W3C Statements about TAG Nominees for 2018 Special Election

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This is the list of nominees for the 2018 special election to the W3C Technical Architecture Group (TAG). Each person has been nominated by at least one W3C Member according to the TAG election process.

The W3C Membership elects the TAG. For this election W3C will fill one seat. W3C will announce the results the first week of April 2018.

Note: The deadline for votes is 23:59 ET, 2 April 2018.

The following statements were sent about the nominees (in alphabetical order by nominee family name):

  1. Andrew Betts (Fastly)
  2. Kenneth Rohde Christiansen (Intel Corporation)
  3. Theresa O'Connor (Apple, Inc.)

All individuals were nominated by the AC Representatives of their organizations unless otherwise indicated below.

Andrew Betts (Fastly)

Andrew Betts was nominated by Microsoft Corp.

In the TAG's role guiding the development of web standards, Andrew brings the important perspective of the web development community, as a practical web developer with a career spanning almost 20 years, leader of several major open source projects, and organiser of web development community events ranging from meetups to major conferences. It's essential for the TAG to balance the expertise of implementers with the problems and demands of developers, and Andrew is qualified to represent the developer constituency.

Andrew is principal developer advocate for Fastly (a content delivery network focused on fast, secure and scalable content delivery for customers such as the New York Times and GitHub), and formerly head of front end standards at the Financial Times in London, where he spent a year on secondment to Nikkei in Tokyo. He is founder of two startups, and a leading organiser in the developer community.

FT has been well regarded for making practical and innovative use of web technology in products such as the FT progressive web app, and for making significant contributions to open source via projects such as Fastclick. While at the FT Andrew started polyfill.io, which now serves around 5 billion polyfills per month to upgrade the web for millions of users.

In terms of events, Andrew has participated in the program committee for O'Reilly's Velocity conference, has organised many developer events through the London Web Performance and Edge conf brands, and is also a prolific conference speaker on web technologies.

In his first term on the TAG, Andrew authored the TAG findings "Polyfills and the evolution of the web" and "Distributed and syndicated content", and was a contributor on "The evergreen web". He has an interest in improving communication and documentation practices, and organising events that engage the broader developer community in which he works every day. He has specific technology interests in installable and discoverable web apps, paid and premium content, performance monitoring, web payments, caching and networking.

Kenneth Rohde Christiansen (Intel Corporation)

Intel Corporation is pleased to nominate Kenneth Rohde Christiansen for the TAG.

Kenneth is a Web Platform Architect from Denmark working at the Intel Open Source Technology Center. He is a key team member in growing Intel's web involvement; starting from Intel being an early WebKit contributor to one of the most active non-browser vendor contributors in the W3C and the Chromium open-source project today.

Kenneth has extensive hands-on experience shepherding new innovations into the web platform on all stages of the web standards funnel, from exploration through incubation to formal standardization. He is deeply passionate about empowering and promoting collaboration in the global web developer community to drive new innovations to the web platform.

Having learned coding as a tool, Kenneth has worked in all parts of the software stack from low-level drivers, internet of things and system coding, to native apps, web apps and server programming. He co-built the innovative mobile web browser for the Linux powered Nokia N9 while at Nokia and developed forward-looking mobile applications for the global market, and also ported WebKit to the Enlightenment Foundation Libraries. Kenneth has been active in Blink and Chromium working on multiple areas of the stack with a focus on mobile adaptation. Kenneth is also a key contributor in standards for Progressive Web Apps that enable app-like experiences on mobile, and has made significant contributions to develop and promote new hardware capabilities such as Web Bluetooth, Web USB, and Generic Sensors.

This deep and broad experience provides him the ability to view proposed solutions holistically as a cohesive part of the entire web platform. As a TAG member, he will help to provide valuable insights and the ability to accelerate TAG Specification Reviews. In addition to his passion and technical background, Kenneth offers additional intangible value as a TAG member. He is fluent in English, Portuguese, Danish, Dutch and German. He has used these language skills along with his broad user experience and skills to tailor products while living in four different countries.

As a Google Developer Expert in web technology and a well-known presenter at events and meetups, he frequently meets and works with the global web developer community from Africa to South America. This has given Kenneth the global perspective that being a standards person and a browser engineer is not enough to understand how people use the platform. As a result, Kenneth frequently creates demos, polyfills, and authors articles to help web developers and users understand and use the standard specifications in their development efforts.

Intel is proud to present our esteemed colleague, Kenneth Rohde Christensen to the W3C and the web community as a candidate for the TAG. We hope that his talent and passion would be fully utilized to benefit the well-being of the web ecosystem. Thank you for your consideration.

Theresa O'Connor (Apple, Inc.)

Hi. I'm Tess, a standards engineer on the WebKit team at Apple.

I believe in the Web, both as a vibrant, modern platform and as an enduring artifact of human civilization. It's our responsibility as folks working on Web standards & technologies to ensure both the Web's continued relevance as a platform for content deployment and application development, as well as its long-term architectural soundness and independence from any tech fads or trends of the moment. The TAG is uniquely situated to pursue both of these ends and it needs active participation from a broad and diverse set of engineers.

My commitment to fight for the long term viability and flourishing of the Web began right out of college, when I was lucky to be one of the first few engineers working on the Wikipedia project. After that and prior to joining Apple I worked at big companies and small companies; as a freelancer, consultant, and employee; on publicly-available web applications and on intranet tools; as a programmer and as a sysadmin; and on backend and frontend stacks. I've been both the web application engineer frustrated with browser compatibility bugs and lack of interop, and the browser engineer frustrated with the often perplexing compatibility constraints the Web imposes on us.

I've been participating in various Web standards efforts since 2005, and since 2011 I've represented Apple in a wide variety of working groups, including most of the groups working on the core, foundational parts of the platform (HTML, CSS, WebPlat, etc.)

I've also contributed to various standards efforts at the WHATWG. I believe it's critical for the long-term viability of the Web for the W3C and the WHATWG to work more closely together. I spent a few years as one of the W3C editors of HTML5, and during that time I tried very hard to minimize the divergence between each HTML spec. I intend to push for better communication and collaboration between our two SDOs from within the TAG.

Web technologies aren't just for the Web. They're widely deployed in a variety of specialized domains, and it's important for the TAG to help people working in such domains best take advantage of the web's strengths when doing so. One example of this is the world of publishing. I participated in the EPUB 3 effort at IDPF for several years, and I'm very excited to help Publishing@W3C bring packaged, paged Web content to its full potential.

Coralie Mercier, Head of W3C Marketing & Communications
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