SL: functional user needs for color contrast started last week
<Lauriat> Color contrast group in the migration outline:
Jeanne: expert in color contrast Andrew Sommers joinining us
Andrew: mainly for Silver,
stepping stones in 2.2 for some of the concepts
... it was suggested to me with research on perception Silver
would be a better place for me
Charles: might be replaced with
better research it is current standard, been trying to scope
... fine balincing act we have been doing
Shawn: link is outline map, we've
done a pass through all SC in WCAG grouped with similar
... 4 color guidance being grouped together
... non text, visual presentation
... from grouping Chuck an dSybel being doing user neeeds
trying to address user needs from groupings
... once set will describe tests on how to meet user
... fist distinguishing between colors for color
... two different, one is los vision color blindness.
... the other is where color contrast has negative affect
... trigger headaches, distractionsk, etc
Andres: FAA standards, 15 to 1 is maximum
Andrew: FAA standards, 15 to 1 is
maximum, age you have increased scatter due to glare, such as
driving at night.
... very difficult to distinguish at night
... computer screens are generally ok, but some phones have 12x
normal allumination of computer
... paper right by guy who did original ocntrast of WCAG 2.0
have exchanged emails
... have a much better idea on why contrast standards were
... doesn't model human perception and designers have a
difficult time with reasons
... have a personal perspective on topic
... The reason set a standard for distinguishing colors. Bulk
of issue 8% of males have red green color blindness
... rgb monitors CBD monitors don't use spectral colors
therefore do not affect those with CBD
... red on computer monitor would appear black and vice
... algorythm will take aspect into account as apposed to
setting contrast
... if red primary is substantial part of brighter of two
colors that would create an issue for prognopia (sp?)
... a substantial amount of red . is only 21 percent of
SL: right now we are on a higher level
Andrew: contrast of red is important
Charles: because of complexity of where color contrast should go we abondon. Or Andrew to join Cybel and I to craft new needs and methods
SL: i like option 2
Charles: even if history of current luminance formula for people with CBD. There needs to be a broader scope than color vision deficiencey
<KimD> +1 to the current contrast addressing more than color perception issues
Charles: do we need to base on RGB devices and those that are not
Andrew: p3, srbg, adobe rgb, all use same methods
Andew: really only one that has factor, someone with pragnopia missing blue cones won't have any real defiecit as long as luminance. The rare blue cone monochromats fix their viewing is to set monitor to monontone
<CharlesHall> so, it sounds like we don’t need to group methods to specific output color spaces.
Andew: any of existing color spaces have red primary
SL: rabit hole to have difficult type of guidance depending on hardware
Charles: SRGB should be default
SL: how to move forward, I'd like to do is hammer out functional user needs on color contrast in both space where more helps and less helps. if you are willing i'd like to help how totst how well someone has met these user needs to creat guidance
Charles: needs to be simple
repeatable and testable with guidance from Alistair
... some ideas came out of paper can send to yhou
Charles: color contrast NASA has a great site on it. prohibited color contrast has been prohibited for 100s of years. the ones that are bad are really bad
<CharlesHall> those comments attributed to Charles are actually Andrew Somers
SL: from what you have looked at with those that help
Andrew: everything is in a range
yes oops just realized
not sure how to correct
<jeanne> The link to the Color Contrast Discussion
Andrew: font color fails when get
to body text
... we perceive much lower contrast due to size and
Jeanne: what i have done is
dropped a link in IRC as we have discussion about different SC
we are working on we're going to have a separate accompanying
... like to wrap this up and back to work on functional need to
identify with color contrast. invite you to help Chuck and
Cybel to work as a group
Charles: share email and can take off line
SL: getting back to functional
user needs around contrast. i see three I have split into two
... where less contrast helps where people find it distracting,
headaches disorientation
... in guideline in outline about staying in a particular
... any other functional user needs affected by contrast
Charles Hall: high contrast affects anxiety
SL: bullet of scope of exploration
CA: should go in exploration
SL: we have minimum but not
... how people perceive things in context of perception
Andrew: maximum contrast will not be an issue on body text more on big blocks
SL: we have settled on functional user needs of color contrast
<Lauriat> Sample WCAG Success Criteria to evaluate the migration process
SL: this is a s series of those migrating thes are prioritzed ones, first is color contrast
Jeanne: audio description bruce has started that one lets llook at that
SL: should we start from working document?
<Lauriat> Audio Description working doc:
SL: audio description working document from Wiki
when looking for document look on main page of Silver Wiki is the best way to find anything
<Lauriat> "Users cannot see or have trouble seeing need extra narration to understand the content of movies and multimedia."
SL: thank you for maintaining, Jeanne
<Lauriat> "Users who can see but need extra narration to understand the content of movies and multimedia."
CA: what about those who can see and can't understand
<Lauriat> Modality lists:
SL: we do have proposed set
modality as a reference point
... diffent kinds of modality to see if others apply in this
case audio description
... think all fall into two buckets, cannot or have trouble
seeing vide or media content and cannot or have gtrouble
understanding video media content
... there are 3 SC in this grouping. audio descripton
prerecording. providing transcript and providing audio
... this seems cleaner. Think we can call this one done
... next one skypiny sensory, is pause/stop/hide our next
<Lauriat> Pause, Stop, Hide working doc:
Jeanne: will edit page in order to work on it. Pause,Stop,Hide
SL: we have two functional user needs noted
<Lauriat> 1. Visual equivalent of non-consensual sound. Visual motion can cause problems for people with vestibular impairments.
<Lauriat> 2. Users need to stop interruptions that distract them from their tasks.
SL: visual equivlent of nonconsensual sound. visual can cause proble with vestibular impairments. users must be able to stop distraction
<Lauriat> List of SCs grouped: Success Criterion 2.2.2 Pause, Stop, Hide, Success Criterion 2.2.4 Interruptions, Success Criterion 2.3.3 Animation from Interactions
SL: for this user need is to
disable or avoid unwanted movement on the screen, vestibular
impairments or distractions. as far as cognitive space we can
group in many as overall space
... one user need and a whole bunch of needs
Jeanne: phrasing is not correct I'd like to ask Charles if you could assist redoing user needs so in correct language
<CharlesHall> Usage without photoreceptive or vestibular trigger
SL: disable or stop unwanted movement
<Lauriat> Rephrased draft: People who need to disable or avoid unwanted movement. (vestibular impairments, people who find the movement distracting, etc.)
SL: rephrased draft
Jeanne: will send an email to Shari to find research about 5 seconds being too long
<CharlesHall> the style note Jeanne made was in favor of functional needs statements versus disability first or person first language
SL: check the at least 5 seconds
bit was a comment
... any other functional user needs that comes tom mind
... we've made it through prioritized 6
... we have done these with different addressing different
... go through in the next week or two
... have at it and add comment on document
i agree with the 'have at it'
SL: why don't take all of the
ones we need to build up and put in a list to send out to
everyone. will also put in github
... will create list and link each to github and can claim it
at either one
... both github and google doc
oops ;)
<jeanne> Meeting: Silver Content Subgroup
<jeanne> s/
<jeanne> //
<Lauriat> trackbot, end meeting
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