<LarsG> Subtopic: Confirm agenda
<LarsG> +1 with addition that we look at Nick's QSA before the status check of 3pwd
Resolved: Agenda confirmed
<LarsG> Subtopic: Approve minutes from last meeting
<LarsG> https://www.w3.org/2019/07/25-dxwgcneg-minutes
<LarsG> +1
<ncar> +1
Resolved: Minutes from last meeting approved
<LarsG> Subtopic: Check list of open action items
<LarsG> action-193?
<trackbot> action-193: Rob Atkinson to Move jmeter test suite to within w3c systems -- due 2018-09-05 -- OPEN
roba: #193 still open
<LarsG> action-343?
<trackbot> action-343: Nicholas Car to Update qsa documentation with an equivalent to getcapabilities -- due 2019-07-11 -- OPEN
ncar: PR is in - so we can close
<LarsG> close action-343
<trackbot> Closed action-343.
<LarsG> action-347?
<trackbot> action-347: Rob Atkinson to Create new gh issue explaining the problem of redirects and refer to that issue in the wd -- due 2019-07-18 -- OPEN
<LarsG> roba: not actioned yet, still open
<LarsG> action-348?
<trackbot> action-348: Nicholas Car to Create pr with real examples to solve #287 -- due 2019-07-18 -- OPEN
ncar: PR accepted so can close
<LarsG> close action-348
<trackbot> Closed action-348.
<LarsG> Subtopic: URIs for profiles specified inside of documents where the profile have no specific URIs
<LarsG> roba: if we cannot specify a URI we cannot supply that functionality. So we're ready to answer TomB
<ncar> +1
<LarsG> +1
Action: LarsG to respond to Tom Baker re URIs for profiles inside of documents
<trackbot> Created ACTION-355 - Respond to tom baker re uris for profiles inside of documents [on Lars G. Svensson - due 2019-08-08].
<LarsG> Subtopic: Discussion of Antoine's conneg doc edits
<LarsG> https://github.com/w3c/dxwg/issues/575#issuecomment-515982929
Action: ncar to implement Antoine's suggestions as laid out in https://github.com/w3c/dxwg/issues/575#issuecomment-515982929
<trackbot> Created ACTION-356 - Implement antoine's suggestions as laid out in https://github.com/w3c/dxwg/issues/575#issuecomment-515982929 [on Nicholas Car - due 2019-08-08].
6.1 - should be called overview?
Action: roba to add examples using 303 redirects
<trackbot> Created ACTION-357 - Add examples using 303 redirects [on Rob Atkinson - due 2019-08-08].
<LarsG> Subtopic: Major overhaul of QSA section: Branch conneg-ACTION-343 preview
<LarsG> https://raw.githack.com/w3c/dxwg/conneg-ACTION-343/conneg-by-ap/index.html
ncar: all minor changes requested processed - still open question about QSA "key discovery" completeness or relevance
… easier to reference things now behavioural profiles - may be able to remove reference to abstract "Realization" and reference profiles by name
roba: will update OGC implementation to use the "canonical" QSA instead of an alternative
… most critical to get evidence
… feeling is we cannot proscribe mechanisms for alternate realisations.. but can specifiy requirements
… and the tricky requirement is to define how to discover what implementation is being used from a resource - easier from a catalog description.
… so propose to drop Link header example
ncar: can put examples of other possible implementations into another repository
roba: Linked Data API for example has a /meta/ resource which describes the API - including the list of views available.
ncar: in example10 we have a json example of link headers - so we could actually define the data model
roba: json schema and json-ld contexts overlap - but we can define a data model in RDFS and create a json-ld implementation and json schema for it
LarsG: agree we need a data model
roba: where is the json example?
ncar: look at the other way - we define a data model for profiles listings - then we can show how it can be used as a canonical alternates view content
roba: +1
<LarsG> The JSON example is Example 10: https://raw.githack.com/w3c/dxwg/conneg-ACTION-343/conneg-by-ap/index.html#eg-list-profiles-mediatype
roba: content in a response document is often nested inside some metadata/wrapper - e.g. WFS or Linked Data API - so we need to specify content - not its position in response document
… eg xpath //x means any existence of x in a document
roba: can we compare "alternates view" data models
ncar: ok lets review previous work
roba: implementation at OGC is an interim - need to update soon
Action: roba to convene working session to co-develop common model to match link header data and alternates view requirements.
<trackbot> Created ACTION-358 - to convene working session to co-develop common model to match link header data and alternates view requirements. [on Rob Atkinson - due 2019-08-08].
<LarsG> Subtopic: Status check of 3PWD Issues
ncar: other implementations can go into code repositories not document itself
<LarsG> https://github.com/w3c/dxwg/milestone/20
issues are being updated as discussed.