DaveBrowning: asking for updates to agenda, new pull requests to consider
Jaroslav_Pullmann: optionally talk about the status of versioning discussion
<SimonCox> +1
<riccardoAlbertoni> +1
0 (absent)
<alejandra> +1
<DaveBrowning> 0 (absent)
Resolved: minutes approved
<DaveBrowning> acl alejandra
DaveBrowning: is there a consensus about abour goal?
alejandra: we aim for rec by June, need to submit by mid April, need to be ready by mid March
<riccardoAlbertoni> yes we were targeting mid march
DaveBrowning: are there any tasks prioritized?
DaveBrowning: e.g. statements about security, namespace page .. what else?
DaveBrowning: any cricital issues?
alejandra: looking at milestone 3rd public WD, e.g. versioning, other issues under discussion + editorial ones
<DaveBrowning> https://www.w3.org/2017/dxwg/track/actions/open
DaveBrowning: hard to estimate without Peter & Andrea being here
alejandra: move on, no substantial progress
alejandra: sprint planning
alejandra: Dave Raggett is not available because of the W3C graph workshop next week
<riccardoAlbertoni> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1eEVUuPFAGO2GjS5ocxylY8T1AlpqlwnOTc3er_Mhcv4/edit#gid=0
riccardoAlbertoni: I worked this week on Andrea's summary of DCAT 2.0 implementations adding LusTRE example
… could we invite other parties / working groups to augment?
alejandra: we should call to people that may provide implementations ..
<riccardoAlbertoni> I can
DaveBrowning: anybody to draft such an invitation email?
… will not work, I'll remember my action, there are organisational problems..
DaveBrowning: back to sprint planning: sprint next week on implementation?
… but it might be tough because of the short time remaining
<DaveBrowning> https://github.com/w3c/dxwg/issues?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+label%3A%22due+for+closing%22+label%3A%22dcat%22
DaveBrowning: this one surprised me:
<DaveBrowning> Ids this issue ready? https://github.com/w3c/dxwg/issues/411
DaveBrowning: what is the status?
alejandra: we've agreed on Annett's proposal to collect examples
alejandra: it's more about relation of distributions..
SimonCox: at the end it is a decision of the publisher, a general solution maight be a profile
<SimonCox> For more esoteric properties, a provider might define extensions in a DCAT profile
DaveBrowning: decision on #411 - it should be closed, like those 6 listed
<DaveBrowning> proposal: to close all of the DCAT issues currently in 'due for closing'
alejandra: I did not look at all of them, we may close those, that are resolved, otherwise we should mark "wan't fix"
<DaveBrowning> proposal: to close all of the DCAT issues currently in 'due for closing', marking as wontfix if appropriate
<riccardoAlbertoni> +1
<SimonCox> +1
DaveBrowning: is the silence indicating approval, or?
<DaveBrowning> proposal: to close all of the DCAT issues currently in 'due for closing', marking as wontfix if appropriate
<alejandra> +1
+0 (can't say at moment)
Resolved: to close all of the DCAT issues currently in 'due for closing', marking as wontfix if appropriate
rrsagent: draft minutes v2
alejandra: we discussed last week, Andrea created the sheet, Riccardo will create the email, please vote on the doodle poll
<DaveBrowning> https://github.com/w3c/dxwg/pull/741
DaveBrowning: should we talk about this (e.g. ordering of contributors)?
riccardoAlbertoni: me should not be the first one (because of alphabet)
DaveBrowning: hard to give a (different) ordering
DaveBrowning: should look at other substantial pull requests, will park this
<DaveBrowning> https://github.com/w3c/dxwg/pull/776
<DaveBrowning> https://github.com/w3c/dxwg/pull/777
SimonCox: almost ready on spatial resolution (#777)
SimonCox: still working on other issues as well
alejandra: thanks to SimonCox for helping out here
alejandra: the original UC I submitted was about a way to represent / link a "summary statistics"
DaveBrowning: we should give such relevant measures/sizes etc.
<alejandra> examples that my use cases was considering is knowing statistics about the data, which would be specific for a domain, such as number of patients
SimonCox: which (else) type of statistics were required?
alejandra: this probably may be solved by Data Cube structures (or void), depending on the domain
<SimonCox> and also temporalResolution is now ready as well (#776)
<SimonCox> I worked on temporal- and spatial-resolution because (a) they could be solved relatively easily (!) with some discrete additions (b) they address important requirements (late-arriving from Dagstuhl workshop)
Jaroslav_Pullmann: which types of statistics?
alejandra: both: on Distributions (extrinsic) and data subjects (intrinsic)
alejandra: we should make a proposal to accept the predicates suggested by SimonCox
<DaveBrowning> proposal: accept the changes in pull requests #776 and #777 (pending final review of detail)
<SimonCox> +1
<DaveBrowning> +1
SimonCox: reporting on both predicates
<SimonCox> this relates to additional predicates (i) dcat:temporalResolution (ii) dcat:spatialResolutionInMetres
<alejandra> +1
<riccardoAlbertoni> +1
SimonCox: these are straight forward datatype properties with simple XSD datatypes (duration, decimal)
<DaveBrowning> resolved accept the changes in pull requests #776 and #777 (pending final review of detail)
Resolved: accept the changes in pull requests #776 and #777 (pending final review of detail)
<SimonCox> ... by editors
<SimonCox> rrsagent: draft minutes v2
<alejandra> https://www.standict.eu/OpenCalls/5th-Open-Call
alejandra: EU call for applying for funding (for meetings?)
… e.g. to support F2F meetings (applies to European partners)
<DaveBrowning> rrsagent: draft minutes v2
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Succeeded: s/riccardoAlbertoni: I worked this week on a summary of DCAT 2.0 implementations/ riccardoAlbertoni: I worked this week on Andrea's summary of DCAT 2.0 implementations adding LusTRE example
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