ACTION-147: Write to andreas kuchartz and jakub klimek drawing their attention to the ip policies at w3c wrt their contributions
Write to andreas kuchartz and jakub klimek drawing their attention to the ip policies at w3c wrt their contributions
- State:
- closed
- Person:
- Simon Cox
- Due on:
- July 17, 2018
- Created on:
- July 10, 2018
- Related emails:
- No related emails
Related notes:
This message sent to 'Jakub Klímek' <>; ''; ''
Dear Jakub, Vladimir, Andreas –
Thank you for your contributions to the discussions on the W3C DXWG GitHub site.
The working group is very pleased to receive these additional inputs, supplementing the contributions from the formal Working Group members [1].
However, we need to draw your attention to the expectations around Intellectual Property for contributors to W3C projects.
All regular participants make an explicit agreement that in relation to their contributions to the working group they will make no future IP or patent claims, and material that they contribute is on a royalty-free, non-discriminatory basis [2].
By engaging in the discussions on GitHub we would like to assume that you also agree to these arrangements.
If not, please advise as soon as possible so that we can be careful in how we make use of your suggestions and contributions.
Simon Cox
On behalf of the W3C Dataset eXchange Working Group
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