Accessibility Conformance Testing Teleconference

22 Feb 2017

See also: IRC log


Wilco, Romain, MaryJo, Kathy, Shadi, Moe
Wilco, MaryJo


Previous week's survey results (from Feb. 8) https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/93339/ACTTF8Feb2017/results

last week's survey:


Draft Section 7.1 Managing Exceptions https://github.com/w3c/wcag-act/pull/51/files?diff=split

wilco: we were on the agenda AG WG yesterday, but we didn't reach that part of the call
... alistair, anything you wanted to add?

ag: no, probably not

Current week's survey results https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/93339/ACTTF22Feb2017/results

Draft Section 7.1 Managing Exceptions https://github.com/w3c/wcag-act/pull/51/files?diff=split

wilco: 0 comments on this, approved?


wilco: there were a couple updates since the last time we looked
... any objections to merging?

[none heard]


<Kathy> +1

<maryjom_> +1

<agarrison> +1

Current week's survey results https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/93339/ACTTF22Feb2017/results

wilco: no comments on last week's minutes. minutes approved!

Resolutions of 15 February 2017 - accept meeting minutes https://www.w3.org/2017/02/15-wcag-act-minutes.html

Draft Section 5.2 Test Cases https://github.com/w3c/wcag-act/pull/54/files?diff=split

wilco: no comments

moe: I incorpororated the feedback

wilco: could you briefly describe the changes?

moe: [bad audio]
... wilco had some feedback into the issue of the PR, I added his feedback
... the comment was if 1 test passes, then the test passes

wilco: I don't see the comment on the PR

<maryjom_> https://github.com/w3c/wcag-act/pull/54/files

wilco: did you start a review and not finish it?
... PSA: don't forget to submit your reviews!

maryjom: the comment was "1'test cases', 'test case' - since elsewhere the document we don't mash them together. Note this happens on & off throughout this addition :)"
... it's editorial stuff, we should harmonize with other instances
... next comment: "Would the description of the error need to point out the failing criteria, if applicable?"

wilco: do you mean the SC?

maryjom: yes

wilco: I would think that when you're reporting you'd want to do that, but it's not be part of the error message itself
... we're including the SC info in the metadata itself

maryjom: at what point is that done then?

wilco: we have a section on a11y requirements, where you indicate the SC the rule is applicable to
... you can do it when you're aggregating or add that to metadata
... it's up to whoever is implementing the rule, doesn't need to be part of the rule itself

maryjom: some people interpret things differently
... for example, I was going through a test scenario looking for multimedia; SC 1.1.1 saying you need short descriptions
... need accessible alternative, or caption, audio desc, etc
... they were failing multiple criteria, munging everything together

wilco: right, I think we got that covered, by stating which rules goes with which criteria
... any other comments on PR #54?
... agree to merge?


<maryjom_> +1

<shadi> +1

<Kathy> +1

wilco: moe, please go ahead and merge it!

Availability for tentatively scheduled CSUN F2F meeting https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/93339/ACTTF22Feb2017/results#xq5

wilco: about the CSUN meeting, did I see correctly that we're not gonna have a suite?

alistair: yes, unfortunately it's double booked

wilco: we're a fairly large group...

kathy: we can try a restaurant?

wilco: who's gonna be there first?

shadi: I'll be on a meeting on Monday
... I'm wondering about maybe the Redfields downstair, it quiets down after lunch time

wilco: let's try that, and do something else if it doesn't work

shadi: the bar area also have large tables
... I'll try to make a booking at Redfields around 1:00 / 1:30

wilco: we're looking at around 8 people

alistair: what day again?

shadi: tuesday afternoon

rdeltour: I suppose it means there won't be a remote option?

wilco: correct
... just to clarify, it's not an official meeting, I just want to come up with a proposal for a plan to publish the draft
... and talk about the test case suite
... put some things in place for prototyping, very practical get-some-work-done things

Open Issues in Github https://github.com/w3c/wcag-act/issues

wilco: I just created an abstract in a new PR
... we can get that on the agenda for tomorrow

<Wilco> https://github.com/w3c/wcag-act/pull/58

<Wilco> https://github.com/w3c/wcag-act/pull/57

wilco: if you don't mind reviewing the above PR for tomorrow, please do
... these are the last 2 things that we need to go through before having a draft ready
... no need for a survey, we can do an email

third issue on the list is Benchmark, issue #38

issue #38 Generate content for 7.3 Accuracy Benchmarking

wilco: let's look at that tomorrow as well
... issue #35 "Managing exception" I think we merged that

maryjom: I think it was on last week's survey

wilco: can be closed
... issue #34 "Rule aggregation" has moved to Benchmarking
... issue #39, #27, #26 were all resolved, we can close theses
... moe, an update on the Contributors' document?

moe: yes, I made some updates
... I sent out an email to the group to see if there any objections
... just recevied an email from Wilco saying he's approving the PR

wilco: the Copyright issue #14 is still open

shadi: it's on me

wilco: how is it gonna work for us when we move the FPWD?

shadi: the copyrtight stuff is just boilerplate
... the status of the doc is typically done by staff with input from chair or facilitators, it explains what's new and what to look for
... maybe you should come up with 2/3 questions we'd like to have covered
... what do you expect from reviewers?
... all the rest, the admin stuff, is all done by me but we'll need WG approval first
... right now may not be best time

<MoeKraft> I have to drop. See everyone next week.

shadi: rigth after CSUN, we should get on the meeting and talk to the chairs to ask what the want

wilco: I really want to make sure that the doc is ready for review after CSUN

alistair: can I ask how we can access the HTML of the built document?

wilco: moe just made that yesterday

shadi: you can get that on github.io

<Wilco> https://w3c.github.io/wcag-act/act-framework-FPWD-proposed-2017-02-20.html

wilco: we have a build sitting at the URL above
... I will update it today
... and send the link to everyone, with the abstract and all the stuff we discussed today
... we should be ready with our 1st draft tomorrow!

shadi: great work everybody!

wilco: then meeting closed! talk to you tomorrow

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.148 (CVS log)
$Date: 2017/02/22 18:44:35 $