Accessible Rich Internet Applications Working Group Teleconference

15 Jun 2017

See also: IRC log


Joanmarie_Diggs, Rich_Schwerdtfeger, jongund


<joanie> agenda: be done

<Rich> scribe: Rich

zakim takeup item 2

Fixing overly-restrictive language related to aria-roledescription (https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/500)

joanie: Matt is familiar with this and was very involved in the discussion
... meter became an issue in Safari
... I asked James Craig if he could create a pull request which he did. He changed some language.
... he made a branch

<joanie> https://rawgit.com/w3c/aria/issue-500/aria/aria.html#aria-roledescription

joanie: this is James Craig’s branch

<joanie> https://github.com/w3c/aria/commit/b6d18109404

joanie: those are the diffs

<joanie> https://github.com/w3c/aria/commit/b6d181094048225f14789f269f3b4dad9ce25b51#commitcomment-22558272

<scribe> scribenick: MichaelC

mck: meaning known to AT has to be determined by attributes

rs: ARIA didn´t define role for interactive element

we have adequate structural elements

but lack interactive

so we should say

@@ roledescription @@ native element @@ platform mapping

avoid semantically meaningless

jd: gotta define ¨semantically meaningless¨

mck: this would change purpose of roledescription

to fill any role gap

which is pretty broad scope

normally if there is a hole in ARIA, we add a role

allowing roledescription on any element without implicit ARIA role creates slippery slope

jd: example of text containers

then we introduce paragraph

causing <p> to map to paragraph

would we use roledescription?

I think not

mck: others raised the issue, how do you know when to speak the role?

if it´s used on a generic element where you don´t speak role, such as paragraph

how do you know when to speak and when not?

jd: I´ve made assumption authors know what they´re doing

but in general @@

mck: I see ARIA as a canvas like CSS, authors can do yucky things with it but we don´t want to limit its scope to prevent that

also don´t want to limit reasonable creativity

jg: restrict elements to which it can be applied?

mck: we don´t control the relevant spec, that´s HTML-AAM

rs: not an issue for SVG

for HTML I´d say ¨interactive controls¨

we´ve got classes of roles

mck: can see using on certain of those

so we´d say ¨explicit role required unless interactive element in host language¨

rs: ¨with implied ARIA semantic¨

mck: +1

jd: +1

updated issue

<joanie> Rich (during meeting) mentioned "host language interactive controls" as a category of things which might not have an explicit or implicit ARIA role, but which should still permit roledescription.

so we´d be saying explicit roles, implict roles, or host language interactive controls support roledescription

rs: this should work around ¨semantically meaningless¨ which wasn´t working for us

aria-errormessage may need additional normative language in the spec (https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/587)

jd: went to implement aria-errormessage

<joanie> https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/587

found it didn´t say enough

asked questions and wrote proposals in that issue

mck: pertinent?

jd: if aria-invalid=true, then error message is pertinent

if aria-invalid=false, then error message is not pertinent

mck: that´s in the spec?

jd: yuppers

mck: see not applicable. does it mean not mapped?

jd: that´s the problem I´m trying to solve, it didn´t say

rs: could define it as author error so UA doesn´t have to deal with

mck: we´re trying to minimize author statements

rs: also trying to minimize UA burden

jd: depending on screen reader to do sanity checking means if they don´t all do it, users get inconsistent experience

mck: yeah, troublesome when I encounter this sort of thing as an author

<joanie> I would suggest something like, "User agents MUST NOT expose an element as a pertinent error message when the referencing element lacks aria-invalid="true".

mck: ...

rs: doing this makes the user experience no worse, at least

could be should or must

jd: my version is above

mck: so when aria-invalid becomes true, ua will add a relationship

will AT pick that up?

jd: aria-invalid would change, so a state change event

also probably other events

see the next topic in that issue

about hiding error messages that are not pertinent

<joanie> Authors MUST remove the error message when it is not pertinent, either by removing the element's id from aria-errormessage or by ensuring the referenced element is not rendered or has an aria-hidden value of true.

so I think most ATs would pick up from one of these events

mck: situation of aria-hidden yet visible?

jd: recording...

rs: @@

jd: that´s agendum, we´ll come back to it

<reads updated proposal>

mck: yes, better

<but quibbles>

jd: updated proposal

mck: great

<joanie> "Authors MUST remove the error message when it is not pertinent, either by removing the aria-errormessage attribute or its value, or by ensuring the referenced element is not rendered."

jd: I think this is ready to implement in branch and get WG review

mck: <couple specific details>

jd: I can make additional test cases

jg: does IDL have new error message?

jd: details has two relationships, error message has two relationships

for a while now

we need to test that all

jd: consensus on above proposal?

mck: where is ¨pertinent¨ defined?

<bgaraventa1979> +1 on proposal

<joanie> https://rawgit.com/w3c/aria/master/aria/aria.html#aria-errormessage

<joanie> If the user enters an invalid value for the object, aria-invalid is set to true to indicate that aria-errormessage is now pertinent. When aria-errormessage is pertinent, authors must ensure the content is not hidden and is included in a container that exposes the content to the user as it is expected that the assistive technology user will navigate to the content in order to access it.

Identifying at-risk ARIA 1.1 features (https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/588)

<joanie> https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/588

<joanie> If items are not marked as at risk, and we don't get implementation, we cannot advance past CR. But my understanding is that marking something as at risk, and then getting implementations, will not cause our advancement to be stalled. Therefore, it seems to me that if we suspect features might be at risk, we should identify them as such.

jd: based on the above impacts, I suggest marking 3 things as at risk

particularly if we want more than bare minimum 2 implementations

which I think we do

in DPub-AAM CR implementation, the Director asked about breadth of implementation

so we might want to expand that target

<summarizes current state of implementations, listed in the issue>

in sum, windows and mac could lack implementation, so even if we have others we don´t have the dominant platforms

jd: ¨at risk¨ doesn´t mean we lose it necessarily

mck: if we have minimum now, and mark as at risk, and nothing further happens, we could fail the risk condition even though we´ve implemented

mc: is question what Director will accept as sufficient, or how to achieve level of implementation we want?

jd: what Director will accpet

mc: then we can ask if he thinks we need these risk statements

jd: please start that conversation

<joanie> https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=159215

rs: we´ve been through this

would like to proceed on the basis of implementation commitments we´ve gotten

<more kibbitzing on various consequences of risk statements>

<jongund> Is there any time for me to ask some questions about MSAA and IAccessible2 implementation testing?

<Rich> Rich: Joanie, Matt - the reason we don’t have aria-posinset on rows ands we have aria-rowindex and aria-rowcount

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

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$Date: 2017/06/15 18:38:26 $

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Present: Joanmarie_Diggs Rich_Schwerdtfeger jongund
Found Scribe: Rich
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Found Date: 15 Jun 2017
Guessing minutes URL: http://www.w3.org/2017/06/15-aria-minutes.html
People with action items: 

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