See also: IRC log
<laura> I may be a few minutes late. Finals week here.
<shawn> +1 for valign top!
<ScottM> Hey, on IRC again as I am in a noisy place
<scribe> Scribe: AWK
<shawn> doodle poll:
JA: Poll has one time that works for everyone
<shawn> ThursdayProposed new meeting time: Thursdays 10:00-11:30C/11:00-12:30E
<shawn> Proposed new meeting time: Thursdays 8:00-9:30P/10:00-11:30C/11:00-12:30E
<ScottM> I just filled it out
<ScottM> Sounds like I need to move to the east coast :)
JA: We need to edit our poll responses to indicate availability for half-hour increments
The poll indicates specific data but people should answer with regard to their schedule in general
<shawn> Proposed new meeting time: Thursdays 8:00-9:30P/10:00-11:30C/11:00-12:30E
<shawn> starting next week - 12 May
RESOLUTION: New meeting time is Thursdays at 8:00-9:30PT/10:00-11:30CT/11:00-12:30ET
JA: Need to start getting the picture of how the LV user needs are addressed or not in WCAG and UAAG
<Zakim> AWK, you wanted to suggest that ATAG isn't needed in this document
<allanj> awk: is ATAG needed, or clutter up document. specifying content creation, LVTF concern with rendering
JA: only found one SC from ATAG, fine with removing. Others?
<Wayne> +1
Laura says fine with it
JA: will remove
AWK will review in the next few days
JA: perhaps we can tackle 5 per week and have a fine-grained discussion on them
JA: Couldn't find anything in WCAG and only 1 in UAAG
UAAG was specific to video
TOPIC 3.1.1
<allanj> awk: how do we adjust brightness in browser or content
SLH: a hardware issue?
WD: not necessarily
AWK: Need to add a note to indicate that this is an expansion of the WCAG requirements
WD: Seems like partial wrt WCAG
JA: I'll add levels also
<JohnRochford> +1 to adding A classifications
<Wayne> AWK: Need a note to indicate that 3.1.2 is not fully met by 1.4.3 and 1.4.6. These are minimums and do not enable choice.
<ScottM> People seem to largely ignore AAA so for most real world situations it might as well not exist but it is important for many people
AWK: Thinks that we should split out the "full/partial coverage" into separate WCAG and UAAG columns
<Wayne> ...: We are trying to meet a greater numbers of needs. They are trying to meet the same need, but we want to do a more inclusive statement.
JA: Will write notes related to this in the page
Will update 3.1.3 to point to only 1.4.1 and indicate fully covered
TOPIC 3.2.1
<Wayne> AWK: 3.2.1 extends 1.4.8 (WCAG). It simply eliminates horizontal scrolling.
JA: so there's a gap
TOPIC 3.2.2
not addressed by WCAG
UAAG does address
TOPIC 3.2.3
<Wayne> 1.8.15 Linearize Content: The user can have recognized content rendered as a single column, overriding author-specified formatting of columns, tables, and positioning. (Level AA)
AWK: what do we mean by block of text? What if a page has 3 columns?
<ScottM> The columns should reflow logically
<allanj> ja: what is "block of text"
<allanj> awk: wcag - more than 1 sentence
<Wayne> Note: Blocks of text consider text. Div, regions, ...
AWK: If there is an assumption of linearizing columns this makes more sense
<allanj> +1 to linearize
WD: Should be talking about setting a global em size?
SLH: perhaps that this is achievable by changing window size
WD: In HTML/CSS terms a person may want a maximum number of characters on a line (ems)
SLH: so do we want to specify that 3.2.3 can be met by linearizing and resizing the window, or by using CSS to set maximum widths?
<shawn> ACTION: Shawn in User Need doc, edit 3.2.3 Line Length to address issues from 4 May 2016 telecon [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-53 - In user need doc, edit 3.2.3 line length to address issues from 4 may 2016 telecon [on Shawn Henry - due 2016-05-11].
<JohnRochford> Gotta go folks
AWK: is 3.2.3 necessarily linked to linearization of columns?
<Wayne> AWK: Line length in the context of multi column pages may not be requied, but line lentht make sense in the context of leniarized with one column.
There is a definite gap relative to 1.4.8
Nothing in WCAG for this
<ScottM> You are either going to have to hyphenate or at worst horizontal scrolling
trackbot, end meeting
This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.144 of Date: 2015/11/17 08:39:34 Check for newer version at Guessing input format: RRSAgent_Text_Format (score 1.00) Succeeded: s/Hey, on Ira again as I am in a noisy place/Hey, on IRC again as I am in a noisy place/ Succeeded: s/Irc rather// Found Scribe: AWK Inferring ScribeNick: AWK Default Present: shawn, jim, ScottM, AWK, JohnRochford, Wayne, Laura WARNING: Replacing previous Present list. (Old list: (no, one), shawn, jim, ScottM, AWK, JohnRochford, Wayne, Laura) Use 'Present+ ... ' if you meant to add people without replacing the list, such as: <dbooth> Present+ shawn, jim, ScottM, AWK, JohnRochford, Wayne, Laura Present: shawn jim ScottM AWK JohnRochford Wayne Laura Found Date: 04 May 2016 Guessing minutes URL: People with action items: shawn WARNING: Input appears to use implicit continuation lines. You may need the "-implicitContinuations" option.[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]