WoT PlugFest

21 Mar 2018


Michael_Lagally, Kaz_Ashimura, Benjamin_Klotz, Daniel_Peintner, Federico_Sismondi, Graeme_Coleman, Kunihiko_Toumura, Michael_Koster, Michael_McCool, Ryuichi_Matsukura, Tomoaki_Matsukura, Soumya_Kanti_Datta, Kazuaki_Nimura


<kaz> scribenick: mjkoster


mccool: Agenda
... review preparation
... logistics issues

Plan for an accessibility discussion at the plugfest

<kaz> PlugFest call wiki

<kaz> Prague f2f wiki

mccool: Graeme will be at the PF so we can discuss then

Graeme: morning is better

Plugfest logistics

<kaz> PlugFest logistics

mlagally: 2 important things: please be at the door by 9AM, phone number is on the wiki

<kaz> PlugFest requirements table

mccool: please fill out the Requirements for logistics, IP ports, etc.

lagally: question about merge rights

mccool: only editors can merge, others need to create pull requests

<kaz> guideline for pullrequests

mlagally: need to upload preparation.md and TD files

mccool: which preparation file can we use for a template?
... there seems to be no template, if someone can create an empty template that would be helpful
... The Siemens file looks like a good example
... anything else to discuss

kaz: the most important thing is the main preparation.md file

mjkoster: how can we add things to the main file without causing merge conflicts?

mccool: recommend each person create their own preparation.md file and attempt to make a merge change to the main file

kaz: missing smartthings, siemens, eurecom logistics requirements

<kaz> According to the registration results: 22 people on Saturday; 27 people on Sunday

<kaz> registration results

soumya: two people, a couple of outlets, no ports

kaz: categorize and group people with their companies

mccool: aob?

mlagally: created a PR

<kaz> MLagally's PR

mccool: merged

graeme: how are ppl getting to the PF?

mccool: subway could work but there is a bridge to cross
... we will probably meet and share taxis
... it's cold in Prague, dress accordingly
... meet downstairs at 8:00 AM
... discuss and plan on Friday

mlagally: there is a google map with directions

<kaz> Oracle location

mccool: adjourned

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.152 (CVS log)
$Date: 2018/03/21 14:52:45 $