Web Payments IG
31 Oct 2016


See also: IRC log


Ian, J-Y, Jurgen, Katie_Haritos-Shea, Rossi, ShaneM, Todd, amyz, dezell, ed, jheuer, ltoth, AdrianHB
Erik, Kris, Ketels, dlongley, Manu


<dezell> trackbot, start the meeting

<trackbot> Meeting: Web Payments Interest Group Teleconference

<scribe> agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-webpayments-ig/2016Oct/0032.html

<scribe> scribe: Ian

<scribe> Chair: David

dezell: It has been busy since our FTF meeting

Money 20/20

<dezell> Ian: my first trip to Money 20/20. Not about the sessions, but there were in theory 10k people, and opportunities to have a lot of conversations.

<Jurgen> present


<dezell> ...: Alan B. and I met with some 20 people. 30 people met at the AMEX reception.

<dezell> ...: Also, the conference reached out and asked for a Panel (see link).

<amyz> present

<amyz> presetn+ amyz

ltoth: I spoke with some merchants after a MAG panel
... there's some potential interest around digital offers
... on the floor, there were some people with booths related to loyalty/offers
... I will follow up

IJ: Klarna now a W3C member

Activity Reports

dezell: I had hoped to have something about communications by end of October; no progress

Digital Offers Report

ltoth: We launched a CG https://www.w3.org/community/digitaloffers/
... currently 17 participants
... we meet on 4 Nov
... we will talk about charter and initial discussion topics

IJ: could you cc me?

ltoth: yes, where appropriate
... JICC is meeting tomorrow morning; I will raise the CG at that meeting

dezell: I attended the supplier board meeting at NACS...I was interested in speaking with CPGs
... in particular representatives from Monster and Mondelez
... send email to them about the group

ltoth: I will send out an updated agenda + meeting logistics later today or tomorrow

Regulatory landscape

<dezell> https://www.w3.org/Payments/IG/wiki/RegulatoryLandscape

jyrossi: In the wiki I've attempted to summarize our lisbon discussion
... working with others on other regions (so: Europe, China, Africa)

dezell: Are you planning any meetings of the participants in the task force?

jyrossi: I would like early in the task force to work on goals

dezell: I will work with you on setting up a meeting

IJ: what should we do as a group?

dezell: the task force should come back to the IG with a plan

jyrossi:I expect the task force to enumerate (1) key regulatory bodies (2) key legislation
... first step could be to assign an individual responsible per jurisdiction
... the responsible party could gather most relevant regulations
... we could compare them to determine where there are areas of overlap

dezell: and next steps would be to look at impact of regulations on current w3c efforts

<Jurgen> Quit, I have to leave for another meeting

jyrossi: Please have a look at the wiki => https://www.w3.org/Payments/IG/wiki/RegulatoryLandscape
... welcome feedback and of course volunteers

dezell: As TG1 was meeting, something came up - the difference between public/private information across jurisdictions
... recent hacks of the SWIFT system were cited

Ryladog: Card not present fraud is rising as predicted
... collecting data about what is going on in regulation would give us a subset of common themes

<Ryladog> Where do I sign up?

jyrossi: David and ian, can you suggest a time to meet every other week?

<Ryladog> Friday


ISO harmonization

<dezell> https://www.w3.org/Payments/IG/wiki/Main_Page/ProposalsQ42015/ISO20022_Harmonization_Task_Force

dezell: Two weeks ago, the group at ISO on cards approval met in Atlanta at the US Fed.
... we reviewed what the card processors need.
... present were Amex, Discover, Visa et al
... the focus was mostly US
... that meeting was about harmonization between ISO and "what card networks need"
... TG1 (chairs by William Vanobberghen) met in Phoenix last week
... we'll report back on that group's progress
... another group is the JSON study group (part of SC7)
...re: JSON as an ISO 20022 serialization format...we suggested that there be a JSON serialization in addition to ASN1 and XML

<ShaneM> oh dear.... ASN.1?

<ShaneM> (note that JSON Schema is not a standard)

dezell: There's an upcoming RMG meeting in Tampa

<AdrianHB> ASN.1 to JSON is straightforward, someone just needs to write the encoding rules so that it's done consistently

dezell: there's a possibility for some W3C representation at the meeting (week before Thanksgiving)

IJ: what is the agenda?

dezell: I don't know yet

IJ: In light of previous confusion and concern about W3C work and ISO, I would recommend that we not suggest more connections than there are.

dezell: there are opportunities for building discussion channels
... AOB?

Upcoming schedule

Next meeting: 21 Nov

<ShaneM> +1 for 21 November

dezell: Between now and then I want the task forces to make progress

Verifiable claims update

<Ryladog> +1 for 21 November

ShaneM: We met at the internet privacy meeting
... productive sessions with new people
... lot of interesting questions and interchanges with new people, which gave insight into new use cases
... one example - one person had a use case for embedding claims in ads so that you could tune browser, (for example) to only view verified ads
... we spent a lot of time about signatures and different ways to do decentralized identifiers
... there's real momentum behind this work assuming we can get it going soon

cf Manu's update -> https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-webpayments-ig/2016Oct/0033.html

jheuer: Note that Deutsche Telekom is stepping out of the payments business.

Ryladog: I don't understand the concerns of the people who are pushing back.

<dezell> Ian: I think the TF & Community group have worked hard to address concerns, and I want to express my appreciation. There were concerns expressed over the past year and half about the relationship of this work to past efforts to do similar things, about the relationship to the current IETF stack, about incentive structures, and more. I applaud the efforts of the task force to do what's required and narrow scope. Not all concerns have been addressed, but I appreciate the responsiveness to them.

Ryladog: One concern I have is that narrowing of scope may dissuade some from participating.

Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.148 (CVS log)
$Date: 2016/10/31 15:03:52 $