
A self-sovereign architecture for verifiable claims is one where the holder of a verifiable claim is in complete control of their identifier, where their verifiable claims are stored, and how they are used. There is currently no widely used self-sovereign, privacy-enhancing standard for expressing and transacting verifiable claims (aka: credentials, attestations) via the Web.

This specification describes a data model for a digital identity profile and a collection of digital entity credentials that assert verifiable claims about that identity profile. It also describes how to express that data model in JSON, JSON-LD, and WebIDL.

Status of This Document

This specification was published by the W3C Credentials Community Group. It is not a W3C Standard nor is it on the W3C Standards Track. Please note that under the W3C Community Final Specification Agreement (FSA) other conditions apply. Learn more about W3C Community and Business Groups.

Drawn initially from [ IDENTITY-CREDENTIALS], this document is intended to provide a rough outline of the kind of standardization work that a Verifiable Claims Working Group might do.

If you wish to make comments regarding this document, please send them to public-credentials@w3.org (subscribe, archives).

1. Introduction

We typically use credentials, or claims made by others about our identities, to authenticate ourselves and ultimately gain access to various services. For example, we use email addresses to identify ourselves to online services, driver's licenses to prove that we are capable of operating a motor vehicle, university degrees to prove we are well-trained and knowledgeable, and government-issued passports to travel between countries or to access financial services. It is the goal of this specification to provide an easy, standard way to express such credentials on the Web.

There are a number of desirable capabilities for these kinds of credentials, referred to in this specification as entity credentials, that have been identified as requirements for this specification:

This specification is based upon work presented in [ IDENTITY-CREDENTIALS]. In particular, examples from that document have been used to infer a simple but extensible data model capable of representing the unbounded variety of attributes that could be claimed in entity credentials. This document is intended to provide only one example of what could potentially be defined and standardized in a Recommendation-track Working Group at W3C. The two pieces of possible standardization work demonstrated in this document are:

  1. A generic data model covering the minimum information necessary to create and use entity credentials that would meet the needs described in the [VCTF-USECASES] Document.
  2. Instructions on how to express specific instances of the data model in three different syntactic formulations: JSON, JSON-LD, and WebIDL.

The remainder of this specification is structured as follows: first, some general definitions of terms are provided. Second, the data model is described in text prose to avoid any suggestion of bias in terms of syntactic representation. It is also presented as a UML diagram. Third, instructions are provided for how to express instances of the data model in terms of JSON, JSON-LD [JSON-LD], and WebIDL.

2. Terminology

This document attempts to communicate the concepts outlined in the Open Credentials space by using specific terms to discuss particular concepts. This terminology is included below and linked to throughout the document to aid the reader:

A statement made by an entity about an identity profile.
A thing with distinct and independent existence such as a person, organization, concept, or device.
entity credential
A set of claims made by an entity about an identity profile referred to as the subject of the claims. An entity credential may refer to a qualification, achievement, personal quality, or other information abouth the subject such as a name, government ID, preferred payment processor, home address, or university degree that is typically used to indicate suitability.
identity profile
A set of information that can be used to identify a particular entity. An entity may have multiple identity profiles associated with it.
An entity which may have multiple identity profiles and about which claims may be made.
identity profile expression
The realization of an identity profile in a specific syntax (e.g., JSON, JSON-LD, or WebIDL) that satisfies the rules of the identity profile model.
entity credential expression
The realization of an entity credential in a specific syntax (e.g., JSON, JSON-LD, or WebIDL) that satisfies the rules of the entity credential model.

3. Data Model

This section describes a data model for identity profiles and entity credentials, the latter covering both claims and verifiable claims, that is compatible with the requirements and use cases expected to be addressed by this group.

Identity Profiletype: unordered set of URIssignature: Signature [0..1]Entity Credentialid: URItype: unordered set of URIsissuer: URIissued: date in string formclaim: ClaimClaim(at least one custom property)Verifiable Claimsignature: SignatureSignature(varies, but expected to includeat least a signature, a referenceto the signing entity, and arepresentation of the signing date)idid10..*

3.1 General Characteristics

Both the Identity Profile Model and Entity Credential Model consist of a collection of name-value pairs which will be referred to as properties in this document. The following subsections describe the required and optional properties for both. The link between the two is in the id property. The Identity Profile Model defines a subject identifier in the id property, while the claims section of the Entity Credential Model uses the id property to refer to that subject identifier.

This document purposely defines the data model without using a concrete syntax such as WebIDL, JSON, or JSON-LD to avoid implying a bias towards any particular one syntax. Section 4. Expressing Identity Profiles, Entity Credentials, and Verifiable Claims defines how the data model is to be expressed in those representation languages.

3.2 Identity Profile Model

Unlike the properties in the claim section of the Entity Credential Model, the properties in the Identity Profile Model are merely information that, together with a subject identifier id, constitute an identity profile. The properties are not claims and are not intended to be verifiable.

The following properties are required in the Identity Profile Model:

This is a URI representing the subject. This identifier MAY be long-lived but does not have to be.
This is an unordered set of URIs representing the types or classes of which this data set is a member. As an identity profile, at a minimum the class "Identity" must be a member of the set. Additional application-specific values are permitted in the set.

The following properties are optional in the Identity Profile Model:

The method used for a signature will vary by representation language. However, if present this property is expected to have a value that is a set of name-value pairs including at least a signature, a reference to the signing entity, and a representation of the signing date.

Additionally, any property name not listed above is permitted as an optional custom property.

3.3 Entity Credential Model

Unlike the properties in the Identity Profile Model, the properties in the claim section of the Entity Credential Model are claims made by an entity about the subject defined in an identity profile. The Entity Credential Model includes both issuance-related properties and the aforementioned claim property that further contains the properties of the claim itself.

The following properties are required in the Entity Credential Model:

URI representing this specific entity credential
This is an unordered set of URIs representing the types or classes of which this data set is a member. As an entity credential, at a minimum the class "Credential" must be a member of the set. Additional application-specific values are permitted in the set.
This is the actual claim. Its value is a set of properties as follows:

The following properties are required in a claim value:

The subject of the claim, the property value is expected to be a valid Identity Profile id.
At least one custom property

Additionally, any property name not listed above is permitted as an optional custom property.

The following properties are optional in the Entity Credential Model:

This is a URI for the issuer of the claim.
This is the date, in string format, when the claim was issued.

Additionally, any property name not listed above is permitted as an optional custom property.

3.4 Verifiable Claims Model

The claims in the Entity Credential Model can be made verifiable by adding the following property to the Entity Credential Model:

The method used for a signature will vary by representation language. However, this property is expected to have a value that is a set of name-value pairs including at least a signature, a reference to the signing entity, and a representation of the signing date.

3.5 Revocation Model

Revocation information for the claims in the Verifiable Claims Model may be provided by adding the following property:

The value of this property MUST be a revocation scheme that provides enough information to determine whether or not the credential has been revoked. The revocation scheme will vary depending on a variety of factors, such as whether it is simple to implement or privacy-enhancing.
Issue 35: Define ONE concrete format for the revocation parameter

The group is currently determining whether or not they should publish a very simple scheme for revocation as a part of this specification.

4. Expressing Identity Profiles, Entity Credentials, and Verifiable Claims

This section defines how the data model described in Section is realized in each of 3 different languages: JSON, JSON-LD, and WebIDL. Although syntactic mappings are only provided for these three different languages, applications and services may also use any other data representation language (XML, for example) that can support the data model.

4.1 Expressing Identity Profiles, Entity Credentials, and Verifiable Claims in JSON

4.1.1 Expressing an Identity Profile in JSON

In JSON, an instance of the Identity Profile Model is expressed as a single JSON object whose properties are the identity profile's properties, with the following value type assignments:

  • Any number value MUST be represented as a Number type.
  • Any boolean value MUST be represented as a Boolean type.
  • Any sequence value MUST be represented as an Array type.
  • Any unordered set of values MUST be represented as an Array type.
  • Any set of properties MUST be represented as an Object type.
  • Any empty value MUST be represented as a null value.
  • Any other value MUST be represented as a String type.

The following example demonstrates how to express a simple identity profile.

Example 1: A simple identity profile
  "id": "did:ebfeb1f712ebc6f1c276e12ec21",
  "type": ["Identity", "Person"],
  "name": "Alice Bobman",
  "email": "alice@example.com",
  "birthDate": "1985-12-14",
  "telephone": "12345678910"

4.1.2 Expressing Entity Credentials in JSON

In JSON, an instance of the Entity Credential Model is expressed as a single JSON object whose properties are the entity credential's properties, with the following value type assignments:

  • Any number value MUST be represented as a Number type.
  • Any boolean value MUST be represented as a Boolean type.
  • Any sequence value MUST be represented as an Array type.
  • Any unordered set of values MUST be represented as an Array type.
  • Any set of properties MUST be represented as an Object type.
  • Any empty value MUST be represented as a null value.
  • Any other value MUST be represented as a String type.

The following example demonstrates how to express an entity credential containing a simple (unverifiable) claim about a particular subject. In this case, the claim is that the subject with the Identity Profile id of did:ebfeb1f712ebc6f1c276e12ec21 is 21 years of age or older. While a human reading the property ageOver may be able to guess its meaning by its name, no machine-readable semantics for the name are provided. There is information about the claim itself, such as an identifier for the entity that issued it and a date for when it was issued.

Example 2: A simple claim
  "id": "http://example.gov/credentials/3732",
  "type": ["Credential", "ProofOfAgeCredential"],
  "issuer": "https://dmv.example.gov",
  "issued": "2010-01-01",
  "claim": {
    "id": "did:ebfeb1f712ebc6f1c276e12ec21",
    "ageOver": 21

The following example demonstrates how to express the same claim about the same subject, but in a verifiable form. As such, it contains a signature that can be used to verify its entire contents, including the claim.

Example 3: A simple verifiable claim
  "@context": "https://w3id.org/security/v1",
  "id": "http://example.gov/credentials/3732",
  "type": ["Credential", "ProofOfAgeCredential"],
  "issuer": "https://dmv.example.gov",
  "issued": "2010-01-01",
  "claim": {
    "id": "did:ebfeb1f712ebc6f1c276e12ec21",
    "ageOver": 21
  "revocation": {
    "id": "http://example.gov/revocations/738",
    "type": "SimpleRevocationList2017"
  "signature": {
    "type": "LinkedDataSignature2015",
    "created": "2016-06-18T21:19:10Z",
    "creator": "https://example.com/jdoe/keys/1",
    "domain": "json-ld.org",
    "nonce": "598c63d6",
    "signatureValue": "BavEll0/I1zpYw8XNi1bgVg/sCneO4Jugez8RwDg/+

The following example demonstrates how one could express the same claim about the same subject using a JSON Web Token.

Example 4: A JOSE JWT verifiable claim

The JWT above was produced using the inputs below:


A number of the concerns have been raised around security, composability, reusability, and extensibility with respect to the use of JWTs for Verifiable Claims. These concerns will be documented in time in at least the Verfiable Claims Model and Security Considerations section of this document.

// JWT Header
  "alg": "RS256",
  "typ": "JWT"
// JWT Payload
  "iss": "https://dmv.example.gov",
  "iat": 1262304000,
  "exp": 1483228800,
  "aud": "www.example.com",
  "sub": "did:ebfeb1f712ebc6f1c276e12ec21",
  "entityCredential": {
    "@context": "https://w3id.org/security/v1",
    "id": "http://example.gov/credentials/3732",
    "type": ["Credential", "ProofOfAgeCredential"],
    "issuer": "https://dmv.example.gov",
    "issued": "2010-01-01",
    "claim": {
      "id": "did:ebfeb1f712ebc6f1c276e12ec21",
      "ageOver": 21

The following example demonstrates how to express a more complex set of verfiable claims about a particular subject.

Example 5: A more complex verifiable claim
  "@context": [
  "id": "http://example.gov/credentials/3732",
  "type": ["Credential", "PassportCredential"],
  "name": "Passport",
  "issuer": "https://example.gov",
  "issued": "2010-01-01",
  "claim": {
    "id": "did:ebfeb1f712ebc6f1c276e12ec21",
    "name": "Alice Bobman",
    "birthDate": "1985-12-14",
    "gender": "female",
    "nationality": {
      "name": "United States"
    "address": {
      "type": "PostalAddress",
      "addressStreet": "372 Sumter Lane",
      "addressLocality": "Blackrock",
      "addressRegion": "Nevada",
      "postalCode": "23784",
      "addressCountry": "US"
    "passport": {
      "type": "Passport",
      "name": "United States Passport",
      "documentId": "123-45-6789",
      "issuer": "https://example.gov",
      "issued": "2010-01-07T01:02:03Z",
      "expires": "2020-01-07T01:02:03Z"
  "signature": {
    "type": "LinkedDataSignature2015",
    "created": "2016-06-21T03:40:19Z",
    "creator": "https://example.com/jdoe/keys/1",
    "domain": "json-ld.org",
    "nonce": "783b4dfa",
    "signatureValue": "Rxj7Kb/tDbGHFAs6ddHjVLsHDiNyYzxs2MPmNG8G47oS06N8i0Dis5mUePIzII4+p/ewcOTjvH7aJxnKEePCO9IrlqaHnO1TfmTut2rvXxE5JNzur0qoNq2yXl+TqUWmDXoHZF+jQ7gCsmYqTWhhsG5ufo9oyqDMzPoCb9ibsNk="

4.2 Expressing Identity Profiles, Entity Credentials, and Verifiable Claims in JSON-LD

JSON-LD [JSON-LD] is a data storage and expression approach called Linked Data. It is a way of expressing information on the Web that is both simple and extensible.

4.2.1 Expressing an Identity Profile in JSON-LD

Instances of the Identity Profile Model are expressed in JSON-LD in the same way they are expressed in JSON (Section 4.1.1 Expressing an Identity Profile in JSON), except that there is an additional property @context. Each property of the identity profile, such as name or email, is given context via the @context value. Other contexts can be used or combined to express any arbitrary information about an identity profile in idiomatic JSON.

The following example demonstrates how to express a simple identity profile.

Example 6: A simple identity profile
  "@context": "https://w3id.org/identity/v1",
  "id": "did:ebfeb1f712ebc6f1c276e12ec21",
  "type": ["Identity", "Person"],
  "name": "Alice Bobman",
  "email": "alice@example.com",
  "birthDate": "1985-12-14",
  "telephone": "12345678910"

4.2.2 Expressing Identity Credentials in JSON-LD

Instances of the Entity Credential Model are expressed in JSON-LD in the same way they are expressed in JSON (Section 4.1.2 Expressing Entity Credentials in JSON), except that there is an additional property @context. Each property of the entity credential expression, along with each sub-property within the claim property (such as the generic issuer property or the app-specific ageOver), is given context via the @context value. Other contexts can be used or combined to express any arbitrary information about claims in idiomatic JSON.

The following example demonstrates how to express a simple (unverifiable) claim about a particular subject. In this case, the claim is that the subject with the Identity Profile id of did:ebfeb1f712ebc6f1c276e12ec21 is 21 years of age or older. While a human reading the property ageOver may be able to guess its meaning by its name, the context maps it to a global identifier (URL) where a document could be retrieved that provides its semantics in a machine-readable data format. There is also information about the claim itself, such as an identifier for the entity that issued it and a date for when it was issued.

Example 7: A simple claim
  "@context": "https://w3id.org/identity/v1",
  "id": "http://example.gov/credentials/3732",
  "type": ["Credential", "ProofOfAgeCredential"],
  "issuer": "https://dmv.example.gov",
  "issued": "2010-01-01",
  "claim": {
    "id": "did:ebfeb1f712ebc6f1c276e12ec21",
    "ageOver": 21

The following example demonstrates how to express the same claim about the same subject, but in a verifiable form. As such, it contains a signature that can be used to verify its entire contents, including the claim.

Example 8: A simple verifiable claim
  "@context": [
  "id": "http://example.gov/credentials/3732",
  "type": ["Credential", "ProofOfAgeCredential"],
  "issuer": "https://dmv.example.gov",
  "issued": "2010-01-01",
  "claim": {
    "id": "did:ebfeb1f712ebc6f1c276e12ec21",
    "ageOver": 21
  "signature": {
    "type": "LinkedDataSignature2015",
    "created": "2016-06-18T21:10:38Z",
    "creator": "https://example.com/jdoe/keys/1",
    "domain": "json-ld.org",
    "nonce": "6165d7e8",
    "signatureValue": "g4j9UrpHM4/uu32NlTw0HDaSaYF2sykskfuByD7UbuqEcJIKa+IoLJLrLjqDnMz0adwpBCHWaqqpnd47r0NKZbnJarGYrBFcRTwPQSeqGwac8E2SqjylTBbSGwKZkprEXTywyV7gILlC8a+naA7lBRi4y29FtcUJBTFQq4R5XzI="

The following example demonstrates how to express a more complex set of verifiable claims about a particular subject.

Example 9: A more complex verifiable claim
  "@context": [
  "id": "http://example.gov/credentials/3732",
  "type": ["Credential", "PassportCredential"],
  "name": "Passport",
  "issuer": "https://example.gov",
  "issued": "2010-01-01",
  "claim": {
    "id": "did:ebfeb1f712ebc6f1c276e12ec21",
    "name": "Alice Bobman",
    "birthDate": "1985-12-14",
    "gender": "female",
    "nationality": {
      "name": "United States"
    "address": {
      "type": "PostalAddress",
      "addressStreet": "372 Sumter Lane",
      "addressLocality": "Blackrock",
      "addressRegion": "Nevada",
      "postalCode": "23784",
      "addressCountry": "US"
    "passport": {
      "type": "Passport",
      "name": "United States Passport",
      "documentId": "123-45-6789",
      "issuer": "https://example.gov",
      "issued": "2010-01-07T01:02:03Z",
      "expires": "2020-01-07T01:02:03Z"
  "signature": {
    "type": "LinkedDataSignature2015",
    "created": "2016-06-21T03:43:29Z",
    "creator": "https://example.com/jdoe/keys/1",
    "domain": "json-ld.org",
    "nonce": "c168dfab",
    "signatureValue": "jz4bEW2FBMDkANyEjiPnrIctucHQCIwxrtzBXt+rVGmYMEflHrOwf7FYLH60E3Oz54VwSSQCi9J4tXQIhv4SofT5opbcIUj7ji6QrC6c+a3YLjg8l/+/uFjhzsLelAO4gh2k0FJxM04ljH0GZGuXTzhRnqTzJTnYSVo72PC92NA="

4.3 Expressing Identity Profiles, Entity Credentials, and Verifiable Claims in WebIDL

4.3.1 Expressing an Identity Profile in WebIDL

In WebIDL, an instance of the Identity Profile Model is expressed as an Interface whose attributes are the identity profile's properties, with the following value type assignments:

  • Any number value MUST be represented as an appropriate valid numeric type, e.g. double or unsigned long.
  • Any boolean value MUST be represented as a boolean type.
  • Any sequence value MUST be represented as a sequence type.
  • Any unordered set of values MUST be represented as a Frozen Array type.
  • Any set of name-value pairs MUST be represented as either an Interface or Dictionary type.
  • Any property whose value may be null MUST be marked as nullable.
  • Any other value MUST be represented as either an Enumeration type or a DOMString type, depending on whether the values are expected to be selected from a restricted, pre-determined set or are expected to be either unrestricted or extended in the future.

The following example demonstrates how to express a simple identity profile.

interface IdentityProfile {
    attribute DOMString              id;
    attribute FrozenArray<DOMString> types;
    attribute DOMString              name;
    attribute DOMString              email;
    attribute DOMString              birthDate;
    attribute DOMString              telephone;

This identity profile expression could then be used as follows in JavaScript:

Example 10: Using a simple identity profile
var identity = new IdentityProfile();
profile.id = "did:ebfeb1f712ebc6f1c276e12ec21";
profile.type = ["Identity", "Person"];
profile.name = "Alice Bobman";
profile.email = "alice@example.com";
profile.birthDate = "1985-12-14";
profile.telephone = "12345678910";

4.3.2 Expressing Entity Credentials in WebIDL

In WebIDL, an intance of the Entity Credential Model is expressed as an Interface whose attributes are the claim's properties, with the following value type assignments:

  • Any number value MUST be represented as an appropriate valid numeric type, e.g. double or unsigned long.
  • Any boolean value MUST be represented as a boolean type.
  • Any sequence value MUST be represented as a sequence type.
  • Any unordered set of values MUST be represented as a Frozen Array type.
  • Any set of name-value pairs MUST be represented as either an Interface or Dictionary type.
  • Any property whose value may be null MUST be marked as nullable.
  • Any other value MUST be represented as either an Enumeration type or a DOMString type, depending on whether the values are expected to be selected from a restricted, pre-determined set or are expected to be either unrestricted or extended in the future.

The following example demonstrates how to express an entity credential containing a simple (unverifiable) claim about a particular subject. In this case, the claim is that the subject with the Identity Profile id of did:ebfeb1f712ebc6f1c276e12ec21 is 21 years of age or older. While a human reading the property ageOver may be able to guess its meaning by its name, no machine-readable semantics for the name are provided. There is information about the claim itself, such as an identifier for the entity that issued it and a date for when it was issued.

interface CredentialBase {
    attribute DOMString              id;
    attribute FrozenArray<DOMString> type;
    attribute DOMString              issuer;
    attribute DOMString              issued;

interface Credential : CredentialBase {
    attribute Claim1 claim;

interface Claim1 {
    attribute DOMString      id;
    attribute unsigned short ageOver;

This entity credential expression could then be used as follows in JavaScript:

Example 11: Using a simple claim
var claim = new Claim1();
claim.id = "http://example.gov/credentials/3732";
claim.ageOver = 21;

var credential = new Credential();
credential.type = ["Credential", "ProofOfAgeCredential"];
credential.issuer = "https://dmv.example.gov";
credential.issued = "2010-01-01";
credential.claim = claim;

The following example demonstrates how to express the same claim about the same subject, but in a verifiable form. As such, it contains a signature that can be used to verify its entire contents, including the claim.

interface VerifiableCredentialBase : CredentialBase {
    attribute Signature signature;

interface Signature {
    attribute DOMString type;
    attribute DOMString created;
    attribute DOMString _creator;
    attribute DOMString domain;
    attribute DOMString nonce;
    attribute DOMString signatureValue;

interface VerifiableCredential1 : VerifiableCredentialBase {
    attribute Claim1 claim;

This verifiable entity credential expression could then be used as follows in JavaScript:

Example 12: Using a simple verifiable claim
var claim = new Claim1();
claim.id = "http://example.gov/credentials/3732";
claim.ageOver = 21;

var signature = new Signature();
signature.type = "LinkedDataSignature2015";
signature.created = "2016-06-18T21:10:38Z";
signature.creator = "https://example.com/jdoe/keys/1";
signature.domain = "json-ld.org";
signature.signatureValue = "g4j9UrpHM4/uu32NlTw0HDaSaYF2sykskfuByD7UbuqEcJIKa+IoLJLrLjqDnMz0adwpBCHWaqqpnd47r0NKZbnJarGYrBFcRTwPQSeqGwac8E2SqjylTBbSGwKZkprEXTywyV7gILlC8a+naA7lBRi4y29FtcUJBTFQq4R5XzI=";

var credential = new VerifiableCredential1();
credential.type = ["Credential", "ProofOfAgeCredential"];
credential.issuer = "https://dmv.example.gov";
credential.issued = "2010-01-01";
credential.claim = claim;
credential.signature = signature;

The following example demonstrates how to express a more complex set of verfiable claims about a particular subject.

interface VC2 : VerifiableCredentialBase {
    attribute DOMString name;
    attribute Claim2    claim;

interface Claim2 {
    attribute DOMString   id;
    attribute DOMString   name;
    attribute DOMString   birthDate;
    attribute Gender      gender;
    attribute Nationality nationality;
    attribute Address     address;
    attribute Passport    passport;

enum Gender {

interface Nationality {
    attribute DOMString name;

interface Address {
    attribute DOMString type;
    attribute DOMString addressStreet;
    attribute DOMString addressLocality;
    attribute DOMString addressRegion;
    attribute DOMString postalCode;
    attribute DOMString addressCountry;

interface Passport {
    attribute DOMString type;
    attribute DOMString name;
    attribute DOMString documentId;
    attribute DOMString issuer;
    attribute DOMString issued;
    attribute DOMString expires;

This verifiable entity credential expression could then be used as follows in JavaScript:

Example 13: Using a more complex verifiable claim
  var nationality = new Nationality();
  nationality.name = "United States";

  var address = new Address();
  address.type = "PostalAddress";
  address.addressStreet = "372 Sumter Lane";
  address.addressLocality = "Blackrock";
  address.addressRegion = "Nevada";
  address.postalCode = "23784";
  address.addressCountry = "US";

  var passport = new Passport();
  passport.type = "Passport";
  passport.name = "United States Passport";
  passport.documentId = "123-45-6789";
  passport.issuer = "https://example.gov";
  passport.issued = "2010-01-07T01:02:03Z";
  passport.expires = "2020-01-07T01:02:03Z";

  var claim = new Claim2();
  claim.id = "did:ebfeb1f712ebc6f1c276e12ec21";
  claim.name = "Alice Bobman";
  claim.birthDate = "1985-12-14";
  claim.gender = "female";
  claim.nationality = nationality;
  claim.address = address;
  claim.passport = passport;

  var signature = new Signature();
  signature.type = "LinkedDataSignature2015";
  signature.created = "2016-06-21T03:43:29Z";
  signature.creator = "https://example.com/jdoe/keys/1";
  signature.domain = "json-ld.org";
  signature.nonce = "c168dfab";
  signature.signatureValue = "jz4bEW2FBMDkANyEjiPnrIctucHQCIwxrtzBXt+rVGmYMEflHrOwf7FYLH60E3Oz54VwSSQCi9J4tXQIhv4SofT5opbcIUj7ji6QrC6c+a3YLjg8l/+/uFjhzsLelAO4gh2k0FJxM04ljH0GZGuXTzhRnqTzJTnYSVo72PC92NA=";

  var vc = new VC2();
  vc.id = "http://example.gov/credentials/3732";
  vc.type = ["Credential", "PassportCredential"];
  vc.name = "Passport";
  vc.issuer = "https://example.gov";
  vc.issued = "2010-01-01";
  vc.claim = claim;
  vc.signature = signature;

5. Privacy Considerations

This section details the general privacy considerations and specific privacy implications of deploying the verifiable claims data model into production environments.

5.1 Spectrum of Privacy

It is important to recognize that there is a spectrum of privacy that ranges from pseudo-anonymous to strongly identified. Depending on the use case, people have different appetites when it comes to what information they are willing to provide and what information may be derived from what is provided.

Fig. 1 - Privacy is a spectrum that ranges from pseudo-anonymous to fully identified.

For example, one would most likely desire to remain anonymous when purchasing alcohol because the regulatory check that’s required is solely whether or not the person is above a particular age. However, when a doctor is writing a prescription for a patient, the pharmacy fulfilling the prescription is required to more strongly identify the medical professional. Therefore it is important to recognize that there is not one approach to privacy that works for all use cases; privacy solutions tend to be use case specific.


Note that even if one may desire to remain anonymous when purchasing alcohol, a photo ID may still be required to provide appropriate assurance to the merchant. The merchant may not need to know your name or other details (other than that you are over a certain age), but in many cases a mere proof of age may still be insufficient to meet regulations.

The Verifiable Claims data model strives to support the full spectrum of privacy and does not take philosophical positions on the right level of anonymity for any particular transaction. The following sections provide guidance for implementers that want to avoid specific scenarios that are hostile to privacy.

5.2 Personally Identifiable Information

The data associated with verifiable claims stored in the credential.claim field are largely susceptible to privacy violations when shared with Inspectors. Personally identifying data such as a government-issued identifier, shipping address, and full name can be easily used to determine, track, and correlate an entity. Even information that does not seem personally identifiable like the combination of a birth date and zip code have very powerful correlation and de-anonymizing capabilities.

Implementers are strongly advised to warn Holders when they share data with these sorts of characteristics. Issuers are strongly advised to provide privacy-protecting credentials when possible. For example, issuing ageOver credentials instead of birthdate credentials when the Inspector desires to determine if an entity is over the age of 18.

5.3 Identifier-based Correlation

Subjects of verifiable claims are identified via the credential.claim.id field. The identifiers that are used to identify the subject of a claim create a danger of correlation when the identifiers are long-lived or used across more than one web domain.

If strong anti-correlation properties are a requirement in a system using verifiable claims, it is strongly advised that identifiers are bound to a single origin or that identifiers are single-use or not used at all and are replaced by short-lived, single use bearer tokens.

5.4 Signature-based Correlation

The contents of verifiable claims are secured via the credential.signature field. The credential.signature.signatureValue field creates a danger of correlation when it is used across more than one web domain and the value does not change.

If strong anti-correlation properties are desired, it is strongly advised that signature values and metadata are regenerated each time using technologies like group signatures.

5.5 Device Fingerprinting

There are mechanisms external to Verifiable Claims that are used to track and correlate individuals on the Internet and the Web. Some of these mechanisms include Internet Protocol address tracking, Web Browser fingerprinting, Evercookies, Advertising Network trackers, mobile network position information, and in-application Global Positioning System APIs. The use of Verifiable Claims cannot prevent the use of these other tracking technologies. In addition, when these technologies are used in concert with Verifiable Claims, new correlatable information may be discovered. For example, a birthday coupled with a GPS position can be used to strongly correlate an individual across multiple websites.

It is advised that privacy preserving systems prevent the use of these other tracking technologies when verifiable claims are being utilized. In some cases, these tracking technologies may need to be disabled entirely on devices that transmit verifiable claims on behalf of the Holder.

5.6 Favor Abstract Claims

In order to enable recipients of verifiable claims to use them in a variety of circumstances without revealing more personally identifiable information than necessary for the transaction, issuers should consider limiting the information published in a claim to a minimal set needed for the expected purposes. One way to avoid placing personally identifiable information in a claim is to use an "abstract" property that meets the needs of inspectors without providing specific information about the subject.

An example in this document is the use of the ageOver property as opposed to a specific birthdate that would constitute much stronger personally identifiable information. If retailers in a market commonly require purchasers to be older than a specific age, an issuer trusted in that market may choose to offer a credential claiming that subjects have met that requirement as opposed to offering claims of their specific birthdates. This enables individual customers to purchase items without revealing specific personally identifiable information.

5.7 Atomize Information for Principle of Least Authority


When issuing information, issue it in the smallest pieces possible. When requesting information, only ask for the data points that you need. Issue abstract claims alongside actual data when possible.

5.8 Bearer Claims


Bearer claims containing PII or unique identifiers can be correlated. Bearer claims can be tracked based on usage patterns.

5.9 Validity Checks


Inspector (corporation) is required to check revocation via Issuer (government).

5.10 Storage Providers and Data Mining

When a holder receives a claim from an issuer, the claim will need to be stored somewhere (e.g. in a credential repository). Holders are warned that the information in a verifiable claim may be sensitive in nature and highly individualized, making it a high value target for data mining. Therefore, there may be services that store verifiable claims for free and mine personal data and sell it to organizations that desire individualized profiles on people and organizations (i.e. if the service is free, you are the product).

It is suggested that holders be aware of the terms of service for their credential repository, specifically the correlation and data mining protections that are in place for those who store their verifiable claims at the service provider.

There are a number of effective mitigations for data mining and profiling:

5.11 Aggregation of Claims


Aggregation of claims can reveal more information than just the attributes being aggregated.

5.12 Usage Patterns

Despite the best efforts to assure privacy, the actual use of verifiable claims can potentially lead to de-anonymization and a loss of privacy. This correlation can occur:

  1. When the same claim is presented to the same inspector more than once – that inspector could infer that the holder is the same individual.
  2. When the same claim is presented to different inspectors, and either those inspectors collude or a third party has access to transaction records from both inspectors – the observant party could infer that the individual presenting the claims is the same person at both services, i.e., the accounts are controlled by the same person.
  3. When the same subject identifier of a claim refers to the same subject across presentations or inspectors. Even when different claims are presented, if the subject identifier is the same, inspectors (and those with access to inspector logs) could infer that the holder of the claims is the same person.
  4. When the underlying information in a claim can be used to identify an individual across services – using information from other sources (including information provided directly by the user), inspectors can use the information inside the claim to correlate the individual with an existing profile. For example, if a holder presents claims that include zip code, age, and sex, the inspector can potentially correlate the subject of that claim with an established profile [see Sweeney 2000 Simple Demographics Often Identify People Uniquely].
  5. When passing the identifier of a claim to a centralized revocation server – the centralized server can correlate the claim usage across interactions. For example, if a verifiable claim is used for proof of age in this manner, the centralized service could know everywhere that claim was presented: all liquor stores, bars, adult stores, lottery purchases, etc.

It’s possible to mitigate this in part:

  1. Use a globally unique identifier as the subject for any given claim and never re-use that claim.
  2. If the claim supports revocation, use a globally distributed service for revocation.
  3. Design revocation APIs that do not depend on submitting the ID of the claim, e.g., use a revocation list rather than a query.
  4. Avoid associating personally identifiable information with any particular long-lived subject identifier.

It is understood that these mitigation techniques are not always practical or even compatible with necessary usage. Sometimes correlation is the point.

In state prescription monitoring programs, usage monitoring is a requirement: enforcement entities need to be able to confirm that individuals are not cheating the system to get multiple prescriptions for controlled substances. This statutory or regulatory need to correlate usage overrides individual privacy concerns.

Verifiable claims will so be used to intentionally correlate individuals across services, for example, when using a common persona to log in to multiple services, so all activity on each of those services is intentionally linked to the same individual. This is not a privacy issue as long as each of those services uses the correlation in the expected manner.

Privacy risks of claim usage occur when unintended or unexpected correlation arises from the presentation of verifiable claims.

5.13 Sharing Information with the Wrong Party


Tokenize identifiers (like bank account numbers) when possible. Granting of rights to a service via cryptographic mechanisms.

5.14 Frequency of Claim Issuance


The rate at which an issuer issues claims may be a privacy violation.

5.15 Prefer Single Use Claims


Single-use, origin bound claims are generally safer than long-lived claims.

6. Security Considerations

6.1 Unsigned Claims


Claims that are not digitally signed are not verifiable.

6.2 Bundling Dependent Claims


Dependent claims should be bundled together so they're not used for the wrong purposes.

6.3 Highly Dynamic Information


Time periods should be shorter for highly dynamic information.

7. Verification

This section describes a number of checks required to verify a claim. Some checks are essential for all verifiable claims, while some are applicable to only some claims.

7.1 Structural Validity

7.2 Entity Validity

A number of checks must be implemented to ensure a set of entities related to a Credential have mutually compatible properties and are trustworthy.

7.3 Fitness for Purpose

A. References

A.1 Normative references

JSON-LD 1.0. Manu Sporny; Gregg Kellogg; Markus Lanthaler. W3C. 16 January 2014. W3C Recommendation. URL: https://www.w3.org/TR/json-ld/

A.2 Informative references

Identity Credentials. Manu Sporny; Dave Longley. W3C Credentials Community Group. CG-DRAFT. URL: http://opencreds.org/specs/source/identity-credentials/
Verifiable Claims Use Cases. Shane McCarron; Daniel Burnett; Gregg Kellogg; Brian Sletten; Manu Sporny. Web Payments Interest Group Verifiable Claims Task Force. IG-DRAFT. URL: http://w3c.github.io/webpayments-ig/VCTF/use-cases/
Web IDL. Cameron McCormack; Boris Zbarsky; Tobie Langel. W3C. 15 December 2016. W3C Editor's Draft. URL: https://heycam.github.io/webidl/
Web IDL. Cameron McCormack; Boris Zbarsky; Tobie Langel. W3C. 15 December 2016. W3C Editor's Draft. URL: https://heycam.github.io/webidl/