Accessibility Conformance Testing Teleconference

15 Mar 2018


SteinErik, Anne, MoeKraft, MaryJo, Wilco, Anthony, Jey, Shadi
Romain, Alistair
Wilco, MaryJo


Debrief on Wednesday's ACT Rules for Manual Web Accessibility Evaluation Methodologies (Shadi) https://www.w3.org/WAI/Tools/webinar1

Wilco: We are expecting feedback on the draft during and after CSUN.
... There is a bunch of issues that need to be delegated. We'd like to touch on yesterdays manual accessibility testing symposium.

Shadi: I think we had a good turn out. OVer 70 registered. I think we had at least 40-50 actually attending.
... We had people from target organizations we wanted - US trusted testers, French RGAA-program, Norwegian and Spanish institutions developing test methodologies.
... Several others have company internal methodologies as well.
... Shadi: Also both followers of this work and fairly large new organizations who are looking at internal methodologies.
... I was hoping for more comments and inputs to the ACT-work Most of the questions were related to how things worked, so we switched the mode to be more introductory than an in depth session about this.
... People want to know where to start, how to get into it, all the acronyms and details.

Anne: Siteimproves feeling was that we didn't get out of it exactly what we had expected. It was more of an info meeting than a discussion session. We hope to get som etake-aways on how to integrate manual testing into the framework. I am hoping that it can lead to more people being involved in the ACT-work and providing feedback in the time to come.
... I understand why the mode was switched as the need for information is there.

Shadi: With references to an earlier online symposium where we asked people to submit papers etc. In yesterdays symposium we tried to take up some of the questions, and people were asking questions more than providing input. Do you feel we should do a follow up symposium?
... We need be specific in asking for position apers etc.

Wilco: I don't want to go into solutions before we have heard all voices.

Jay: Am fairly new to it. The forum was mostly to discuss where we are going and what the plan is etc. It was a bit hard to keep up for someone who is new to this.
... In terms of the organization the meeting was neatly conducting, sticking to the agenda etc

MaryJo: More introductory than anticipated, but this is necessary for new peole. Definitely useful.

Wlico: Quite impressed by the turn up. Especially since this is an advanced topic where only a handful of people are doing this work around the world, so very impressed. Agree it was more of an introductory level which didn't quite get us the answers we were looking for. So what do we do now?

Wilco: We acomplished something I wasn't expecting, so how to use this list of interested people.
... Do we need a follow up?

SES: I rec ommend a follow up meeting with a clearer purpose to get input

Wilco: We have sufficient resources in the ACT-work, but we need their feedback on some of the things we Developed

Anne: It might still be worth to find someone to do a test run of the framework

Wilco: Do we expect this group to write rules?
... How may eople from the call do we expect to start using the ACT-format

Shadi: I would think and hope the majority. We'd like to see more examples so people can see how it works in practice. Really understanding and being able to follow the format and framework

Mary-Jo: It is hard to say how many people will use it

Wilco: It should be our goal that the majority use the ACT-format. So I like the idea to get people to do test runs with the ACT-format to give us helpful feedback

Shadi: By October we need ot have most things ready including hoefully some examples

Wilco: We do not know well enough if this will work on man ual, so we want that feedback as soon as possible. We need it before we do our last draft

Shadi: Missed by scribe

Wilco: Can we get organizations to do a dry-run with the current ACT-format

Shadi: We can ask them. I know some have done and ran into problems. Might be due to lack of understanding ACT. There has been many changes since.

Wilco: We send out a request for organizations to help do a dry run of the urrent ACT-format. Especially in regards to their internal methodologies. We can assign eople to work with these organizations to resolve any issues

Shadi: Sounds good

Mary-Jo: Agree

<shadi> https://www.w3.org/WAI/Tools/webinar1#agenda

Shadi: What do people think of the diagram at slide number 9

<shadi> https://www.w3.org/WAI/Tools/slides/manual-ACT.pptx

Wilco: I quite like it. The tiny thing I would change is say methodologies and test tools rather than the other way around
... We need a name...a publicc trial run?

Shadi: We need updated template, review rocess and documentation updated.

<Wilco> https://auto-wcag.github.io/auto-wcag/pages/design/review.html

Wilco: We need volunteers to guide these implementation tests
... We don't want the scenario where someone tries something, gets stuck and abandons it.

Shadi: Like a buddy?
... Would be helpful if there is a person people can contact. Helpful

Wilco: So we need volunteers
... We can do volunteers when we have candidates/organizations for trial run.
... Should we send out e-mail and ask for trial runs?

Shadi: I will try to send this out start next week together with captioned recordings etc

Wilco: We need to make it compelling. IT is safe and we will help you

Issues list - status and get volunteers to take on open issues https://github.com/w3c/wcag-act/issues

Wilco: A bunch of issues we need people to work on

<Wilco> https://github.com/w3c/wcag-act/issues?q=is%3Aopen+is%3Aissue+no%3Aassignee

Wilco: We need to tidy up our use of terms. They are used inconsistently, and not linked.

Mo: _You can assign 185 to me

Wilco: Develop rules reposityro. This is a big one, so not one issue.
... I'll take the lead on that, ans I suspect me and Jay will be working on that.
... Discuss if expectations are conformance statements. I'll assign it to me
... I think that is it. Everything that is still open now, I will work on distributing that work.

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.152 (CVS log)
$Date: 2018/03/15 15:25:59 $