Stats on the Web BP Call

10 January 2018

Meeting Minutes

Work plan for Stats subgroup

billroberts: Short call today as I'm in lovely Heathrow terminal 5, and about to board.

<billroberts> Work plan and milestones

billroberts: In the plenary, Jeremy advised subgroups to make plans about what we might want to achieve and by when
… I put together a document on GitHub
… with main milestones of what I think we need to achieve in the group.
… I'd like to get people's thoughts about milestones and tasks. I went until summer, at which point I think we should have a first public working draft
… We have quite some time after that. At least until end of 2018
… First thing is our use cases document. About 10 use cases for now. I need to add some details on some of them. Others can be added.
… Nearly final version of the use cases document should be ready by our upcoming F2F end of February. About 6 weeks away from now.
… That seems doable to me.
… Then it's worth analysing the use cases and deriving requirements, and then tying these together and publish that as a working draft. That would take us to end of April.
… I then suggest a further month to flesh out a list of best practices, and a couple of months after that to write details.

billroberts: That's my proposal, any thoughts on that?

josephabhayaratna: That looks OK to me.

tidoust: Just to note that you don't "have to" publish the use cases and requirements doc as a First Public Working Draft. It can remain an informal document on GitHub.

billroberts: OK, good to know that we can save some overhead there.

Draft use cases list

<billroberts> Use case list

billroberts: Some from Chris Little, some from me, and another one added recently.
… It starts to look reasonably sensible
… I'd like you to review the list, and provide feedback. This is very much a dynamic document. If you have problem has issues with GitHub, just let us know, Francois and I will be happy to help
… Please add your own thoughts in that document

<marqh> https://‌github.com/‌w3c/‌sdw/‌pull/‌994/‌files

marqh: In terms of workflow, I don't have edit rights on the document, but I just created a request for change to add new use case.
… My sense from going through the use cases is that I'm interested in the level of details. The use cases I see are at quite an abstract level, and I wonder if it would be useful to talk about more practical use cases such as the one I've just posted.
… Is what I just linked sensible in terms of details?

billroberts: I'm very open here. Specific use cases are good in general. For now, we shouldn't be too worried about the style. Just stick your ideas in there, and we'll try to harmonize things later on.
… Let's not be too particular about what goes in there. I'll merge that pull request later on.

marqh: Last comment is that I was quite keen about what we might want as an output. For instance "I want to download a graph as RDF". I'll leave that in there for the moment. To be discussed later on.

<billroberts> chris I initially shared the wrong link - try https://‌mit.webex.com/‌mit/‌j.php?MTID=m8796f88f95b74286ab85e2c1e6ec54cc

Francois: Happy to give edit rights to anyone, but note pull requests seem like a good process to follow to me.

AndreaPerego: Looking at the use cases that have been collected so far, my impression is that there are specific to statistical data published everywhere. Making best practices for statistical data published on the Web would be good. It may be worth making comparisons with the current Data on the Web BP, to identify best practices that we can promote.

<ChrisLittle> +1 to referencing DWBP

AndreaPerego: For instance, if you publish CSV, provide alternative versions, such as some RDF serialization.
… Making statistical data more friendly for search engines for instance.

<billroberts> https://‌github.com/‌w3c/‌sdw/‌blob/‌gh-pages/‌stats-bp/‌examples-of-good-practice.md

billroberts: The other document I created is rather empty but meant to contain existing best practices
… That can help us giving some concrete things to talk about.
… Do please add examples to that document as well.
… Please take a bit of time over the next few weeks to look at these documents and contribute.

billroberts: Any other business?

<MichaelGordon> Nothing from me

<ChrisLittle> nothing from me

billroberts: OK, let's continue online then. Let's aim to have another call in two weeks from now (24 January 2018)
… Thanks for joining!

<billroberts> thanks everyone!

<billroberts> will be in touch on the mailing list

<ChrisLittle> bye

Minutes formatted by Bert Bos's scribe.perl version 2.37 (2017/11/06 19:13:35), a reimplementation of David Booth's scribe.perl. See CVS log.