SVG Working Group Teleconference

01 Dec 2016


See also: IRC log


nikos, Tav, gsnedders, AmeliaBR, shepazu, stakagi


<scribe> scribe: nikos



nikos: Sent an email to www-svg
... just trying to work out what the common wisdom was around small pixel differences
... https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-svg/2016Nov/0020.html
... dbaron gave an interesting reply
... before in the references I was using the absolute minimum set of SVG features so I could be sure something would work
... dbaron suggested only differering SVG and ref by what is being tested
... then you should use mostly the same code paths and get a very similar result

AmeliaBR: think that's a good path when it can be used
... the tests have to be approached as a complete test suite
... can't look at one test and assume reference is what it is supposed to be
... because that reference relies on other features

shepazu: you have to treat the test suite as a whole. you can't run a test in isolation

AmeliaBR: Yeah if that were not the case you would need PNG references

shepazu: it introduces the idea of prerequisites into the test suite

AmeliaBR: exactly, no point going to the next test if you haven't passed the previous
... not sure that will solve all the problems
... certainly if your basic test is whether markers are supported
... you're going to have to use markers in one version and something else in another

nikos: Yeah well in that case you can test markers without any transforms
... I need to update the tests that were failing to verify all this works, but I suspect it will
... and I'll update the documentation

gsnedders: I looked at your references. Was wondering if the differences were caused by the transforms and scaling

AmeliaBR: existing tests were written with the idea in mind that they would be doing manual comparisons against the image
... if we were to break away from that and start from scratch
... be very precise and minimise any rounding errors, we can probably alleviate that

nikos: think that's the path we'll have to take, where we don't copy 1 for 1, we have to restructure

<gsnedders> public-test-infra

gsnedders: The other thing I wanted to mention. Is the public-test-infra is a good place to email about testing issues
... that's about all testing stuff, not just limited to infrastructure

AmeliaBR: what about going forward? Should we still focus on trying to convert the old tests as we can?

nikos: So the old tests are a good source of places to find tests to write
... the other option


scribe: I added a label to Github for issues that require a test
... So there's old tests that need converting, but that won't cover all the corner cases. But it's also good to focus on things being worked on and discussed now so we can get tests in and file browser bugs.

AmeliaBR: lots of issues resolved in SVG 2 that aren't covered by the svg 1.1 test suite
... so it's not an end game

nikos: Original plan was for chapter owners to write tests for their chapters

gsnedders: Given I haven't looked at the spec much, is there a list of changes?


AmeliaBR: we have lists of features, but not sure we were so good about documenting where we fixed cross browser incompatibilities

nikos: one of the reasons I want to get feedback is to prioritise test creation
... so we are making tests for things people actually want to implement

<gsnedders> https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1321066

<AmeliaBR> https://blog.mozilla.org/security/2016/11/30/fixing-an-svg-animation-vulnerability/

<AmeliaBR> ^ Mozilla got a scare with a 0-day security bug hidden in SVG/SMIL API code.

AmeliaBR: it would be nice to get clarity on what the priorities are - from the authoring side, a big priority can be focusing on existing features where there are incompatibilities
... unfortunately we don't have a single list

gsnedders: how hard would it be to run the browsers own tests against each other?
... if the goal is to find places where they don't interoperate
... probably not too hard?

AmeliaBR: if we can import all their svg related tests
... then to make sure what they're testing already is correct, would be an important first step
... suspect a lot of issues are in what's not being tested

nikos: sounds like an excellent idea

gsnedders: suspect you may hit a few that match exactly in the browser they are written for but not in others
... it's been a while since I've tried doing stuff like thi

nikos: difference between WebKit is mostly the naming conventions. So that could likely be script converted mostly

gsnedders: Blink is the same as WebKit. Mozilla have manifest files
... would be easy to convert
... wouldn't be surprised if some were using JS layout stuff
... looking at the DOM to see where things are rendered

nikos: yeah a lot of the older WebKit tests might be like that

gsnedders: Mozilla may be the best place to start because many are cc0 licensed nowadays

<AmeliaBR> MDN on how to create ref tests: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Creating_reftest-based_unit_tests

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

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Found Scribe: nikos
Inferring ScribeNick: nikos
Present: nikos Tav gsnedders AmeliaBR shepazu stakagi
Agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-svg/2016Nov/0025.html
Found Date: 01 Dec 2016
Guessing minutes URL: http://www.w3.org/2016/12/01-svg-minutes.html
People with action items: 

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