Low Vision Accessibility Task Force Teleconference

16 Aug 2018


Jim, Laura, Shawn, SteveRepsher, jon_avila, wayneD


<jon_avila> A link I found that says "expand your window to view this experience" https://www.cnn.com/ampstories/entertainment/the-aretha-franklin-you-probably-didnt-know

<shawn> [ reviewing https://webaim.org/projects/lowvisionsurvey/survey2... font size in drop-downs ... ]

<shawn> https://webaim.org/projects/lowvisionsurvey/survey2

zakim: open item 1

WebAIM Low Vision Survey #2 Draft Review

<scribe> scribe: jim

WebAim looking for input, hope to launch at end of august

jon: likes questions on font size, heading, and keyboard
... would like more questions

wd: enlargement - with or without word wrapping

* text size of dropdown boxex is smaller than other text

<shawn> slh: font size in fields smaller

* questions seem to run together. no real differentiation between questions. perhaps add numbers or headings

<shawn> * minor - more space between questions (esp before "Which of the following types of visual impairment do you have?")

<shawn> * "Contrast/light sensitivity" ->

<shawn> * "Contrast/light sensitivity" -> "Contrast sensitivity"

<shawn> ... maybe add "(difficulty reading low contrast)"

* question 5 Contrast/light sensitivity - change to "Contrast sensitivity (difficulty seeing low contrast)"

* q5 other should have blank for other input

* appreciate short survey. wonder about removing some quesitons - e.g internet proficiency.

wd: correlate custom style sheet question with internet proficiency.

<steverep> Can someone paste a link to this survey?

laura: why have age? is it important?


laura: what are they going to do with the information on age?

wd: seen breakdown on age related vision from 50 to 90%%

jon: may correlate age with other questions.
... thought you had to be over 18 to take survey

primary device

jon: TV

<steverep> Shouldn't "internet" be "world wide web" ;)

* mobile and tablet should be separate

discussion of laptop with external monitor, keyboard, mouse, etc. would answer desktop.

<shawn> Shawn: Technically use laptop, but use external keyboard, external monitor, etc.

jon: external large monitor connected to laptop.

<shawn> ... but what's important for this survey? size of screen?

* perhaps question should be preferred or common monitor size

<shawn> a = desktop monitor, laptop, tablet, phone

do people know what size monitor they use

what size to you use to navigate the web. - laptop size screen or desktop size screen

AT that is used

* custom style - should have a seperate item for text spacing. although that question is asked later.

slh: separate question on custom styles = how granular to get answers

<laura> Custom styles to change spacing, font face/type face, color, or elements

<shawn> SLH: want separate item for custom style. do we care about what they change with the styles? (Would be nice, but maybe or maybe not worth it :-)

<shawn> SLH: Why have "Do you use custom styles or settings to change the default text spacing, such as letter/word spacing, line height, or paragraph spacing?" as a separate question further down? Probably better with the "Which of the following do you frequently use?" question

sr: remove software from screen magnifier

<steverep> Use "Screen magnifier (excluding browser zoom)"

jon: could be hand held, or OS magnifier,

sr: separate screen magnifier (not browser zoom) from browser zoom

wd: always surprise at level of knowledge or lack of knowledge of browsers and modifications to behavior

sr: magnifying glass vs software

primary screen reader

jim: should they include Fusion, Talkback - too many android screen readers

jon: other needs a blank for more info
... have different screen readers for different platforms. Perhaps a list = check all that apply


<shawn> consider putting next to each other "How often do you use the keyboard for web page navigation?" and "Do you use software or browser extensions that allow navigation by headings?" as they are related

jim: dropdowns hard cognitively

mobile platform

jim: Nokia?? are they still out there

wd: jitterbug
... for age related

Accessibility settings

jim: good question

jon: is large text an accessibility setting.
... accessibility settings - (including large text) many people don't consider large text an accessibility setting

voice assistant

jon: not accessibility setting - adjust contrast - lower or increase brightness.

wd: changing brightness by time of day

jon: lots of disabled folk use these.

slh: why asking this quesiton?

jon: think its a useful question

sr: wonder if getting at general use or as a replacement for typing or app usage. Functional use vs playing music

magnification level

wd: important to ask correctly.

jon: depends on device. each platform are different, change resolution (800x600), change font size, etc.
... would answer 200%

slh: have system settings (resolution, dpi, etc) then browser zoom, combination is larger that just browser zoom

<shawn> slh: also have system settings *and* browser magnification -- but less than 200%. seems you have to ask about system settings first

laura: may make the question too complicated. most don't know this stuff

<shawn> SLH: realize mostpeople won't know. However, if just ask browser zoom, then you're not getting accurate data

question: do you adjust system settings to meet your needs... yes/no/i don't know

<shawn> SLH: "I don't know" is good info to know!

<shawn> SLH: answers: 1. I don't know, 2. I don't change any settings, 3...

laura - no response and I don't know are different things... should be separate.

custom styles

nav by headings

wd: interesting question. I turn on silent screen reader
... add "I didn't know they existed"

<jon_avila> Thanks all. I have to drop off.

wd: dealing with people who don't know you can do so many things.

accessibility feelings

wd: responsive design is making things look better

laura: reorder questions. put most important ones first.

wd: people used to demographics first. use headings to separate info.

social media

slh: why?

wayne: its a pain. avoid it, too hard to use with low vision. too many columns, can't enlarge
... not sure if its accessibility or I avoid reading

custom styles

<shawn> Which of the following do you frequently use? (Select all that apply)

<shawn> [_] Screen reader

<shawn> [_] Screen magnifier software

<shawn> [_] Browser page zoom (zooms all page content)

<shawn> [_] Browser text size settings

<shawn> [_] High contrast mode or settings

<shawn> [_] Browser settings to change colors

<shawn> [_] Custom styles (for example with Stylish, Stylus, and user style sheets)

<shawn> [_] Other: ______

<shawn> If you use custom styles (for example with Stylish, Stylus, and user style sheets), what do you change:

<shawn> [_] Font size

<shawn> [_] Font family

<shawn> [_] Font weight

<shawn> [_] Background and/or text color

<shawn> [_] Line height

<shawn> [_] Letter or word spacing

<shawn> [_] Spacing around paragraphs, headings, etc.

<shawn> [_] Element-level customization (for example, different styles for different heading levels) [_] Other: [______________________________]

<shawn> What type of font do you usually use for paragraphs (or large blocks of text).?

<shawn> [_] Serif (e.g., Times New Roman, Georgia, Bookman)

<shawn> [_] Sans-serif (e.g., Arial, Helvetica, Verdana, Tahoma)

<shawn> [ fyi, background for this question: https://www.w3.org/WAI/RD/2012/text-customization/r14]

wayne: separate question do you know about custom styles

Thank You JARED!! and webAIM!!!

<shawn> before "[_] Font size" *maybe* put "[_] I don't know how to use custom stlyes" and possibly "[_] I know how to use custom stlyes, but don't use them"

<shawn> [ Shawn would welcome the opportunity to review revised draft ]

<shawn> [ Shawn will check back through LVTF User Needs and TAdER survey to see if other suggestions ]

wd: there is a sweet spot between font size, family, letter spacing, word spacing. try to stay within 1.2 times font size
... find the balance. the paramaters interact,

<shawn> Under "Which of the following types of visual impairment do you have?" Do you want to add "Field of vision limitations (peripheral field loss, central field loss, or other)"? It is one of the categories that we describe in https://www.w3.org/TR/low-vision-needs/#visfie -- however maybe less relevant for this survey?

<shawn> Undr "Which of the following do you frequently use?" Do you want to add "[_] Screen brightness - lower" and "[_] Screen brightness - higher". It's one of the user needs in https://www.w3.org/TR/low-vision-needs/#brightness-overall -- however, maybe less relevant for this survey?

<shawn> [ Shawn will start e-mail thread about printing to be archived here https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-low-vision-a11y-tf/2018Aug/thread.html]

<shawn> fyi, here are the things I asked in my survey a while ago: http://tader.info/survey1304.html

<shawn> One of the questions that I found useful for helping show web designers and developers the importance of text customization is:

<shawn> "

<shawn> Question: Do you quit reading information from the computer (such as an article on the web or instructions in PDF) and not finish it, just because the text is too hard to read comfortably?

<shawn> Answer choices:

<shawn> Half of the respondents got: Never, Rarely - a few times a year, Occasionally - a few times a month, Sometimes - a few times a week, Often every day

<shawn> Half of the respondents got: Often every day, Sometimes - a few times a week, Occasionally - a few times a month, Rarely - a few times a year, Never

<shawn> "

<shawn> Not sure if this type of question would fit in this survey. If so, I think the data would be very helpful.

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.152 (CVS log)
$Date: 2018/08/16 16:49:14 $

Scribe.perl diagnostic output

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This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.152  of Date: 2017/02/06 11:04:15  
Check for newer version at http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/~checkout~/2002/scribe/

Guessing input format: Irssi_ISO8601_Log_Text_Format (score 1.00)

Succeeded: s/need description (difficulty seeing low contrast) or just change to Contrast sensitivity/change to "Contrast sensitivity (difficulty seeing low contrast)"/
Succeeded: s/ is age important/ why have age? is it important?/
Succeeded: s/seperate/separate/
Succeeded: s/as a separate question further down/as a separate question further down? Probably better with the "Which of the following do you frequently use?" question/
Succeeded: s/do we care about what they change with the styles?/do we care about what they change with the styles? (Would be nice, but maybe or maybe not worth it :-)/
Succeeded: s/... realize most /SLH: realize most/
Succeeded: s/slh: separate question do you know about custom styles/wayne: separate question do you know about custom styles/
Succeeded: s/(or maybe not worth the complication)?/ /
Succeeded: s/What type of font do you usually use for large blocks of text/What type of font do you usually use for paragraphs (or large blocks of text)./
Succeeded: s/Serif (e.g., @@)/Serif (e.g., Times New Roman, Georgia, Bookman)/
Succeeded: s/Sans-serif (e.g., @@)/Sans-serif (e.g., Arial, Helvetica, Verdana, Tahoma)/
Succeeded: s/(for example, different styles for different heading levels)/(for example, different styles for different heading levels)   [_] Other: [______________________________]/
Present: Jim Laura Shawn SteveRepsher jon_avila wayneD
No ScribeNick specified.  Guessing ScribeNick: AllanJ
Found Scribe: jim
Found Date: 16 Aug 2018
People with action items: 

WARNING: IRC log location not specified!  (You can ignore this 
warning if you do not want the generated minutes to contain 
a link to the original IRC log.)

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