See also: IRC log
<wileys> 11 people in the WebEx (2 are call-in users)
<walter> So is Shane
<scribe> scribenick: npdoty
<wseltzer> schunter: Reports out from TPAC, call with EFF, Recharter
schunter: breakout session in
Lisbon, 20 or so organizations in the room
... Mike gave a quick tutorial on his implementation; a
presentation on regulatory changes with reference to DNT and
technology for managing consent
... during discussion, companies expressing new interest, DT
interested in working with a regulator on a reference
wileys: sense in the room: how interested were people? interest in implementations? or only passive?
schunter: one new implementer
sounded committed, one implementer sounded just
... wanted feedback from regulator
<walter> wileys: do realise that Deutsche Telekom is the largest telco in Europe
wileys: if only a test, sounds like not exploring all the features
<rvaneijk> DT expressed a genuine full TPE implementation
moneill2: people were surprised regarding GDPR, didn't realize the situation
<walter> Vincent's presentation is very useful BTW
<wileys> Walter - Yes, Yahoo works with DT
<vincent_> I think they'll have interest in implementing the excpetions to get consent
moneill2: interest in working with a DPA in Europe
wileys: I wouldn't expect a lot of implementations in the near-term
moneill2: some implementations already; what we need is feedback from the regulators
<vincent_> so i don't know if they'd go for a full implementation, but they would likely go for the exceptions
schunter: could have sufficient number of implementations already, but more important would be confidence in use
<wileys> Fair - good to have someone test exceptions in production at scale
schunter: about us having
confidence that the current TPE could fit this use case
... the Compliance spec not needed in this scenario,
implementer would just use the law as Compliance
aleecia: we would get feedback during the process of implementation, not the end
wileys: activity would be in 2017, so do we need re-chartering now
aleecia: agree that not much should be expected before January
schunter: expect changes/feedback over the summer (2017?) and release in September
<Zakim> dsinger, you wanted to talk about re-chartering
<wseltzer> +1
dsinger: would want a charter approved by the end of the year, because of time needed for approval
schunter: +1, will talk charter
in the minute
... do this experimentation on the technology, and if it's
viable, then we push it out
... pause TCS for now, not hearing implementation traction
<Zakim> dsinger, you wanted to talk about TCS
<wileys> +1
<wileys> +q
dsinger: need the TCS to sit in
CR. have a problem in the browser-side explaining what DNT is,
if the compliance could be anything
... could be different from TCS exactly -- e.g. could be
stronger -- but if we have nothing, it's very hard to explain
what is being done
wileys: hearing momentum for the
EU, which has the law rather than the TCS (Compliance spec), up
to individual companies and courts to figure out
... wouldn't want to call it a floor, even
<schunter> IMHO the definition of tracking / not tracking is key and may be sufficient and must not be redefined by TCS.
<dsinger> kinda agree with Shane; I think the best is to leave the TCS in CR and wait and see. neither promote it to Rec nor withdraw it. We need to struggle with the ‘floor’ issue…
<schunter> +1
<vincent_> GDPR will start to be applied in 2018, in the meantime it would be useful to have a baseline
<schunter> (leaving the TCS in CR)
wileys: would be embarrassing if
someone came out with a compliance implementation that was
weaker than TCS
... up to the implementer what they reference in terms of
... -1 on TCS as floor, because it would be subjective, or
difficult to compare them
... TCS could be there as a reference point, but TPE already
allows pointing to different compliance
schunter: agree TCS not a priority, concern about how to do it to take on later
walter: supportive of having a
baseline. not having a compliance spec at all would have
practical issues
... this group started with the expectation of not having a
particular regulatory rule
<schunter> FCC consumer deception may play a role: If a site claims "no tracking" while doing something deceptive, it may get the FCC activated.
walter: comparisons could be done
by courts and regulators, not needed to be done by tpwg
... although it may not be sufficient for EU purposes
<dsinger> the question revolves around how we make a reasonable, consistent, explanation to users, so that their consent is, ahem, informed
schunter: postpone this
discussion for later
... will circulate draft charter later
schunter: don't like us being without a charter, need to propose something by the end of the month
<walter> jeff, yes, at the same time an alternative TCS that says: whatever you say, we will track you anyway would be deceptive
schunter: W3C eager for Process
... so my goal would be to circulate a draft in the next
<jeff> Walter, I agree with you - but we already allowed that at the last round. Unless we want to reopen it.
moneill2: discuss charter on the list and in next call? -- yes.
wseltzer: Process to help the
group focus on its work, concrete proposals for meeting
deadlines we can make the group more likely to succeed
... want to avoid limbo
... particularly want to have a timeline
schunter: EFF has its own
compliance policy, its own server response
... would be a shame to have this community divided
... can we use the standardized technology?
<walter> some of the issues I raised will be encountered by EFF as well
schunter: sounded positive on
that point, as long as that doesn't require endorsing a
particular Compliance spec
... initial exploration, EFF will now talk with their own
... will get back to us
aleecia: +1
npdoty: same as previous issues I had raised before, well-known location, etc.
schunter: yes
... unbundling of technology and compliance happened, policy
flexibility should allow using the technology
<walter> +1
talk again next week? or in two weeks?
<vincent_> agree, can't attend next week either
wileys: would like some heads up regarding meetings
schunter: could talk on the phone in two weeks (19 October), but start charter discussion on email
biweekly meetings and cancel if not needed
<wileys> Oops - 9am to 10am
<wileys> PT
trackbot, end meeting
<wileys> My PT and am got mixed :-(
This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.144 of Date: 2015/11/17 08:39:34 Check for newer version at Guessing input format: RRSAgent_Text_Format (score 1.00) Succeeded: s/jeff: yes/jeff, yes/ Found ScribeNick: npdoty Inferring Scribes: npdoty Default Present: npdoty, wseltzer, rvaneijk, dsinger, moneill2, vincent, jeff, wileys, walter, matthias_matthiesen, aleecia, schunter, craig Present: npdoty wseltzer rvaneijk dsinger moneill2 vincent jeff wileys walter matthias_matthiesen aleecia schunter craig WARNING: No meeting chair found! You should specify the meeting chair like this: <dbooth> Chair: dbooth Found Date: 05 Oct 2016 Guessing minutes URL: People with action items:[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]