<DaveBrowning> /
<riccardoAlbertoni> +1
<DaveBrowning> +1
<AndreaPerego> +1
Resolved: approve minutes of last meeting
DaveBrowning: plh explains that we need to have 'wide consultation' with community groups
… list from charter. Pwin has taken on the task of contacting the CG chairs.
Action: DaveBrowning to update action in the tracker to reflect the fact that pwin will do it
<trackbot> Created ACTION-332 - Update action in the tracker to reflect the fact that pwin will do it [on David Browning - due 2019-05-29].
actions from yesterday's plenary -
DaveBrowning: 4-6 weeks to allow for feedback. This would exhaust the charter. Plenary agreed to request 6 month extension.
AndreaPerego: which CGs?
List from plh - Internationalization, Privacy, Security, Shape Expressions CG, SHACL Community Group, for datasets Community Group, ODRL Community Group, European Commission's ISA Programme, Research Data Alliance, and bioCADDIE WG 3.
TomB indicated that ShEx would be interested to receive request for review
AndreaPerego: 1. ShEx 2. Internationalization 3. Security
… are the only groups that we need to show evidence of consultation
DaveBrowning: also 4. ODRL
<Zakim> riccardoAlbertoni, you wanted to ask if in the six month extension we are expected to update the DCAT CR or just finishing the process to get the rec
Action: DaveBrowning to confirm with pwin which groups we beleive we have to consult
<trackbot> Created ACTION-333 - Confirm with pwin which groups we beleive we have to consult [on David Browning - due 2019-05-29].
riccardoAlbertoni: unclear what next steps
Another PWD to support wide consultation efficiency
riccardoAlbertoni: can use GitHub comments to show that we have received external review
DaveBrowning: purpose of 6-month extension is to allow for (a) hiatus during northern summer (b) need to develop implementation evidence for DCAT (c) but mostly to provide breathing room for Profiles work
<Zakim> AndreaPerego, you wanted to ask if is the same of bioCADDIE
Need to check with alejandra I think
Action: PWinstanley to organize wide review of DCAT
<trackbot> Created ACTION-334 - Organize wide review of dcat [on Peter Winstanley - due 2019-05-29].
pwin did some work on but appears to have stalled or been overtaken ..
<riccardoAlbertoni> +1 to have version 2 ( I think it is more understandable to a large audience)
<riccardoAlbertoni> +1 to put version in the title ... and the future no one can see ..
1. evergreen rec means that 'version N' will be appropriate 2. subtitle does not currently appear in specref - move 'Version 2' into main title so that there is no confusion in specref references now.
AndreaPerego: doing PR now.
<DaveBrowning> profile def
<riccardoAlbertoni> we gave a definition of DCAT profile
DaveBrowning: if profiles documents are not complete, we don't have an external definition of profile to refer to
AndreaPerego: inconsistent terminology - colleagues cannot tell if 'DCAT Profile' == 'Application Profile' == 'Profile'
… and there is no Profile guidance document to provide definition
DaveBrowning: we already have definition in conformance section
… carried through from DCAT 2014
actually it was tweaked a bit - compare with
AndreaPerego: perhaps we should be more consistent in use of 'DCAT Profile' vs 'Application Profile'
riccardoAlbertoni: I think we mean the same thing.
riccardoAlbertoni: propose to replace 'Application Profile' with 'Profile' except where we are referring to something where 'Application Profile' is in its name.
<Zakim> SimonCox, you wanted to suggest a adding a clarifying sentence to conformance section, then use DCAT Profile consistently in this document thereafter
<riccardoAlbertoni> +1 to add also the note .. .
DaveBrowning: do use 'application profile' in two ways in text - 1. extending DCAT classes and propertie 2. in section
Proposed: note in conformance section should say something close to 'when we say DCAT Profile we mean things that the Dublin Core community would call Application Profiles (in the context of DCAT)'
<AndreaPerego> +1
<riccardoAlbertoni> +1
<DaveBrowning> +1
Resolved: add note in conformance section should say something close to 'when we say DCAT Profile we mean things that the Dublin Core community would call Application Profiles (in the context of DCAT)'
Action: andrea to make ed change adding note to definition of DCAT Profile
<trackbot> Created ACTION-335 - Make ed change adding note to definition of dcat profile [on Andrea Perego - due 2019-05-29].
<AndreaPerego> Re. the subtitle issue, this is the relevant PR:
Succeeded: s/
Succeeded: s/month/months
Succeeded: s/use '/do use '/
Succeeded: s/rssagent, draft minutes v2//
Maybe present: Proposed