Blockchain Community Group

14 Dec 2016

See also: IRC log


Mountie, Manu, Vickie, Michelle, Unknown


Flex Ledger

vlemieux: Where are we with Flex Ledger?

Manu: It's just a proposal, just to start a discussion - data format and HTTP API

vlemiuex: I'm interested in bonds... series of payments that have to be made, derivitive contract, series of payments over time... archival bond.

vlemieux: You want to maintain context of those transactions... the transactions get processed and validated on the blockchain in a time ordered fashion, but it's difficult to establish those links across transactions or components of documents related to transactions. Contract and transaction record lives somewhere else, IPFS/IPDB... for example.



Manu: Flex Ledger has an open data model and can store anything you can model w/ Linked Data you can include into Flex Ledger.

vlemieux: Can we work through this archival bonds use case in Flex Ledger?
... Can we look at Example 28 for instance? Walk us through it?

Mountie: Yes, you can model many different types of things in Flex Ledger, big possibilities here, we should discuss it more.

vlemieux: This is a good straw man proposal, let's think through this a bit more.
... Let's do example 25...

manu: @context - sets context for transaction and block.

vlemieux: So, Context is an ontology?

Manu: Yes, it's an ontology, machine readable...




<mountie> ack

manu: Documents are machine readable, both context and ontology.

vlemieux: I understand how semantics are important, financial development standards.
... This ontology would permit reasoning, constructs are logically developed with references to upper level ontologies. This makes me wonder, for ontology, we are drawing out key words - you're creating a machine-readable ontology.
... How are you creating these ontologies - important how you construct them.

manu: Ontology development is up to the domains and experts.

Manu walks through Example 25... id, type, previousEvent, signature....



M-of-N signature scheme

Manu walks through consensus algorithms and mechanisms, explains that they're pluggable

mountie: Have you talked about this at conferences yet?

manu: No, not yet

mountie: So, this could bridge Web and ledgers, right?

manu: yes

mountie: About permissioned ledgers, scalability issues wrt. permissioned ledgers. Because of security, only Web is allowed to communicate from private to public ledgers. There is interest in Flex Ledger.

manu: Yes, that's a design goal of Flex Ledger.

mountie: Maybe public access can be given to private ledgers? Security of HTTP API? Flex Ledger message format and protocol - side-chain case could be adaptable. This is great idea, looking forward to discussing more.
... About use cases, what was your question, Vickie?

vlemieux: Action that I have for myself - we're trying to articulate a number of use cases, interested in having standard specified, main one for me is archival specifications/requirements.
... We want to lead to trustworthy information about a particular transaction. That's the use case - allow that information anchored in the blockchain to be used as evidence of that transaction. One of the important things that has to be maintained is the context of that transaction.
... One thing that is interesting to me is the use of ontologies. Incredibly useful for maintaining context of domain.
... What I'm still not sure about is specifically, relating to information that is going to be entered, storage of content. Could you come back to that, speak a bit more specifically about content.
... so replacesObject - for particular object, pulling in property transaction 389... It'll be able to read those elements from that particular transaction, interpret using ontology, w hat information needs to be updated.

michelle: Can I spread this information around on Flex ledger?

manu: Yes, please.

vlemieux: How does information like propertyAddress get information into the ledger?

manu: Depends on the use case, usually application specific.

vlemieux: Ok, I have a much more clear understanding of what I was looking at. I can see how it can be incredibly flexible. I'd like to understand how archival bond use case works here. I'll try to submit written use case.


manu: Feel free to go through that demo to help your understanding.

mountie: Very helpful, thank you.

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

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$Date: 2016/12/14 17:07:12 $

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Present: Mountie Manu Vickie Michelle Unknown
Regrets: Marta
Got date from IRC log name: 14 Dec 2016
Guessing minutes URL: http://www.w3.org/2016/12/14-blockchain-minutes.html
People with action items: 

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