Education and Outreach Working Group Teleconference

19 Sep 2016

See also: IRC log


Brent, Sharron, Eric, Judy_(am), Doug_(am), Lisa_Seeman_(pm), John_Kirckwood_(pm), shadi


SVG2 (Doug Schepers)

<Brent> SVG Authoring Guide: http://w3c.github.io/svgwg/specs/svg-authoring/

<yatil> SVG2 Draft: http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG2/

<shepazu> https://w3c.github.io/charter-drafts/svg-2016.html#charter-2016

<scribe> scribe: Sharron

Doug: Be aware of these docs -API mappings defines the mapping between SVG features and OS platform accessibility application programming interfaces. SVG2 added ARIA in meaningful way.
... related to that is the Graphics Accessibility API Mappings extending ARIA roles
... and maps to existing stuff in accessibility API
... this is the foundational stuff. From the EO POV, is the SVG Authoring Guide. Previous one written when SVG was new and unsupported was aspirational.

Judy: What is the opportunity for EO collaboration, document review? Accessibility benefit of ...?

Eric: Along the lines of other intro documents..."Intro to SVG2"

Judy: Wonder about engaging EO when implementation of even SVG2 is still a bitiffy.

Doug: All browsers are on board to implement accessibility features of SVG2.
... shows demo

<Judy> doug: demonstrating accessibility benefits of SVG 2 with embedded ARIA --

<Judy> brent: i work at pearson, and the benefit of this would be significant

Judy: ETS is working on this using profiles, with grade level variations, exposing or suppressing different parts of narration.

<Zakim> Judy, you wanted to brainstorm on how to potentially use EOWG's "Intro" format to more explicitly draw out "accessibility benefits of" angle and to also comment on testing profile

Doug: Can control that level of info through the metadata.

Judy: The research group under APA has taken as part of their work this issue of student profiles.
... give them this context. In terms of prioritization mechanisms of W3C, it would be useful to make those connections.

Doug: (continuing demo) audio tone, telling the trajectory of the data, speculates about how it could react in a cluster graph, etc.
... the SVG authoring guide is the first practical guide to making SVGs accessible. Expected it to be of limited appreal and have broadened the case to demonstrate benefit for many use cases, only one of which is accessibility.
... would like EO to look through, improve and add accessiiblity info as needed. Tried to integrate accessibility, let me know how it is working

Eric: Occured to me that the images tutorial could mention SVG and reference this document.

Doug: Look at Images tutorial and find ways to cross reference.
... aria parts must also be completed, using traditional aria.

Eric: what is your plan to get data visualizations into screen readers?

Doug: I would like to (with w3c hat off) would like to...screen readers won't interpret these until there are many of them and there won't be many of them until that happens. Chicken and egg.
... different vocabualries for different data visualizations. Would like to work on getting them into popular charting libraries like D3, and then work on module for NVDA and Orca. Then as an open sourced, well structured documentation, continue to work with data visualization libraries to build up and down the stack.

Brent: Is the authoring guide an approved draft of a document.

Doug: We - the WG and the TF - are testing and be able to document browser support and implementations.
... EO could point to it and comment.

Eric: What is timeline for completing the Authoring Guide?

Doug: In a couple of months I could have it to the point for review and publication.
... my priority is ensuring that accessibility is in there.
... want it to be a living document rather than static that misleads. Want an ongoing Best Practices.

Sharron: ....explains new EO mode of document of resource management

Doug: I am an SVG expert but not necessarily an accessibility expert, welcome more collaboration and co-editor.

Eric: Must coordinate with the updated tutorials etc

Doug: Would be good to have an overview of the 4 documents including the spec and give summary of each.

Sharron: the overview that Eric mentioned

Meeting with COGA 1 pm

Sharron: Intro of our intention at TPAC this year: let people know of new way that EO is operating with RMs to keep materials fresh; point to newly developed resources and most importantly, hear from WGs and TFs about how we can support outreach on accessibility in all other groups as well.

Lisa: Really easy to understand mild cognitive disabilities,

John: Same with walking and doing tasks.

Lisa: we have done user research, things behind paywalls, pulled out and summarized, created issue papers, and now are working on Success criteria, documenting etc
... when we make SC proposal I am asking people for real life examples. Barriers that are obvious to us within the TF are not as clear to other people in the WG. Our examples could be collected, made into personas. Also the data from the research documents.
... Series of very short interviews in which people can discuss the very issue being addressed in the SC.
... cognitive people go one way - that this is nothing to the other extreme and start talking very slowly or loudly . Want to interview someone to break those stereotypes.
... for example dyscalculia where a person has no way to process numerical concepts.
... I tend to do taxonomies in my head sonce I have little visual memory.
... make these issues digestible to the public.

<david-macdonald__> I'm monitoring from the WCAG room

Sharron: Awareness raising amng the public - more specifically?

Lisa: Within WAI, then within W3C and fonally anyone who uses WCAG
... extra SCs in WCAG 2.1 is published, would be good to have supporting documentation.

Sharron: when will that be?

Lisa: First Working Draft in February. Nice if with each SC has an accompnaied support.

Shadi: All the TFs will submit new SCs, yes? COGA, low vision, and mobile?
... we have a resource call "How People with Disabilities Use the Web." Originally a technical doc to explain to developers the technical aspects of access. Has now become more of a user experince document
... can a document like that become a vehicle for your message.

Lisa: I think so, especially something like the new videos. Cognitive disabilities are often silent - do not declare themselves. People often retire early when faced with new tech challenges.
... this group needs a voice, EO could be invaluable.

Eric: Need several things - and "Intro to COGA" for those who do not understsnd. Others is to looks at HPWDUTW and make sure the personas re oK.

Shadi: Remember that videos are intensive time and resource sink.

Lisa: The interview that we did via Skype was easy and engaging

Sharron: and maybe this is the case of one that is just to raise awareness internally - WAI and W3C

Eric: Recall that in the HPWDUTW stuff there is extensive cognitive.

Lisa: it is not such a good representation of reality.
... I would suggest that EO look over the research documents that we have and look at the mapping between the cognitive SCs and the research and build out a use case.
... do a review of is it covered, is it covered well and also look at the descriptions of first draft personas.
... issue papers are another source for EO to develop support materials.

Eric: Shadi is the RM for the HPWDUTW so first step may be to bring him into contact with the TF and look a the research and issues document and find someone who will collaborate with EO.

Lisa: But would we not want to step back a bit to demo things like heavy cognitive load.
... it is quite shockingly surprising to see for example a very bright person who cannot do mathmatical calulations.

Brent: and can also demonstrate that mediating the issue is often fairly simple and straightforward.

John: I also have more of an incentive as a designer to design well.

Lisa: And then there is often a conflict between standard WCAG thinking and real world cognitive experience.
... There will be considerations for policy makers about whether or not to adopt the new standard.
... building the case for how web interactions have become the primary way to do many things.

John: and distracted users have become a category of COGA users.

Eric: getting everyone on track and pulling in the same direction

Lisa: Voice mailing system,testing apps, etc
... research from Jakob Neilson indicates more than 35%of older users abandon their tasks - older users are among those with higher discretionary income.

EOWG process

Discussion about the need to make decisions, not revisit decisions once made, get people engaged, etc

trackbot, end meeting

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.144 (CVS log)
$Date: 2016/09/19 16:37:32 $

Scribe.perl diagnostic output

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Found Scribe: Sharron
Inferring ScribeNick: Sharron
Present: Brent Sharron Eric Judy_(am) Doug_(am) Lisa_Seeman_(pm) John_Kirckwood_(pm) shadi
Found Date: 19 Sep 2016
Guessing minutes URL: http://www.w3.org/2016/09/19-eo-minutes.html
People with action items: 

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