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<ahaller2> trackbot, start meeting
<trackbot> Meeting: Spatial Data on the Web Working Group Teleconference
<trackbot> Date: 11 October 2016
<maxime> what is the webex pwd ?
<SimonCox> pwd at the top of this screen
<kerrry> +1
<DanhLePhuoc> +1
<ClausStadler> +1
<maxime> +1
<SimonCox> +1
<kerrry> patent call:
<KJanowic> present Kjanowic
<ahaller2> scribe: kerry
<kerrry> scribe: kerry
<ahaller2> scribenick: kerry
<kerrry> scribenick: kerry
<kerrry> maxime show presentation
<kerrry> maxime: for smart energy aware systems
<kerrry> ...required the w3id namespace to be the only one for all the ontology mpodules and versions
<kerrry> ...i will show how
<kerrry> ...browser does not show rdf+xml
maxime: if i go to this uri [shows]
[scribe had trouble missed a lot]
maxime: this is not what was
requested put there is info as a cooluri to redirect to the
vocab that you are loooking for
... so the latest is how to deal with alignments
... the main seas ontology and one module with a specific
... the documenation says ..note SDW bp 11
... this one is the pep ontology
... says align with ssn
... the lates version of pep is this doc in html, this doc in
... thist is an alignment with ssn
... and I get the html by defualt and I can also get the
this alignment imports pep and ssn
maxime: this is how we deal with
external alignments...
... import the ontologies that are alsigned...
<KJanowic> this is also how we do it in GeoLink
armin: questions?
... to clarify: all the differnt turtles are separate
maxime: yes they are different
armin: so this would allow us to have differnt files for differrnt modules with /uris to point to different moduels to differnt files
<KJanowic> armin: so modules are still on the table, right?
rob: 3 questions
roba: when u redirect to a file why not the #identified in the file?
maxime: yes, we well have to do
... if i got to any there is no # and I just target the top of
the html element
roba: # based urls, not
... if we look at ontologies of sensor types they will not be
in one place... what is the implication for large
... can the nodes of a federation do something like this?
maxime: do you mean namespaces with multiple hosts?
roba: what is mimimum for
... the nevery host will need its own implementation
... what behvaious is epcified?
maxime: "cooluris" does this
roba: is this necessary and sufficient?
maxime: we are working on some
lists of classes of sensor
... if someone wants to create some new resouces e.g. new
subclass of a sensor
roba: has an alternative model with demonstrate
<ahaller2> kerry: the old ssn follows the cool URI approach. What were you referring to?
<ClausStadler> the issue was the content-disposition - so that you get a nice download name
<ahaller2> maxime: Old SSN does not have any modules.
<ahaller2> maxime: if I go to the URI of SSN I don't get what I want
<SimonCox> I don't want to take any more time on this tech issue in this call, but would like to ask (1.) is Content-Disposition a new HTTP header (2.) when you say the property URI (a slash URI I think) is "not on the web" what do you mean? if it resolves to something on the web, then it looks like it is indeed "on the web"
<ClausStadler> e.g. the browser could offer for a file called Ontology.rdf using content-disposition a nicer filename such as SSN-Ontology-1.0.rdf
<SimonCox> Lovely demo , btw
armin: an idea now on how we want to implement
armin: follw up on email
... asking for commtments to implementations of new and changed
... we have 3 options
... we can have modules and extensions in rec track do as
non-nornative or in a separate note or in ful rec track
<SimonCox> What does 'implementation' mean?
armin: as long as we have a redirect from old terms to new terms we can use the old implementations
<maxime> +1
armin: e.g. phenomenon time that is not in ssn
<maxime> as we have equivalence relations with the old ssn concepts
armin: no qequivalent relation,
we would need to show an implelentation
... who would show this?
... please say if you can
<SimonCox> I can do some work
[some yeses]
<KJanowic> Could we clarify a bit more what this would take?
<KJanowic> I can do some work
SimonCox: what does implementation mean?
<KJanowic> It means prior use, right?
<DanhLePhuoc> +1 for the Simon question
<KJanowic> I think this is about semantics. there is the 'implementation' in terms of coding the SSN/SOSA and the 'implementation' in terms of showing prior use
<ahaller2> roba: if inferences in an existing implementation still work after changes, that I would see as evidence
<KJanowic> Unfortunately, this cannot be shown in general but only by specific use cases
<KJanowic> no, impossible
armin... this would change to the new ssn and show that all the old classes still work
<ahaller2> maxime: agree as long as inferences work in existing implementation.
maxime: one would just need to change the owl:import axiom, and any inference that was possible before would still be possible thanks to the equivalence relations
KJanowic: 2 things, the term
implementation has 2 flavours
... 1 is the actual coding
... 2 is showing in prior use
... these are confused.
... when it comes to entailment we cannot show this execpet for
some use cases
... we can not do it in general becuase if we remove 500
classes as in dul we cannot show this
phila: apologies for voice
... so I hear my name about what implementation means
<SimonCox> In ORG document there is an Annex which tabulates a number of implementations.
phila: dcat and org ontology and rdf datacube have implementation reports
<KJanowic> So, prior use, right?
<SimonCox> e.g.
phila: show you term by term
whether an app has used this term
... if u report you used it we will beleive it...can you find
running software that makes some use of each term
... in at least 2 pieces of independent software
... underlying idea is do you have classes that are genuinely
... evidence that you are doing somethinh useful is the big
... given that you have some legacy, if the old namespace works
then we are ok
... you can propbaly adduce that evidence into the argument
<KJanowic> So old SSN and O7m count as pior work, i.e., implementation, right?
armin: that pretty much covers the case for the unchanged terms
<KJanowic> s/07m/O&M
armin: anyone would just need to cvhange the import to the new namespace
<ahaller2> kerry: has capacity march next year
armin: want to know who has the capacity to implement ?
KJanowic: this depends on whether we have a problem ..."demonstrating prior use" by use somewhere else before
kerry: no! clearly not.
KJanowic: so this is easy eg. using o&M implementations
phila: is up and running so you can redirect and use the old namespace -- that will work
phil: are u suggesting that lots of use cases for a partiular term will be taken as use cases? that will not work, must be a term in the software
KJanowic: so it can't be a dataset?
phila: yes data is fine too!
<ahaller2> ahaller: it can be a dataset, but it must use the URI that we define
<KJanowic> this is fantastic news
maxime: question: phil is it possible to change the redicrection of the old namespace to the new one
phila: yes, has been
restored and you can redirect. we only need to redirect that
namespace to the namespace with a note that explains
the redicrection
... was not possible 2 weeks ago
... with the caveat that I am not certain due to mobile phone,
<kerry notes pplease refer to email list -- this solution is discussed presented there>
phila: the bits of software need
to be independent -- by 2 separate organisations.
... what does happen is a telephne call with chairs editors and
director and the director makes a judgement
... if a term is implemented only once it would be looked at
sceptically, it would be helpful if there are others
... you need 2 independet implementations
... one term with only one im might be ok, but not half the
<DanhLePhuoc> +q
<ahaller2> kerry: proposes a survey of old implementations and the terms
<KJanowic> +1 to kerry, this cannot be done
<ahaller2> kerry: KJanowic thinks that terms that are implemented in O&M spec are sufficient, it is not ok, it has to use the namespace
<KJanowic> hmmm
<KJanowic> armin, I would just need 30 sec
ahaller back to who can implelement?
<KJanowic> I commit to implement some of that work
ahaller: I can do soemethin with acorn-sat in collaboration with the BoM
KJanowic: back to o&M stuff
if we ppropose new terms then we do not have a namesapce
... software I have wriiten is ok right/
phila: maybe... a bit dodgy.... even better is someeone who is not a member of the grop
KJanowic: say the most basic "sensor" we only have to show there is some real software the namespace does not matter
<maxime> proposed structure for the wiki page that lists the existing implementattions of ssn:
<maxime> a) softwares that consume ssn terms
phila: no. you need to use the namespace. you cannot point to someon's iot sustem that has an "actuator' with no connection to ssn
<maxime> b) softwares that produce ssn terms
<maxime> c) datasets that use ssn terms
phila: you put the term in now
and you ask for implementations in CR phasee
... you just have to prove that the new features work
<ahaller2> DanhLePhuoc: has capacity to implement some terms
DanhLePhuoc: can also implement , but do not yet know the new list!
SimonCox: is now confused
<KJanowic> Happy to implement as well
SimonCox: if the old ssn is prereq then what is staus of old ssn?
phila: current ontology is result
of community group
... process of working group us taking this to full
... if any existing terms are deprecated but not deleted ... we
will confer formal status
SimonCox: so changing the semantics in subtle ways ?
<KJanowic> +1
phila: caution against subtle changes --- if you change the meaning do you break stuff? If you break stuff then be very careful
<SimonCox> I have to leave now ...
armin: summarises
<KJanowic> i can implement the SOSA core part
armin: please look at table as we
will need implementations of sos core or will need to be
... no time for 3rd agenda item.
<KJanowic> bye bye
armin: thanks to all!
This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.148 of Date: 2016/10/11 12:55:14 Check for newer version at Guessing input format: RRSAgent_Text_Format (score 1.00) Succeeded: s/Working Group/SSN Sub Group/ Succeeded: s/ruls/urls/ Succeeded: s/toic/topic/ Succeeded: s/sho/show/ Succeeded: s/modulewith/module with/ Succeeded: s/ss/ssn/ Succeeded: s/onel/one/ Succeeded: s/wwhat/what/ Succeeded: s/er a re/we are/ Succeeded: s/..../.../ Succeeded: s/..../.../ Succeeded: s/entialment/entailment/ Succeeded: s/agrees: redirection will not be possible here/one would just need to change the owl:import axiom, and any inference that was possible before would still be possible thanks to the equivalence relations/ Succeeded: s/../.../ Succeeded: s/eveidence/evidence/ Succeeded: s/wroks/works/ FAILED: s/07m/O&M/ Succeeded: s/whther/whether/ Succeeded: s/havea/have a/ Succeeded: s/priir/prior/ Succeeded: s/purl .org/ Succeeded: s/weks/weeks/ Succeeded: s/lease/please/ Succeeded: s/lease/please/ Succeeded: s/phila:/phila:/ Succeeded: s/roight/right/ Succeeded: s/soemethin with acorn-sat/soemethin with acorn-sat in collaboration with the BoM/ Succeeded: s/pha/phase/ Found Scribe: kerry Found Scribe: kerry Found ScribeNick: kerry Found ScribeNick: kerry Present: kerry ahaller2 maxime ClausStadler roba DanhLePhuoc SimonCox JoelRamsay Found Date: 11 Oct 2016 Guessing minutes URL: People with action items:[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]