DXWG CNEG subgroup telecon

01 August 2019


LarsG, ncar, roba

Meeting minutes


<LarsG> Subtopic: Confirm agenda

<LarsG> +1 with addition that we look at Nick's QSA before the status check of 3pwd


Resolved: Agenda confirmed

<LarsG> Subtopic: Approve minutes from last meeting

<LarsG> https://‌www.w3.org/‌2019/‌07/‌25-dxwgcneg-minutes

<LarsG> +1

<ncar> +1


Resolved: Minutes from last meeting approved

<LarsG> Subtopic: Check list of open action items

<LarsG> action-193?

<trackbot> action-193: Rob Atkinson to Move jmeter test suite to within w3c systems -- due 2018-09-05 -- OPEN

roba: #193 still open

<LarsG> action-343?

<trackbot> action-343: Nicholas Car to Update qsa documentation with an equivalent to getcapabilities -- due 2019-07-11 -- OPEN

ncar: PR is in - so we can close

<LarsG> close action-343

<trackbot> Closed action-343.

<LarsG> action-347?

<trackbot> action-347: Rob Atkinson to Create new gh issue explaining the problem of redirects and refer to that issue in the wd -- due 2019-07-18 -- OPEN

<LarsG> roba: not actioned yet, still open

<LarsG> action-348?

<trackbot> action-348: Nicholas Car to Create pr with real examples to solve #287 -- due 2019-07-18 -- OPEN

ncar: PR accepted so can close

<LarsG> close action-348

<trackbot> Closed action-348.


<LarsG> Subtopic: URIs for profiles specified inside of documents where the profile have no specific URIs

<LarsG> roba: if we cannot specify a URI we cannot supply that functionality. So we're ready to answer TomB

<ncar> +1

<LarsG> +1


Action: LarsG to respond to Tom Baker re URIs for profiles inside of documents

<trackbot> Created ACTION-355 - Respond to tom baker re uris for profiles inside of documents [on Lars G. Svensson - due 2019-08-08].

<LarsG> Subtopic: Discussion of Antoine's conneg doc edits

<LarsG> https://‌github.com/‌w3c/‌dxwg/‌issues/‌575#issuecomment-515982929

Action: ncar to implement Antoine's suggestions as laid out in https://‌github.com/‌w3c/‌dxwg/‌issues/‌575#issuecomment-515982929

<trackbot> Created ACTION-356 - Implement antoine's suggestions as laid out in https://‌github.com/‌w3c/‌dxwg/‌issues/‌575#issuecomment-515982929 [on Nicholas Car - due 2019-08-08].

6.1 - should be called overview?

Action: roba to add examples using 303 redirects

<trackbot> Created ACTION-357 - Add examples using 303 redirects [on Rob Atkinson - due 2019-08-08].

<LarsG> Subtopic: Major overhaul of QSA section: Branch conneg-ACTION-343 preview

<LarsG> https://‌raw.githack.com/‌w3c/‌dxwg/‌conneg-ACTION-343/‌conneg-by-ap/‌index.html

ncar: all minor changes requested processed - still open question about QSA "key discovery" completeness or relevance
… easier to reference things now behavioural profiles - may be able to remove reference to abstract "Realization" and reference profiles by name

roba: will update OGC implementation to use the "canonical" QSA instead of an alternative
… most critical to get evidence
… feeling is we cannot proscribe mechanisms for alternate realisations.. but can specifiy requirements
… and the tricky requirement is to define how to discover what implementation is being used from a resource - easier from a catalog description.
… so propose to drop Link header example

ncar: can put examples of other possible implementations into another repository

roba: Linked Data API for example has a /meta/ resource which describes the API - including the list of views available.

ncar: in example10 we have a json example of link headers - so we could actually define the data model

roba: json schema and json-ld contexts overlap - but we can define a data model in RDFS and create a json-ld implementation and json schema for it

LarsG: agree we need a data model

roba: where is the json example?

ncar: look at the other way - we define a data model for profiles listings - then we can show how it can be used as a canonical alternates view content

roba: +1

<LarsG> The JSON example is Example 10: https://‌raw.githack.com/‌w3c/‌dxwg/‌conneg-ACTION-343/‌conneg-by-ap/‌index.html#eg-list-profiles-mediatype

roba: content in a response document is often nested inside some metadata/wrapper - e.g. WFS or Linked Data API - so we need to specify content - not its position in response document
… eg xpath //x means any existence of x in a document

roba: can we compare "alternates view" data models

ncar: ok lets review previous work

roba: implementation at OGC is an interim - need to update soon

Action: roba to convene working session to co-develop common model to match link header data and alternates view requirements.

<trackbot> Created ACTION-358 - to convene working session to co-develop common model to match link header data and alternates view requirements. [on Rob Atkinson - due 2019-08-08].

<LarsG> Subtopic: Status check of 3PWD Issues

ncar: other implementations can go into code repositories not document itself

<LarsG> https://‌github.com/‌w3c/‌dxwg/‌milestone/‌20

issues are being updated as discussed.

Summary of action items

  1. LarsG to respond to Tom Baker re URIs for profiles inside of documents
  2. ncar to implement Antoine's suggestions as laid out in https://‌github.com/‌w3c/‌dxwg/‌issues/‌575#issuecomment-515982929
  3. roba to add examples using 303 redirects
  4. roba to convene working session to co-develop common model to match link header data and alternates view requirements.

Summary of resolutions

  1. Agenda confirmed
  2. Minutes from last meeting approved
Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by Bert Bos's scribe.perl version Mon Apr 15 13:11:59 2019 UTC, a reimplementation of David Booth's scribe.perl. See history.