<janina> persent+
<LisaSeemanKestenbaum> next, item
<scribe> scribe: becka11y
Janina: common for people at TPAC to not meet the week following; recommend that we not meet on Oct. 29
Lisa: it makes sense to skip so
will meet again on Nov. 5
... haven’t given ourselves much time for implementation
decision - so need to gather the data and feedback we get and
be ready to discuss on Nov. 5
Lisa: meeting with webapps at TPAC - whar are our talking points for that meeting?
<LisaSeemanKestenbaum> write up https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-personalization-tf/2018Oct/0010.html
<LisaSeemanKestenbaum> https://www.w3.org/wiki/User:Clapierre
Lisa: link is to Charles’ writeup for requesting feedback
<LisaSeemanKestenbaum> https://www.w3.org/wiki/TPAC/2018/SessionIdeas#Personalization_-_How_Should_We_Implement.3F
<LisaSeemanKestenbaum> https://github.com/w3c/personalization-semantics/wiki/Comparison-of-ways-to-use-vocabulary-in-content
Lisa: should identify the top
... Becky you prefer the data- format?
Becky: not really sure I understand data-; like JSON
Lisa: don’t think that will work;
have to have a unique dataset for each item, so extra work for
dev. We need to add our objections or support into the wiki;
Should identify which ones are practical and which
... identify top contenders. We have ruled out rdfa, ARIA
(because we probably can’t get it into the aria spec), micro
data as main implementations
<LisaSeemanKestenbaum> Single Attribute (alternative (CSS-style) notation)
<LisaSeemanKestenbaum> Dataset(s)
Lisa: should highlight we think
are in contention: aui-attribute, single attribute (via CSS
style), data- / dataset
... prefer to add this to native (HTML) but that is not
Michael: if we are using an existing notation we should reference the normative specification; We will need to run implementation via an architectural review (which may involve the TAG)
Lisa: do we see data- as that much different than aui-?
Janina: we really don’t have
enough info to decide that. We need to make it clear in 3-4
sentences what our problem is and then quickly summarize the
possible solutions.
... What is the user benefit? Need to introduce the topic
Lisa: so we need an elevator pitch?
Janina: exactly - we need people
to understand the problem
... then present the options
Lisa: do you have a volunteer for this pitch?
Janina: hopefully we can pull this from one of our drafts
Lisa: Also need to ask people to look at the vocabulary and the current drafts.
<LisaSeemanKestenbaum> ACTION: lisa to write elevator pitch on the modules and send it to the list (if she doesnt get to it will do in the prep room
Janina: just want to remind us that we need to prep for this meeting; And don’t have teleconf. info, yet.
<LisaSeemanKestenbaum> https://github.com/w3c/personalization-semantics/wiki/Comparison-of-ways-to-use-vocabulary-in-content#9
Lisa: elevator pitch - we can re-use this to diseminate the latest working drafts; We need to discuss only those 2 options - perhaps only two
Becky: I don’t think we have ruled that many out.
Lisa: Critical that we add any
additional issues /problems into the comparison documents
... need elevator pitch and need review of top 3
Janina: We need to make sure we listen to the feedback during the meeting
Lisa: who should we get to look
at the vocabulary? Need to remind people to send this out and
ask for feedback
... think we should wait until after TPAC for that
... want to put together a workshop for cognitive developers -
is there anyone who wants to be included
Janina: Charles has some very
good points in recent email.
... who do we want to invite to our conversation at TPAC?
Lisa: I am thinking TAG; both TAG and people in webapps are going to have a high impact - want their feedback sooner rather than later
Lias: would sent to everyon on TAG and webapps; and CSS if thinking of using CSS notation
Becky: should we be more directed
Janina: we are assuming people
who have participated in our conversations may be double booked
- People are going to be pulled in different direcations
... we need specific names;
... folks in Publishing are very interested - have asked us to
talk about it - George, …. Charles will know who to add. These
folks are consumers for this - they have the need and are
likely to implement. In some locals they are mandated to make
text books accessible.
Lisa: CSS is potential
Janinan: What is CSS interest?
Lisa: media queries; use of
selectors - personalization is the knowledge layer - CSS is the
presenation layer
... We need to think about companies - Google - Sam; Ask Sharon
who she thinks should be there from IBM? Who from Adobe?
Janina: might be good to review
the list of people registered and see whose name jumps
... look at elevator draft and review attendees and pick a few.
Better to have fewer people with vested interest
Lisa: elevator pitch includes need for personalization; need to review data types - not just a one to one mapping - include 2-3 examples; that is the executive summary. Examples: contact us / aui-destination; open-source /standardized symbols;
Janina: symbols is a good one - is there a standardized set?
Lisa: working on an open source one
Janina: some people have trouble with verbal “stuff” but can communicate via standard symbol sets
Lisa: problem is that person may have learned on a proprietary symbol set and won’t understand symbols from other sets - we want to map to an international set - to make more universal
Janina: summarize symbols are effective but there are issues; we are trying to allow mapping to symbol set
Lisa: another good use case is
alternative content when necessary - like alt text on
... number free is an easy to understand use case
... people think of cognitive disability they think of a severe
language disability; number free is a different type of
<LisaSeemanKestenbaum> https://w3c.github.io/personalization-semantics/help/index.html#vocabulary-explanation
<LisaSeemanKestenbaum> https://w3c.github.io/personalization-semantics/#modules
Lisa: Examples: number free;
Also discussed help examples but couldn’t come up with one
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