Timed Text Working Group Teleconference

18 July 2019


Andreas, Atsushi, Cyril, Gary, Glenn, Nigel, Pierre

Meeting minutes

this meeting

nigel: we are still missing Mike so we cannot talk about profile registry

cyril: but I don't think we need to discuss it, I have an action

glenn: I prefer to have a proposal and then discuss based on it

nigel: we will discuss progress towards CR for WebVTT

gkatsev: yes, there is some progress

nigel: 2 issues on TTML 2 that I think need discussion
… we can discuss the region-timing test
… I put charter status update if he joins
… TPAC planning also is on the agenda
… any other business ?

glenn: I'd like to go over PR 1096

nigel: I'm aware that you are waiting for feedback
… ok if we have time

nigel: the review of PR is a bit difficult and we are working on that


gkatsev: the big thing that we last discussed was interop in parsing of region lines
… spec says integer, Safari and Firefox do different things
… I spoke with FF and they are fine with rounding
… so I have a change for that
… borrowed from the HTML spec
… Silvia approved it
… if any body has feedback
… I have updated the snapshot for at-risk
… it should be reviewed

<gkatsev> update region line parsing

<gkatsev> new snapshot

nigel: PR preview does not seem to work
… but there is a link in 460

gkatsev: maybe because it's a change to the archive

<plh> 45211

nigel: process-wise we will review those and when there is consensus, merge them and propose new CR
… is that the plan?

gkatsev: yes
… the CR stuff is in the snapshot #460 but because there are changes that we want to make permanently, I created a separate PR for the main spec

nigel: those changes from 470 are also in 460 ?

gkatsev: yes


nigel: we'll cover the issues first
… 943 ?

Improve interoperability of non-negative-real and xs:decimal. ttml2#943

<nigel> github: https://‌github.com/‌w3c/‌ttml2/‌issues/‌943

nigel: this issue is about allowing zero point to be valid
… it is not at the moment
… glenn's proposal is to permit it
… there is a PR for this

glenn: I restarted the original PR that had been done last year
… I updated based on the current master

nigel: this means that a previous non-conformant document would become conformant

glenn: technically yes
… but it was never the intention to make that non-conformant

<nigel> xs:decimal definition

cyril: is '0.' allowed in xs:decimal?

cyril: it seems that it is allowed according to section " Lexical representation"

nigel: but the fact that the . is the last character is a bit confusing

gkatsev: but it says that trailing 0 are optional

glenn: we changed the schema since then to use xs:string
… that change was based on the comment of July 21, last year
… we just need to widen the expression for non negative real

nigel: this change makes non negative real, the + becomes a *?

glenn: no it adds a new line
… you need the full stop to denote it's a real number

nigel: ok, it makes sense
… the idea of making non negative real coincident with xs:decimal makes sense
… it makes it easier to write the schema
… seems like a good change to me

cyril: is it affecting only gain and pan?

nigel: a lot of things
… lengths, gain, pan, ...
… pitch, percentage uses number
… a lot of things would be affected by this

pal: I'm looking at ttval
… so now non-negative real always has a dot
… but not a dot by itself

nigel: it's good to look at implementation
… just checking EBU-TT impl, 1. would not match, but 1.0 would

pal: it seems ttval would reject 0. but I need to check

nigel: it might make some existing implementations non conformant
… I'm beginning to think it's a problem

glenn: there is no requirement to backport it to TTML1
… it would potentially make validation tools not implementing 2nd ed more restrictive
… not sure what the roll out status of TTML2 in the industry
… but that would improve the status of interop

nigel: that would be a change for IMSC 1.1 also

cyril: I would say we shouldn't do syntactic changes unless it's broken

pal: if we have several such changes, we could accumulate them and wait
… it would make it easier to include this one

glenn: I'm not sure I agree that it's a breaking change

nigel: it's not a document breaking change, but an implementation breaking change

cyril: I think people should look at their implementations and we can take a decision based on that

nigel: if this would be the only syntactical change, then it might not be worth

glenn: we already approved some changes

cyril: it would be good to have a list of those

glenn: we changed the content body to add audio

nigel: summary: group to study implementation impact and add review comments

pal: and if we do it, we should have a test for that

Remove xml:base and @condition from chunk. ttml2#961

<nigel> github: https://‌github.com/‌w3c/‌ttml2/‌issues/‌961

nigel: a year ago, we discussed xml:base on the chunk element
… with no apparent use
… actually, xml:base is used to process condition
… so it was proposed to remove condition
… assuming positions haven't changed, it's to remove both, on the purpose that they do not serve any purpose

glenn: the PR that I raised is a resurrection of the one last year
… there is a significant difference in putting condition on chunk vs. source

cyril: would there be an interop problem if I used them?

glenn: it's quite dangerous, and you should not do that
… I think that was an error when we authored it

nigel: is it safe to say that there are other ways to do the same thing?
… like putting condition on something else

glenn: yes
… you could have a multi-entry source
… I could dream-up use cases, not obvious that might use that
… but I'm pretty convinced that it's dangerous, security impact
… because you cannot decode the bytes until presentation time
… and so cannot determine that you have a valid resource

cyril: I don't have a strong opinion on this, as we have not implemented it
… but we should refrain from making changes unless it's broken
… we could add a note without making changes

glenn: my claim is that it is broken

nigel: despite my comment in the issue, I think I've changed my mind and agree with Glenn
… if you are worried of buffer overflow, that can happen with chunks or sources, regardless of whether condition is used

pal: I don't have a strong opinion on this

cyril: chances that people have authored documents with this feature is low
… and it would not require people to change their implementation
… so I'm fine with it

pal: we really need tests
… maybe that will limit us

nigel: right, we should have tests with PR asking changes
… because it will speed up CR processing

pal: and helps people testing their implementation

nigel: I'm hearing consensus to approve it and write tests for it

pal: please include a test before merging the PR

nigel: yes, good rule

glenn: tests are not in the same repo

pal: we could link PRs

glenn: I have no problem creating tests for these

Resolved: we approve the PR and write tests for it

TPAC Planning

nigel: in the past, our team contact had prepared a wiki page
… with draft agenda topics
… there is also a proposal to have a joint meeting with CSS WG
… and there is an issue on the TTWG repo #52

<nigel> Discussion points for CSS WG at TPAC 2019

nigel: gathering discussion points for CSS WG at TPAC 2019
… Atsushi could you create a similar looking wiki page

atsushi: we should have a page for last year
… is it ok to do something like that?

nigel: yes

<atsushi> 2018

<nigel> Action for Atushi to Create a TPAC 2019 wiki page

pal: I'll be there only tuesday to thursday

nigel: I'm not here next week
… unless someone wants to chair, i'll cancel next week

<nigel> log: https://‌www.w3.org/‌2019/‌07/‌18-tt-irc

Summary of resolutions

  1. we approve the PR and write tests for it
Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by Bert Bos's scribe.perl version Mon Apr 15 13:11:59 2019 UTC, a reimplementation of David Booth's scribe.perl. See history.