See also: IRC log
in an ironic twist. the web payments working group has changed its schedule so that it conflicts with THIS MEETING. Kill me.
<janina_> Wow, Shane! That's indeed ironic. Are we best not to meet today? What's your druthers on that.
Let's meet. It should be short I think. Then I can switch over.
<janina_> OK.
<janina_> Shane, not hearing you. You came, but then you went!
<janina_> Can you hear me?
<janina_> Argh. I may need a restart
<janina_> Simplest for me is a reboot sorry!
<LJWatson> prsent+ LJWatson
<scribe> scribe: ShaneM
Janina: DO we need to shift the meeting time?
LJWatson: I would be okay with 30 minutes earlier.
janina_: I cannot
ShaneM: Let's leave it here.
janina_: next meeting is 1 Sept
janina_: do we have final language?
ShaneM: we were supposed to add WCAG
janina_: How about somthing referencing "established W3C Accessibility Guidelines"?
LJWatson: That looks pretty good.
janina_: I hate to be anitpicker but the conclusions are too limiting. What about APIs with impact.
ShaneM: This is just an example. Not something that would always be used.
janina_: but this should not look like if there is a lack of UI always means there are no a11y conclusions
LJWatson: looks good.
ShaneM: I will do the wordsmithing and recirculate.
janina_: Katie's mails made some
people appear.
... I have some new people to follow up with. THere might be as
many as 6 or 7 people to work on the PAUR.
... I will try to get them here for 1 Sep.
site topic: meeting with WPIG at TPAC
janina_: timeout problem should
be dropped in everyone's lap. AT can't do it.
... Joanie's revelation was a shock. We need help
ShaneM: We need information from
IG participants
... another way we can recruit is F2F at the IG and other
activities. Let's share the love.
janina_: Judy has been asking about pushing in WAI Payments about a11y report. Is this related to the API and no UI issue?
ShaneM: probably
... long description of the architecture...
janina_: there will hopefully be new people at the next meeting.
This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.144 of Date: 2015/11/17 08:39:34 Check for newer version at Guessing input format: RRSAgent_Text_Format (score 1.00) Succeeded: s/IF/IG/ Found Scribe: ShaneM Inferring ScribeNick: ShaneM Present: Janina ShaneM LJWatson Found Date: 18 Aug 2016 Guessing minutes URL: People with action items:[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]