Low Vision Accessibility Task Force Teleconference

23 Mar 2017

See also: IRC log


JohnRochford, Jim, Marla, Laura, Erich


<scribe> Scribe: erich

JA: Today's call will adjourn @ 30min to join Adapting Text call

Adapting Text

<laura> https://github.com/w3c/wcag21/issues/78#issuecomment-288431441

LC: On Tues call, AWK did a rewrite and people seemed to like it

<laura> Adapting text was discussed on tuesday's WCAG call. There was a strong desire to drop the hard metrics for font family and color.

<laura> I don't know how we will be able to test it without values but Wayne said it is doable is working on a solution.

LC: We still don't have consensus, still trying to get it

<laura> Andrew did a rewrite and people seemed to like it. I personally do not want the “mechanism” language as it inevitably leads to the exhausting widget discussion.

Erich: Jim can you hear us?

<laura> Since then I tweaked Andrew's rewrite a bit and posted it on GitHub.

<laura> https://github.com/w3c/wcag21/issues/78#issuecomment-288431441

<laura> We have about a dozen comments since then.

Jim - are you hearing us?

<ScottM> maybe the webex is having issues today

<laura> yes we have come full circle.

JA: Some of the comments we've been getting are about it being a user agent issue, and I think that's not true

JR: Not exclusively (a user agent issue)

JA: If we change a font, some of our icon fonts disappear
... That's poor stylesheet writing

LC: Icon fonts disappear too

<allanj> Icon fonts that disappear.

<allanj> graphical backgrounds (single colour or gradients rather than pictures) that make text unreadable if you reverse the colour scheme.

<allanj> menus so tightly packed they collapse or overlap with a slight adjustment of line height/spacing.

MR: If there is nothing intentional that would break it, is that what we're saying?

LC: It is the same type of concept
... Then we got in to the mechanism concept

MR: So it's about the testability

JA: If we test using the metrics we originally had, it should be easy to tell
... One caution on the user interface bit, most of the focus rings on default by browser fail contrast

<ScottM> what is the password for the AG call?

<ScottM> other details are in the list

<alastairc> Webex URL for AG call in 8 min: https://mit.webex.com/mit/j.php?MTID=md222811081e24ba7da9d428c5b5516e3

<laura> https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-low-vision-a11y-tf/2017Mar/0032.html

user interface controls contrast

<Glenda> What do y’all think of these failure ttp://www.glendathegood.com/a11y/lvtf/submitbuttonbordernota11y.html

<allanj> htttp://www.glendathegood.com/a11y/lvtf/submitbuttonbordernota11y.html

<alastairc> Too many Ts, http://www.glendathegood.com/a11y/lvtf/submitbuttonbordernota11y.html

<laura> 1 minute to the AG call.

<allanj> discussing the Failure examples.

<alastairc> Interesting, that indicates that 3:1 might be ok for borders.

<allanj> JohnR - has trouble with bottom blue, but the gray 3 pixel was better.

<alastairc> jump to AG meeting?

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.152 (CVS log)
$Date: 2017/03/23 15:31:57 $

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Present: JohnRochford Jim Marla Laura Erich
Regrets: Shawn
Found Scribe: erich
Inferring ScribeNick: erich
Found Date: 23 Mar 2017
Guessing minutes URL: http://www.w3.org/2017/03/23-lvtf-minutes.html
People with action items: 

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