Silver Task Force Teleconference

28 Jul 2017

See also: IRC log


sloandr, Sarah, Dave, Jeanne, Shawn, Jan, Jennison


Research project sheet review

<Lauriat> No updates since last time.

Jan: Suggestion to add info about local meetup groups
... Could add meetups to question about accessibility topics.

Sarah: Will look into this
... Diary study meeting today

Jeanne: Working on building up a larger donation plan
... For diary study, thought we could go ahead with volunteers
... Could go to people on ad hoc basis, ask for support for diary study

Sarah: Will move forward with diary study and when ready to launch, check in about budget and stakeholders list

Jeanne: Check back in next Friday to discuss budget

Question bank

<Lauriat> Question bank: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1x_Qt9WpujgrAlKnF6ApWPamhSukYQXGEel6fkq93kls/edit

Draft of WCAG usability survey

Sarah: Reviewed survey

Shawn: Likes the three questions, learnability, memorability, teachability

Jan: Likes idea of asking the three attributes with each SC
... What about also asking about easy to implement

Shawn: That might be outside scope of usability
... What about asking questions about why?

Jan: Relying on their definition of what learning means

<sloandr> hi all, sorry for joining late

Jeanne: How about adding another page with the SC and a question about why
... With perceptions, some people will want to say why

Shawn: Implementability gets away from usability of WCAG itself, implementing gets into working with technology

Jan: Usability seems like something people can use in their job

Shawn: Implementations can get difficult depending on context

Jan: Implementation becomes one of biggest barriers when working with developers

Jennison: Are there other research studies that are covering implementation

Dave: Concerned about whether we need to ask about informative resources (how to use, understanding)
... Can we understand which parts of the guidelines are sufficiently learnable without other resources?

* https://www.nngroup.com/articles/usability-101-introduction-to-usability/

Sarah: Will share more refined version on Aug 1

Question bank

Dave: Good idea to use as a bucket to put questions we could ask by survey
... Could start by collecting questions about implementability
... Also ask about supporting resources
... Could spend time on bank creating questions that are on topics we would like to learn more about
... Questions we can use in surveys
... Will start on setting up question bank and share at Aug 4 meeting

Open action items https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/task-forces/silver/track/actions/open review

<scribe> Scribe: Sarah

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.152 (CVS log)
$Date: 2017/07/28 14:58:37 $

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Present: sloandr Sarah Dave Jeanne Shawn Jan Jennison
Regrets: Jemma
No ScribeNick specified.  Guessing ScribeNick: SarahHorton
Found Scribe: Sarah
Found Date: 28 Jul 2017
Guessing minutes URL: http://www.w3.org/2017/07/28-silver-minutes.html
People with action items: 

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