Regulatory Landscape Task Force

02 Mar 2017


See also: IRC log


Ian, DavidE, Jean-Yves, William
Jean-Yves Rossi


Updates to Jean-Yves' materials



q1) Duplicate goals

q2) Duplicate list of deliverables


IJ: Please simplify and unify
... can use the charter as guidance, e.g.,:

* Mission statement

* Scope

[ * Deliverables

dezell: +1 to tersification
... we could post an executive summary in our IG blog and link to the page

IJ: +1 to a short blog post


- raise awareness

- ensure alignment

- provide input to WG for sensitive areas

- provide guidance to users of the API

<jyrossi> +1, tx for the guidance

<dezell> for the minutes, link to Ian's preso to CE Banks: https://www.w3.org/2017/Talks/ij_ecb_20170301/w3c.pdf

IJ: My summary is this:

- To meet goal 3 we need to get feedback focused on the WG's spec. Thus our deliverable (flow analysis)

- To meet goal 2 we are gathering themes across jurisdictions ... speaking in terms important to them

scribe: that explains the deliverable of gathering key themes

- To meet goal 4 incrementally we listen to responses, some of which are not about the spec but about usage of the spec

- To meet goal 1, we are sharing our deliverables with them

(E.g., Ian mentioned this work to ECBs yesterday)

william: +1 to Ian's characterization...I think this is the right approach
... I was thinking about saying explicitly that we have several audiences

IJ: +1
... I volunteer to do a pass on https://www.w3.org/Payments/IG/wiki/RegulatoryLandscape

jyrossi: Please do

[IJ recounts presentation to ECB yesterday]

IJ: They mentioned some of the issues that we are covering in the flow analysis
... I asked them if they could do a review once we have a more mature doc; they expressed interest (but no commitment)

jyrossi: That's good; but we don't want to only focus on Europe
... we will want to convince people from other parts of the world to participate

<jyrossi> https://www.w3.org/Payments/IG/wiki/Template

jyrossi: Will this make it easier for people to provide us with information

<jyrossi> to be considered in connexion with the first sample https://www.w3.org/Payments/IG/wiki/SEPA_Focus_-_Regulatory_TF

IJ: What are facts and figures for? I understand the need to define the area covered by the regulation


* Here's the definition of the jurisdiction

* There are the authorities for that jurisdiction

* Here are key regulations for that jurisdiction

IJ: what is diff between "rule" and "regulation"?

jyrossi: One of the difficulties is that we are trying to bridge two different universes

<Zakim> jyrossi, you wanted to comment on level of detail required for such a basic wiki page

jyrossi: If you are a member state of Europe, you have to comply with all European rules. If you are not a member state but you ant to be allowed to provide services in a market, then you have to voluntarily comply with the rules established by the European Authorities

IJ: What is a rule? What is a regulation?

jyrossi: Agree we should use the vocabulary of the authority (e.g., of the EU)

IJ: Feedback on template - know your audience's terminology

<dezell> note: us media typically confuses these two terms. Rules are "norms", Regulations are "laws". "Norms" is actually too weak.

IJ: Feedback on template - should we have language-specific instances? (e.g., Russian)

<jyrossi> AN exemple on an US federal agency : https://www.fda.gov/TobaccoProducts/Labeling/RulesRegulationsGuidance/ucm283974.htm

IJ: For the template - call out key payment methods

(which will help us identify opportunities to ensure a generic w3c payment method can accommodate that jurisdiction's flavor of it)

scribe: that's a concrete path to getting input to the working gorup

IJ: If we have template terms, please define them in some common wiki

Next meeting

jyrossi: 9 March, 9am ET

Summary of Action Items

Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.152 (CVS log)
$Date: 2017/03/02 17:05:06 $