15:56:42 RRSAgent has joined #personalization 15:56:42 logging to http://www.w3.org/2017/10/23-personalization-irc 15:56:47 rrsagent, make logs public 16:00:13 agenda+ Proposal for personalization semantics and counter proposal https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-personalization-tf/2017Oct/0024.html and https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-personalization-tf/2017Oct/0006.html 16:00:46 agenda+ tmetable https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-personalization-tf/2017Oct/0022.html 16:09:44 regrets: Jan, shari 16:10:30 +agenda updates. vodaphone and tpac https://github.com/w3c/personalization-semantics/wiki/TPAC2017 16:10:52 agenda+ updates. vodaphone and tpac https://github.com/w3c/personalization-semantics/wiki/TPAC2017 16:11:20 agenda+ survey https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/101569/2017-10-12_priorities/results 16:35:15 Roy has joined #personalization 17:00:38 thaddeus has joined #Personalization 17:00:42 starting a moment late 17:00:52 +present 17:00:55 AndyHeath has joined #personalization 17:01:09 present+ 17:01:28 janina has joined #personalization 17:01:50 present+ 17:02:01 Roy has joined #personalization 17:03:22 regrets: Jan, shari, charles 17:03:29 present+ 17:04:25 scribe: AndyHeath 17:04:32 present+ 17:04:37 zakim, next item 17:04:37 agendum 1. "Proposal for personalization semantics and counter proposal https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-personalization-tf/2017Oct/0024.html and 17:04:40 ... https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-personalization-tf/2017Oct/0006.html" taken up [from lisa] 17:04:50 present+ 17:04:50 present+ 17:04:51 present+ 17:05:00 chair: lisa 17:05:13 Agenda: 1 17:05:16 present+ 17:05:51 present+ 17:05:53 Lisa had a counter proposal to moving forwards on the vocabulary 17:06:16 Lisa had some concerns with Michaels’ proposal 17:06:34 Lisa: the structure is nice 17:07:35 Lisa: We should run with it and try it but be prepared to go back if we find there are problems with it 17:08:35 I think it sounds like a good starting point. 17:08:40 Lisa: trouble could come in different wats - e.g. ARIA group could fail to accept it for semantics 17:08:58 s/wats/ways/ 17:10:01 Michael: Wary about not making a decisoin but lets have a timeline for a decision rather than it dangling indefinitely 17:10:35 Micahel: I don’t see how the vocab affects implementation 17:10:45 Lisa: shall we say by the next WD 17:11:57 Lisa: Lets run with it - that’s like makinga decision - unless we hit an insoluble issue 17:12:19 s/makinga/making a/ 17:12:23 not insolveble just not elegently soverble or practictal 17:13:12 Michael: Ask the public at the next WD and make the decison by the WD after that 17:13:57 Michael: that allows us to collect evidence including implementor evidence 17:14:15 propsal draft as a vocalary for now and Ask the public at the next WD and make the decison by the WD after that 17:15:04 Michael: make it clear “here’s how to do an ARIA implementation of that: 17:15:18 +1 17:15:20 +1 17:15:21 +1 17:15:35 any obections 17:16:04 resolution: draft as a vocabulary for now and Ask the public at the next WD and make the decision by the WD after that 17:16:18 zakim, next item 17:16:18 agendum 2. "tmetable https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-personalization-tf/2017Oct/0022.html" taken up [from lisa] 17:16:36 s/resolution:/RESOLUTION:/ 17:17:18 action: Lisa to send out cfc 17:19:15 Lisa: thinking about timetable - over the next week Lisa and Charles work on drafting the first three items (ish) then ask for review 17:19:34 Lisa: will have a couple of items a week to review 17:20:32 Lisa: three items on a two week cycle - after the call if people are happy we will put them in the draft 17:20:50 q? 17:21:11 Lisa: will only have those items to review not the whoile draft 17:21:59 We have consensus this seems to be a good plan 17:22:25 zakim, next item 17:22:25 agendum 3. "updates. vodaphone and tpac https://github.com/w3c/personalization-semantics/wiki/TPAC2017" taken up [from lisa] 17:24:22 Lisa: in Spain @ Inclusion Conference, vidaphone have sponsored c100 cog projects including loading own symbols. Plan to invite them to join the task forcr 17:24:31 s/forcr/force 17:25:16 Lisa: there is a liink now to the TPAC page in Github 17:25:58 Janina: parent group is ARIA not APA 17:26:23 wil be some CSS duscusion 12 on Monday 17:26:40 if people are available be at APA by 11/12 17:27:17 Might be earlier than 111 17:27:24 s/111/11/ 17:27:54 thaddeus has joined #Personalization 17:28:09 APA at TPAC: https://www.w3.org/WAI/APA/wiki/Meetings/TPAC_2017 17:28:35 Lisa - the page needs a litte sorting out 17:28:59 Lisa WILL PROBABLY be at TPAC 17:29:07 or will participate remotely 17:31:25 Michael - wait until some processes have gone through to edit 17:31:52 zakim, next item 17:31:52 agendum 4. "survey https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/101569/2017-10-12_priorities/results" taken up [from lisa] 17:33:03 Onlly had three responses to sruvey so far 17:34:02 So far only logs and misc flagged by anybody to deprioritise 17:35:25 s/So far only logs and misc flagged by anybody to deprioritise/So far only logs flagged by anybody to deprioritise/ 17:35:57 Since I recently joined I want to give a thorough review 17:35:57 Janina: didn’t have much to add to it 17:36:04 q+ 17:36:37 Thaddeus: will respond this week 17:36:46 ack me 17:36:47 Andy: will respond this week 17:38:01 q+ 17:38:06 ack q 17:38:39 Lisa: Hopefully we will be able to put out a survey on what’s missing in the first few sections by Thursday 17:38:58 zakim, next item 17:38:58 I see a speaker queue remaining and respectfully decline to close this agendum, lisa 17:39:06 ack l 17:39:09 zakim, next item 17:39:09 I do not see any more non-closed or non-skipped agenda items, lisa 17:39:25 Lisa: Anyone thinking of implementations? 17:40:25 q+ 17:41:33 ack j 17:41:53 thad and jason will look into impltions and more reserch that might be need 17:42:04 yes 17:43:05 if anyone feels we need extra or diffrent thing in the specification [lease say 17:43:47 rrsagent, make logs public 17:43:54 rrsagent, create minutes 17:43:54 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2017/10/23-personalization-minutes.html lisa 21:51:10 Guest3 has joined #personalization 21:56:13 lisa_ has joined #personalization 21:57:46 lisa__ has joined #personalization 22:17:12 lisa_ has joined #personalization 22:27:43 lisa has joined #personalization