Accessibility DPUB Task Force Weekly Meeting

13 Oct 2016

See also: IRC log


George, Charles, Mia, Avneesh, tzviya


<clapierre> ScribeNick: George

George taking minutes

Welcome to Mia!

Present Mia, Charles, Tzviya, Avneesh

Present Mia, Charles, Tzviya, Avneesh

Many changes were made to the use cases.

<clapierre> file:///Users/charlesl/GitRepo/dpub-pwp-ucr/index.html#r_custompwp: A PWP needs to support the ability to construct a limited package with only a subset of the necessary content.\

We need to look at one of the items that was deleted to see if it should be reinstated.

Section 9.3 under accessibility was removed. What our reactions?

TZ, Did not LR indicate whay he removed it.

LR removed

<clapierre> Leonard says: https://github.com/clapierre may not be happy with it, but in my latest draft, I removed this entire section (well, commented it out). The reason I did so is that a PWP can't do this - it's not a requirement of a PWP. If anything, this is a use case that we want to ensure isn't prevented by the technical choices of PWP - but in and of itself, it's not specific to either PWP or the UA's for same.

Charles will post the staatement to minutes.

<clapierre> Ivan's comments: I would agree with this: the issue is not build a new PWP but to build and alternative, or custom, reading approach in terms of a different ToC, for example.

Marco and Ivan commented on this as well.

AS Is this a profile with specif needs?

<clapierre> https://github.com/w3c/dpub-pwp-ucr/issues/134#issuecomment-252527986

TS the use cases may not be clear enough.

<tzviya> diff: https://github.com/w3c/dpub-pwp-ucr/commit/ff533eaa78ed528ac88c1d66bb7f9e9b0e761839

<clapierre> custom method to access it vs. a custom PWP

TS The custom reading experience is light weight. Ivan is not saying it is a custom PWP, but a different presentation.

AS if we over specify the readers get lost.

<tzviya> https://w3c.github.io/dpub-pwp-ucr/

GK does this mean we should keep our use cases at a much higher level?

TS and AS too many requirements and we need to keep it at a higher level.

AS if we get into accessibility specific we loose people.

<clapierre> https://w3c.github.io/dpub-pwp-ucr/#r_p13n

<clapierre> The user must have the possibility to personalize his or her reading experience

CL number 7 is good that a person must be able to personalize their reading experience.

GK Personalize the reading experience could mean anything.

TS reword number 20

<clapierre> https://w3c.github.io/dpub-pwp-ucr/#r_streamlining

<clapierre> The manifest should make it possible to provide the user agent (or the publication itself) with access to disjoint parts of the publication

CL reading a use case regarding images.

TS Random access needs to be reworded.

CL move our use cases to 7 or 20

TS Talks about the wine book can be personalized. The personalization is similar to accessibility.

TS we should include an accessibility use case.

TS Deborah wanted more than visual impairments

CL GK the deaf blind accessmode sufficient is textual.

Mia why download all this data one cannot use.

ML The download does impact accessibility; when you are using a specialized player.

TS we must clarify; people will pick it apart. Include the essential accessibility use case information.

Going to 20

<clapierre> ACTION, add buffy deaf-blind use-case to #20 and coordinate with Heather.

CL coordinate with Heather.

Next topic is need to determine what has been removed.

CL it is now very confusing on what has changed.

TS I have also lost track.

number 133 had 5 parts and GK and CL worked on one part.


<clapierre> Alejandra cannot use a mouse and needs to ensure that the equation editors in her textbook is operable with a keyboard before she purchases the textbook.

<clapierre> A university professor is developing a course and the professor knows that he is required by the university's policy to use digital materials that conform to WCAG 2.0 level AA. The professor uses the search capabilities of available publications to determine which titles are conformant and therefore suitable for his use.

CL: put a : in to destinguish speakers.
... reading use case about the search capabilities of the reading systems rathether than a databas

AS: concerned about publication

TS: remove publication

<tzviya> proposed wording "The professor searches to determine which titles are accessible and therefore suitable for his use."

<clapierre> Jessie is taking a class and the professor has assigned Chapter 5 in an art textbook for review, but, as a low-vision user, Jessie wants to ensure that the chapter has the accessibility features that she needs.

CL: reads language, good? yes
... Reading the use case.

TS: we are reading more into this than we shuld.

<clapierre> Anita is a school student who knows only uncontracted Hindi Braille. Her parents should be able to discover the language and the braille codes of the publications before purchasing the publications for her

CL: next use case the last by AS:

AS: This is specific for braille metadata, which has been neglected.

ML: Question, does the braille code need to be identified beyond the language.

AS: We have been working on this for the last year. There is a proposal in EPUB.

GK: Is the braille language and notation going to be living with DAISY?

AS: yet to be decided.

CL: I will take these and coordinate with Heather..

<clapierre> ACTION, clapierre to coordinate with Heather or wait.

GK: wait until Heather is done.
... Once the use case document is finished we will need to read for accessibility

TS: everybody will need to read.

CL: questions about various issues.

TS: wait for the reorganize document
... DPUB-ARIA is moving forward. Many aspects have cleared up. We will go to CR at the same time as ARIA 1.1 We are implementing at Wiley.

<clapierre> George: talking about personalization, we are wondering if the DPUB ARIA vocabulary would be a good place for this. So in the DPUB ARIA part of the given more semantic information glossary etc. description we have summary long desc. tactile graphic 3D model, and these would be important for personalization. we need to extract where these things are, would this be the place to do this in the future?

<clapierre> Tzviya: possibly

<clapierre> George: must of the vocabulary came from the schema we wrote for z39908 and this DIAGRAMMAR vocabulary is an extension of that. and it might slide in.

<clapierre> Tzviya: Diagrammar can do whatever it wants with these roles but won't automatically happen, and if Diagrammar implemented this would be wonderful

<clapierre> Tzviya: good news plan to make this vocabulary or similar to move forward with. but in the future we have a way to move quickly.

<clapierre> George: we found out what is needed to enhance an image. now we just need to slide into implementation. we know what people need, we just don't know how to get it to the people. Other than letting the user choose which one.

LC: I will find out what happened to Deborah.

CL: Do we need a call next week?
... no call next week..sounds good.


Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.148 (CVS log)
$Date: 2016/10/13 15:52:17 $

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Found ScribeNick: George
Inferring Scribes: George
Present: George Charles Mia Avneesh tzviya
Regrets: Daniel
Got date from IRC log name: 13 Oct 2016
Guessing minutes URL: http://www.w3.org/2016/10/13-DPUB-minutes.html
People with action items: 

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