See also: IRC log
wilco: my idea is to have. some sort of
way to deal with a11y support in rules
... currently some orgs don't deal with a11y support at all, which is a
... we shouldn't miss the opportunity to miss that here
... some comments was received on the prose, it's time to open that
discussion again
... my question for the group is: do we want to take this back and use
it to push a11y support?
maryjom: it's a touchy subject
... you can't test with every screen readers, etc. how do you know you
have full a11y support?
wilco: you can't. I don't know what full
a11y support even means
... for whatever you're testing, you set a baseline of what you want to
... say, for a website, you say you want to support the latest version
... by setting a support level, you can decide what rule you want to use
maryjom: if you come up accross issues, you don't know if it's a bug in your code, in AT. It takes time to figure this out
wilco: it does put the burden on the
... you indicate that you support an AT and you may have to work around
bugs in AT in your code
maryjom: it's hard to maintain, e.g. to follow screen reader changes. it's not always easy in practice
wilco: right. it seems to me nobody has a handle on a11y support at this point
agarrison: my commnent is that it's a
very simplistic thing that replicates what you right for the test anyway
... on example 1, that's the selector you have in the test anyway. why
replicate it in the a11y support section?
... same for example 2, it's redundant with the test
... a second comment: I don't think we should look at a11y support
within our tests
agarrison: this is something you're
interested in when selecting the technique
... then you use the tests to validate the technique
... the a11y support decision is all made in a higher level, in the
technique selection
... keeping the technique up to date is another discussion
... I don't see how a11y support is important at the test level
wilco: I'm confused about what you mean by "at the technique level"
agarrison: [further describes with a detailed table example]
wilco: for tables, would you add 1 rule that addresses scope, 1 rule to address headers, 1 rule that address scope and headers?
agarrison: it's their choice wheather to
use headers and IDs or scopes, it's the dev's choice how to build their
... we don't care about their choices, we build the rules to test them
wilco: say for our organisation, we use
headers and IDs, not scopes
... a developer comes along and is only using scope, the rule would
agarrison: what you do is provide a set
of best practices, and then select some tests to support these best
... it's how it's done in all the organisations I've worked in
wilco: then you need rules for these best practices
agarrison: if you tell people you're only using headers and IDs, you write a test only for header and IDs
wilco: the problem is that there are things in Techniques which are not a11y supported
agarrison: [rephrases the comments]
wilco: so you're delegating that to people who write the techniques?
agarrison: or the people who select the techniques
rdeltour: I think I understand Alistair's point, but IMO the a11y support info is useful to select the test of filter the steps in the test?
moekraft: the rules themselves should be
testing techniques that are a11y supported
... if you're using a technique, it's a11y supported
... the techniques themselves are supporting some AT
... there would be a level of redundancy if we add a11y support to the
... I think we need to call it out, but maybe not included it in every
... if someone relies on a11y support in test, it may not be implemented
<Wilco> Only accessibility-supported ways of using technologies are relied upon to satisfy the success criteria. Any information or functionality that is provided in a way that is not accessibility supported is also available in a way that is accessibility supported. (See Understanding accessibility support.)
moekraft: a screen reader can have the ability to override bad code
wilco: my understanding of the text
abovie: you're only allowed to say you pass SC if the way you've done it
works for AT
... I think we should provide information within the rule that allows
people using the rule to figure out whether using the rule [???]
... the way I would write my table rule w/b: you write several steps
... 1. one uses scopes, 2. uses haeders+IDs
... some mechanism allows users to say "we have this context, so we can
turn off step 1, or 2, or we need both"
... what is a11y supported depends on what your baseline is
... your baseline is different whether you're targetting macOS users
only, or also mobile users with Android
agarrison: you would only need to include
a support baseline thing in tests if the people writing the test
wouldn't have already selected a technique already
... a user wrote a site without selecting the technique, then run the
test, then the test can inform on the a11y support
... anyone else would be using best practices to follow for the target
... who would write an entire product without selecting best practices
wilco: I'm trying to make the rules work in any situation
agarrison: they can select the technique
they want
... I don't see us saying "you selected a technique we don't support"
... I don't see why this is so important at the test level
wilco: we want to be able to reuse the
use accross different organizations and people
... let's take our table rule again
... if we (ACT TF) publish a rule on tables
... if an organization has to support Android an Talkback
... they have to tests other things than an organization that just
supports Windows and macOS
... our options are: either we write multiple tests for these differenet
organisation, or write 1 test that can be configured to fit the needs of
these orgnanizations
agarrison: I think we should be going for the most atomic tests
moekraft: you may have something that VO
doesn't support today but something that is a11y supported
... we need something to select the appropriate rule for a situation
... I see where you're coming from wilco, but sometimes it can be a11y
supported and not on a particular AT
... we need to ensure that the techniques that we test for themselves
are a11y supported
... and I do agree with Allistair that we should aim for smaller tests
wilco: what is the alternative to putting
this complexity to the rules?
... Allistair you're talking about keeping the rules small. for the
table example, you'd write several rules?
agarrison: it's not me, but every
recommendation on writing tests recommends being atomic
... then you use a selector to select whether it's applicable or not
wilco: no disagreement from me! but what would you do for the table example?
agarrison: in our organisation, we have different tests
wilco: so you need to aggregate them?
agarrison: not when running them, but you
could aggregate the results in a higher level
... you don't do the aggregation at the unit-test level, but for the
whole test runner
... our tests should be just finding fail/pass, not an aggregator result
for best practices
wilco: in a lot of rules you can use one of any number of techniques to pass.
agarrison: so if a rule fails, it doesn't
necessarily means that a SC fails, since another rule can pass?
... what you want for test is to produce a result, and can be reused
... I'm a bit reticent about writing super-tests that run smaller tests,
it's more a platform kind of thing
moekraft: we do have a separate mobile
ruleset, which is a subset of our web ruleset
... some rules make sense on our platforms and not others
... if you have smaller rules, if one pass and the other fails, how do
you come up with a summary of whether the SC passes?
wilco: the idea is that if all of them
fail, the SC fails, and if any of them pass, the SC passes
... should we introduce the concept of a group?
... if a rule belongs to a group you need only one of them to pass
agarrison: if you only look at the
failing tests, it doesn't matter whether you implement things in one way
or another
... ... in LevelAccess (SSB), we test for all sort of things and just
flag the things that fail
wilco: and if you have a group, you have a way to say that one of them passed so it's OK?
agarrison: one issue with WCAG is that it's difficult to say that something passed, but you can say when it fails
wilco: we're making progress. I'll take on myself to write a proposal with the idea of groups
moekraft: I was thinking labelling can be another example to look at
wilco: I've been working on the rules to
publish along our next draft [links not working currently]
... thanks everyone, let's talk next week!