moneill2: Worked on an extension syntax, only defined for DNT:0. Can write it up this week.
schunter: We can say this one is undefined for DNT:1.
schunter: We need reports of implementations, any implemented features.
moneill2: Quite a few sites using the API, but not necessarily the TSR.
schunter: Not necessary that one site implements everything, as long as we have examples of everything.
moneill2: I think everything is in Bouncer.
Alan: Haven't heard from my implementers, but mid-December is too early.
… Is there a template for the reports?
schunter: We can come up with one.
schunter: In our case, to show interop, we need both client-side and server-side.
… Did Deutsche Telekom do an implementation, Mike?
… I can talk to them.
schunter: Any others?
moneill2: Rob said he did something, It's on the mailing list.
schunter: So four implementations, if we are lucky. We need to work on those. Getting others in a short period is unlikely.
… Do we need to show all fields of the TSR? If a field isn't used, do we drop it?
Bert: Probably should test each field at least once.
moneill2: I'll work on it for Bouncer, but not this week.
schunter: To have a chance, we need to finish a REC.
moneill2: EPR (ePrivacy Regulation) is still uncertain.
… Once a final text is agreed, companies may have a reason to join the WG.
… But that won't be before 2019.
schunter: It wil be difficult to get new members soon, so it will be difficult to ceate a new WG.
… If some browser or advertising company want to extend DNT, we should start a new WG. But before that, there is probably not enough reason.
Brad: About "right of objection" (art. 21). It may use automated means. Is WP29 going to write an opinion on it? And does that affect DNT?
moneill2: EPR draft has new text about exception for audience measurement. Rob's issue is about that. But Rob is not here and we don't know exactly.
wileys: WP29 I think is working on some opinions.
… There is currently no cases of "legitimate interest" and everything is consent-based.
… EPR will borrow from GDPR.
… The WP29 opinion will be interesting to define "fair". It is expected in December.
schunter: Can we have a 2-month extension, waiting for some implementations?
Bert: That should not be a problem. Just need to contact Philippe.
schunter: If the WP29 opinion shows support for automated means such as DNT, that will help get interest.
wileys: Timing is against us. WP29 opinion in December. Interest will be growing in Q1 2018. That is after our charter.
schunter: It may lead to a pause between old charter and new one.
moneill2: Where do we publish the proposed extension? Do we have a document for that?
… New draft?
schunter: I would make the REC first and then start a new version.
Bert: We can easily make a new WD or Note.
moneill2: Can call it DNT2
Bert: Or Ideas for... or sometjhing like that.
schunter: We will need a discussion at some point about backward compatibility.
moneill2: For the moment it's just an extension, with a default, so won't break old implementations.
schunter: So probably best to start a document Future Extensions.
… We publish it once we decided what ideas to put in it.
Action: schunter: Talk to Martin Kurze about DNT implementations.
<trackbot> Created ACTION-476 - Talk to martin kurze about dnt implementations. [on Matthias Schunter - due 2017-11-20].
<wileys> Over and out! :-)
Succeeded: s/fro my/from my/
Succeeded: s/It WP29/Is WP29/
Succeeded: s/no "legitimate interest"/no cases of "legitimate interest"/
Succeeded: s/waiting or/waiting for/
Succeeded: s/will be help/will help/
No scribenick or scribe found. Guessed: bert