Timed Text Working Group Teleconference

16 May 2019


See also: IRC log


Philippe, Andreas, Glenn, Nigel
Thierry, Pierre, Cyril, Gary


<scribe> scribe: nigel

This meeting

Glenn: I'd like to talk about the schedule for the Charter, and I have to leave at the half hour.
... I don't think we can have any technical discussions today given the lack of participants.

Philippe: I can update on the Charter.

Nigel: I was hoping to discuss ttml2#1054.

Glenn: Fragment ID URLs?

Nigel: yes

Glenn: I have some work in progress to complete before I can take that any further.

Nigel: Given the attendees it seems like we should discuss Charter.
... We can't cover WebVTT without Gary. Any AOB?

group: no AOB

Charter renewal

Nigel: I suggest a status update from Philippe first.

Philippe: [work in progress]
... not gone to W3M yet. Has been circulated for horizontal cross-review.
... There is a small tweak to make, nothing major.

Glenn: I've raised my concern previously about the dates for TTML2 2nd Ed and TTML3. I think its impossible
... to resolve 50 issues on TTML2 between now and June 1 when we're expecting FPWD.
... My suggestion is to push out those dates by 1 year compared to the current Charter draft.
... The current dates are not going to happen.
... Unless we defer some issues to 3rd Ed.

Nigel: I would like to separate TTML3 from TTML2 for this, and I think there's less of a drive for TTML3.
... I would like to do what we said we'd do before and set a timetable for TTML2 2nd Ed and resolve the issues we can
... within that timescale and defer the remainder.

Glenn: I agree about separating the timelines for TTML2 2nd Ed and TTML3.
... But I still think we should delay 2nd Ed. It is feasible to meet an April 1 Rec date but no way by the end of the year.

Nigel: I would say March 31 is the absolute latest.

<plh> https://w3c.github.io/charter-timed-text/

Philippe: I don't see any timeline in the proposed Charter. Am I missing something?

Nigel: I agree, there's a link to the group publication status page.

Philippe: Which is great.

Glenn: We can update that without changing the Charter, right?

Philippe: Correct. It would be good to have realistic timelines.

Glenn: I'm all for having no dates in the Charter.

Philippe: At some point we might want to switch to Evergreen, the proposal to do Living Standards at W3C.
... It's only a proposal, not part of the process.

Nigel: Glenn, it seems like your concerns are addressed?

Glenn: Right, I have no problems with the draft Charter as it is.

Philippe: The publication page has no milestones in it yet either.
... I hope to get it to W3M by end of May. I would like to wrap up on WebVTT too, so if we can move it to PR
... then my story would be better. I would hate to revise the Charter without WebVTT moving to PR. That needs Gary
... to have that conversation.

Nigel: At this stage I don't think we have enough input materials in terms of the implementation report to make a
... decision about moving to PR.

Philippe: I suggest you mention what you need from Gary to move ahead.

Nigel: Yes.

Philippe: I want to do the minimum to declare victory here and make WebVTT a Rec and move on because whether
... we like it or not it is part of the web, and not making it a Recommendation will not make it go away.

Nigel: OK, as long as we're within the requirements of the Process. I just haven't seen the documentation that says
... all the non-at-risk features are implemented. When we have that I'm sure we can move ahead.

Meeting close

Nigel: Given the attendance, and that Glenn has to drop off the call now, and that we have no more agenda topics
... to cover, let's adjourn a little earlier than planned today. Thanks everyone, apologies again for the late start from me.
... [adjourns meeting]

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.154 (CVS log)
$Date: 2019/05/16 15:51:16 $