribeNick: AWK Found Scribe: Fazio Inferring ScribeNick: Fazio Scribes: Chuck, alastairc, Jake, Ryladog, JakeAbma, AWK, Fazio ScribeNicks: Chuck, alastairc, Ryladog, JakeAbma, AWK, Fazio WARNING: No meeting chair found! You should specify the meeting chair like this: <dbooth> Chair: dbooth Found Date: 16 Sep 2019 People with action items: WARNING: IRC log location not specified! (You can ignore this warning if you do not want the generated minutes to contain a link to the original IRC log.)[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]